🌞 Summer means sampling season for many members of #ERGA & @BioGenEurope !
The #genome of Rhagades pruni will aid in tracking habitat fragmentation's impact on #GeneticDiversity and #PopulationStructure. Vital for its conservation across Europe
📷 Jaakko Pohjoismäki @UniEastFinland
#ERGA #genome #GeneticDiversity #PopulationStructure
@oliver Es wird seit Jahrzehnten die Bananenapokalypse (Akopalütze?) angekündigt. Wenn das ganze mal den Bach runtergeht, dann nicht weil wir keine pseudokontrollierbare Gentechnik verwenden sondern weltweit auf eine einzige Sorte (Cavendish) setzen.
Bitte nicht unreflektiert Gentech Propaganda vertröten 🙏
💚 #GeneticDiversity 💚
April is #CitizenScienceMonth!
A good opportunity to acknowledge our CS committee's efforts to connect the world of #reference #genomes with their important applications to #citizens and #society
Curious to learn more about the #ERGA #CitizenScience activities? 💡 Learn more: http://bit.ly/3UUSvLS
One of the committee's goals is to gather insights on #citizen perception of #genomics and the importance of #geneticdiversity
Can you help us answer this question?👉 http://bit.ly/3LkB97O
#citizensciencemonth #reference #genomes #citizens #society #ERGA #citizenscience #Citizen #Genomics #GeneticDiversity
More than a curiosity, the genetic minutiae of the sand lance are surprisingly important. The slender forage fish are a cornerstone of ocean ecosystems and just about everything eats them, including 72 species of fishes, birds, and mammals.
#SandLance #Diversity #Genetics #GeneticDiversity #Fish #Ocean #Canada #ScotiaShelf #Greenland #NewJersey
#sandlance #diversity #genetics #GeneticDiversity #fish #ocean #canada #scotiashelf #Greenland #newjersey
We’re headed to #AGBTAg23 in San Antonio, Texas from 27-29 March. What we bring to the table: our #machinelearning technology #xSeedScore for more breeding efficiency and genetic gain for today’s and future climates. Let's connect at AGBT Ag! 🤗
#predictivebreeding #geneticdiversity #betteryield #agrifood #foodsecurity #climatechange
#climatechange #foodsecurity #agrifood #betteryield #GeneticDiversity #predictivebreeding #xseedscore #machinelearning #agbtag23
Computomics is proud to be part of the project exploring the #geneticdiversity of landraces for improved maize breeding 🌽Building on the previous project phases, we are working with academic and industry partners within the #BMBF-funded #MAZE3 grant 👉https://bit.ly/3JrsuAa
#maze3 #bmbf #GeneticDiversity
Some #FoodForThought from the #researchpaper linked above💡💡💡
“Importantly, in my view, the term ‘genetically similar to’ also helps to avoid the assumption of homogeneity within labels; ‘similar to’ does not imply ‘same as’. Similarity-based sample descriptors also move us some way to acknowledging the continuous nature of #geneticvariation across #humangroups in our sample descriptions. I am more genetically similar to some samples than I am to others, but that does not imply that there are natural groupings. Nor do similarity-based labels imply how I, as an individual, might choose to identify or what distribution of environments I might experience. For example, a person may be genetically similar to 1000 #Genomes samples labeled Southern Asian, yet in itself this similarity does not identify them as Southern Asian, whereas stating that a person has ‘Southern Asian #geneticancestry ’ comes much closer to making that linkage in people’s minds.
Working out the #genealogicalhistory of individuals and of groups of people from around the world is a fascinating area of research, but it should not be the day job of the majority of researchers in the field of #humangenetics , who instead need accurate sample descriptors of current day #geneticdiversity that aid clear communication.”
