A quotation from Joubert, Joseph:
Genius begins great works; but labour alone finishes them.
[Le génie commence les beaux ouvrages, mais le travail seul les achève.]
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#quote #quotes #quotation #creativity #effort #followthrough #genius #inspiration #labor #work #writing
#quote #quotes #quotation #creativity #effort #followthrough #Genius #inspiration #labor #work #writing
Whoever thought to invent @Flipboard is a freaking #Genius !!!! It had to be said !!!!!
A quotation from Schopenhauer, Arthur:
Talent is able to achieve what is beyond other people’s capacity to achieve, yet not what is beyond their capacity of apprehension; therefore it at once finds its appreciators. The achievement of genius, on the other hand, transcends not only others’ capacity of achievement, but also their capacity of apprehension…
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#quote #quotes #quotation #awareness #Genius #talent
After furious train trip jam with my smartphone's free-to-play (sic) keyboard app, I managed to compose... two triads. Meet me, the musical #genius! #composing #music #NotAGenius
#Genius #composing #music #notagenius
Brilliant idea: An artist who will paint a still life featuring the ingredients in your favorite recipe.
We spent way too much time equating lying and having no integrity with "genius."
Also equating being a good salesman with being a "genius."
I'm not sure genius exists except for a temporary crown placed on some people's heads.
#brilliant #nuts #original #dumb #smart #stupid #Genius #idiot #revelations #ravings
A quotation from Schopenhauer, Arthur:
Great minds are related to the short span of time wherein they live as are large buildings to the narrow plot of ground on which they stand. Thus large buildings are not seen to their full extent because we are too close to them.
[Zu der kurzen Spanne Zeit, in der sie leben, verhalten sich die gro…
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#quote #quotes #quotation #distance #genius #greatness #history
#quote #quotes #quotation #distance #Genius #greatness #history
Case in point: Make a transcript of this #MariaBamford bit and it's not remotely #funny. Hear her delivery, though, and watch the facial expression as her coworker's rusty, corroded mental gears crank out an idea, and you're in #comedy heaven.
#mariabamford #funny #comedy #Genius
"Is slovenliness an index of genius?" My OpEd for
@latimes about shabby dressing and the #gendered perception of #genius – prompted by #crypto-dude #SamBankmanFried following in a long line of famously #shambolic male intellects. We won't have a level playing field in STEM until everyone is held to the same sartorial standards.
#gendered #Genius #crypto #sambankmanfried #shambolic