Thinking about dropping stickers at the GenericMappingTools (GMT) lecture, and then rushing to the Cryo oral session. Also a few other random posters I might visit
- C15B - Community Tools and Products for Cryosphere Discovery and Application II Oral
- IN15A-01 - The Generic Mapping Tools and Animations for the Masses
#agu22 #cryosphere #GenericMappingTools
Woohoo, got some #stickers and #swag from #GenericMappingTools (#GMT)! Gonna bring some to #AGU22 in Chicago this December to share with #PyGMT users (or anyone really) π. Leave me a message below ππ»if you want some!
#stickers #swag #GenericMappingTools #gmt #agu22 #pygmt #opensource #cartography #GeoProcessing