So excited my book was featured by @Barbara Krasner on her @thewholemegillah blog:
#Jewdiverse #HolocaustRemembrance
#GenerationalTrauma #holocaustremembrance #jewdiverse
Tomorrow is publication day for The Silk Factory: Finding Threads of My Family's True Holocaust Story. Which also means ... today is the last day you can take advantage of my publisher's generous pre-ordering discount.
#HolocaustRemembrance #generationaltrauma
#GenerationalTrauma #holocaustremembrance
I wrote this post about one aspect of my forthcoming memoir, The Silk Factory.
It's odd the things people don't talk about. #HolocaustRemembrance #generationaltrauma @serge @auschwitzmuseum
#GenerationalTrauma #holocaustremembrance
A year ago I visited my home town for a friend's wedding. I used the time there to attempt to reconnect with my mother whom I had estranged myself from (she is abusive but doesn't understand her abusive behaviour, her parents did the same thing to her and that is her excuse).
I didn't have the tools I have now. I understand what I was trying to attempt was futile for where I was at.
Whilst I was there I drew this. At the time it felt like a skull in some sort of gazebo but now I see it for what it was.
It was a cage and I was trapped.
The work I do, it's deconstructing that cage. What happens after that I am nervous about.
Yet I'm also excited, I don't know a world where I am uncaged. I don't know a world where I'm mentally free.
#ArtistsOfMastodon #GenerationalTrauma #ActuallyAutstic #ArtTherapy #rainbow #queer #skullart
#ArtistsOfMastodon #GenerationalTrauma #actuallyautstic #arttherapy #rainbow #queer #skullart
Content warnings are great! So are content warnings for #food. But as someone actively trying to disengage with #DietCulture (not helped by #GenerationalTrauma associated with it), something that is really really really not helpful is when the #ContentWarning places a value on the food, ie “healthy food” or “unhealthy food”.
I am someone working very hard (with professionals!) to not place a judgement on the food that I eat, and seeing food pre-judged for me doesn’t help that. I want to see the food! But I want to see it *as* food, not as food that has already been deemed as good or bad for me.
#food #dietculture #GenerationalTrauma #contentwarning
Having a weird night😬 slept well for like 5 hours, had to pee, went to bed again, came to think of therapy & my session later today & wondering how it works for diffuse memories/lack of memories. so obviously my brain starts bombarding me with memories from the most recent traumatic event from 1-2 years ago + gaslighting/invalidating session from Mom&dad afterwards... 🫠#insomnia #childhoodTrauma #BrainsAreWeird #GenerationalTrauma
#GenerationalTrauma #BrainsAreWeird #childhoodtrauma #insomnia
"The artificial bickering family (pseudohostile) ... "
I feel seen. It's taken me ⭐⭐ years to figure out, at least somewhat, my own family dynamics and to fully grasp that my little grandma is at the core of all of it presently*. The more I learn about ancient #Quaker and family history the more I understand the dark snowball of #GenerationalTrauma and the less anger I feel.
#narcissism #CPTSD #DysfunctionJuction
#dysfunctionjuction #cptsd #narcissism #GenerationalTrauma #quaker
On the way to school this morning, like every school day, we listened to NPR and discussed things, important things, today we talked about the Holocaust and Tyre Nichols. Two subjects that are both the same and very different, far away yet close, the past and the present. Generational trauma. Repression. State violence. Hate. Foolish of me to think it’s not here, too.
#Holocaust #TyreNichols #GenerationalTrauma #Repression #StateViolence #Hate
#hate #stateviolence #repression #GenerationalTrauma #tyrenichols #holocaust
Hello I have left Twitter and now on Mastodon. I’m an award winning fiction writer of thrillers and suspense novels. I use imaginative story telling to entertain and to raise awareness around mental health and generational trauma. #TwitterMigration #headcase #MentalHealthStigma #generationaltrauma #writersofmastodon #itsokaytonotbeokay
#itsokaytonotbeokay #writersofmastodon #GenerationalTrauma #mentalhealthstigma #headcase #twittermigration
Not sure if the blame should be put on our whole generation.
Many of us did mask, vax & isolate.
The ones who should be very ashamed are the ones who fell for the massive anti-vax psyop and the ones who promoted & grifted off it.
Not sure if they're narcissistic, low IQ/EQ or traumatised people who let their inner teenager rule their ego/emotions.
Anyway children shouldn't cary the #generationaltrauma nor shame from their parents. It's not their fault.
RT @MattBrevner
The war measures act was used to put my Japanese Canadian grandparents into concentration camps. #GenerationalTrauma