Adding colour to #discourse with this screenshot attachment and link. Extraordinary future ahead in the field of human genetics and #humanidentity, in general. #TheLancet #AmbroiseWonkam #johnhopkinsuniversity #schoolofmedicine #geneticvariation #geneticmedicine #MckusickNathansInstituteofGeneticMedicine
#1000genomesproject #GhanaianGenome #OforiAcquah #geneticcounselling #yemaachibiotech #yemaachi #genomicdataset #Sicklecelldisease #malaria
#SarsCoV2 #researchgate
#geneticdata #geneticdisease #ethnicity #populationdescriptors #racialmakeup #racialclassification #ethnicclassification #nationalacademiesofsciencesengineeringand #biomedicalresearch #rx #med #ethnicorigins #dei #biodiversity #bloodbank #organdonor #geneticlandscapes #socialdeterminantsofhealth #clinicalgenetics #therapeutics #diagnostics #treatments #ancientdna #genealogy #nondarwinian #demography #demographics #polygenics #nationalinstitutesofhealth #nih #medicine #geneticancestor #humangenetics #biomedicine #biomed #racialidentity #ancestralidentity #culturalidentity #crt #criticalracetheory #anthropology #biobank #23andme #familytree #familyheritage #ancestralheritage #commonancestor #biomedical #populationbiology #geobiologie #geobiology #geneticmapping #blooddonor #blooddonation #populationhealth #admixedancestry #phenotype #phenotypingdata #phenotypedata #americanjournalofhumangenetics
#foodforthought #researchpaper #geneticvariation #humangroups #genomes #geneticancestry #genealogicalhistory #humangenetics #GeneticDiversity #discourse #humanidentity #thelancet #ambroisewonkam #johnhopkinsuniversity #schoolofmedicine #geneticmedicine #mckusicknathansinstituteofgeneticmedicine #africangenomevariationproject #1000genomesproject #ghanaiangenome #oforiacquah #geneticcounselling #yemaachibiotech #yemaachi #genomicdataset #Sicklecelldisease #malaria #SarsCoV2 #researchgate #geneticdata #geneticdisease #ethnicity #populationdescriptors #racialmakeup #racialclassification #ethnicclassification #nationalacademiesofsciencesengineeringand #biomedicalresearch #rx #med #ethnicorigins #dei #biodiversity #bloodbank #organdonor #geneticlandscapes #socialdeterminantsofhealth #clinicalgenetics #therapeutics #diagnostics #Treatments #AncientDNA #genealogy #nondarwinian #demography #demographics #polygenics #nationalinstitutesofhealth #nih #medicine #geneticancestor #biomedicine #biomed #RacialIdentity #ancestralidentity #culturalidentity #crt #criticalracetheory #anthropology #biobank #23andme #familytree #familyheritage #ancestralheritage #commonancestor #biomedical #populationbiology #geobiologie #geobiology #geneticmapping #blooddonor #blooddonation #populationhealth #admixedancestry #phenotype #phenotypingdata #phenotypedata #americanjournalofhumangenetics
Together with colleagues from the #GBiKE network funded through #EUCOST, we have analyzed the application of genomic tools for #conservation and management of #biodiversity and #ecosystemservices. Our findings and advice on how #geneticdiversity information can be used more effectively to manage nature #sustainably are summarized in a review article published in #BiologicalConservation: https://authors.elsevier.com/c/1gMma1R~eOyc8 [🧵1/4]
#gbike #eucost #conservation #biodiversity #ecosystemservices #GeneticDiversity #sustainably #biologicalconservation
Just changed over from mas.to, so time for #introduction. I am a #biologist interested in #evolution and #conservation using population and speciation genomic tools. Currently, I’m in Switzerland @unibasel, funded through a @MSCActions fellowship, studying determinants of #geneticdiversity with a focus on #lifehistorytraits and #mutationrates.
#introduction #biologist #Evolution #conservation #GeneticDiversity #lifehistorytraits #MutationRates
Reflecting on 2022 & sharing my science highlights. In a difficult year I was really happy to see these papers published:
Bringing together approaches to reporting on within species genetic diversity
Global genetic diversity status and trends: towards a suite of Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) for genetic composition
#ConservationGenetics #GeneticDiversity
Almost there!
#geneticdiversity session in 30 min Room 511ad
At @UNBiodiversity #COP15, full of hope that solid #geneticdiversity targets will be discussed and agreed
Checking the @UNBiodiversity Aichi Target tool, in my naive interpretation, it looks like richer countries like US and EU have lagged behind in the #geneticdiversity 2010-2020 targets compared to many other countries with higher diversity
At #cop15 @UNBiodiversity, hearing about the post-2020 global biodiversity framework, including #geneticdiversity
There is an overwhelming amount of material, so I am putting relevant background, links, and resources on our web:
Early flight this morning from San Francisco Airport heading to Montreal for @UN @UNBiodiversity convention of parties #COP15 first day
#cop15 #GeneticDiversity #sustainabledevelopment
PhD student to work on projects linking population #GeneticDiversity and #macroecology to explain and predict #insect diversity in a changing world
#job #phd #ecology #GeneticDiversity #macroecology #insect #montreal #canada
Lesley Lancaster and @bugEcology
are looking for a #PhD student to work on projects linking population #geneticdiversity and #macroecology to explain and predict insect diversity in a changing world
Application info here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tV7pMmiuWBTjLwJfT6Vw1nuH2I0szNUK/view?usp=sharing
Lancaster Lab: https://lancasterlab.weebly.com/people.html
Lessard lab: http://jeanphilippelessard.com/
Please share widely
#phd #GeneticDiversity #macroecology
RT @bugEcology@twitter.com
PhD position
@Lancaster_LT@twitter.com and @bugEcology@twitter.com are looking for a #PhD student to work on projects linking population #geneticdiversity and #macroecology to explain and predict insect diversity in a changing world
Plz RT
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/bugEcology/status/1598352157987725313
#phd #GeneticDiversity #macroecology
#EcologyMetz2022 Thanks to Jordi Cortina Segarra for presenting the ambitious goals, societal importance and challenges of #EcologicalRestoration.
Good to hear that #GeneticDiversity is also somewhere in the map! You always stumble on something if you dig into it. We stumbled on a hotspot of hybridization. More on this in my talk this afternoon in room 1!
#ecologymetz2022 #ecologicalrestoration #GeneticDiversity