Central Africa ex-rebel leader charged with crimes against humanity https://www.euractiv.com/section/global-europe/news/central-africa-ex-rebel-leader-charged-with-crimes-against-humanity/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #antiBalaka #CentralAfricanRepublic #genocide #Seleka #UnitedNations
#antibalaka #centralafricanrepublic #Genocide #seleka #unitednations
US envoy visits Chad border with Sudan, vows to respond to atrocities https://www.euractiv.com/section/global-europe/news/us-envoy-visits-chad-border-with-sudan-vows-to-respond-to-atrocities/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Chad #Darfur #ethnicviolence #genocide #humanitariandisaster
#Chad #darfur #ethnicviolence #Genocide #humanitariandisaster
content warning pour le prochain toot #guerre #génocide #violence #ViolencedEtat
#guerre #Genocide #violence #violencedetat
La consommation de cadavre c'est donc l'aboutissement d'un #génocide industriel, d'un zoocide.
Comment on peut se battre pour la préservation des écosystèmes, de la biodiversité tout en laissant des bourreaux envoyer dans les camps de la mort des animaux non-humains innocents ?
Comment se dire ecolo et participer de près ou de loin à se massacre par le biais de son propre spécisme ? ⬇️
RT Vartan P. Vartanian #StopArtsakhBlockade
Re @THEOCHAROUSE As a result of shutting the #latchin_corridor, the same Azeri criminal is currently starving 120,000 Armenians, committing a new #genocide. Armenians have run out of time and are likely to perish from hunger and a lack of medical care. Act immediately; do not delay! 2/2
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Vartan_P_V/status/1689860620013670401
#StopArtsakhBlockade #latchin_corridor #Genocide
RT Lily | #RecognizeArtsakh
An Armenian mother living in blockaded #Artsakh tells how her kids (including two disabled) go to bed hungry.
Over 30,000 children are subjected to starvation because of Azerbaijan's #genocide against Armenians.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Lily__Ray/status/1689633454848176133
#RecognizeArtsakh #Artsakh #Genocide #StopArmenianGenocide2023
The erasure of the pandemic and its victims is part of an ongoing war by the very rich on...everybody else. Including you. Get it yet? We're fucked until you do. #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #LongCOVID #Genocide #ClimateEmergency
#CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #LongCOVID #Genocide #ClimateEmergency
RT Enhedslisten.EU
Never again shall the international community turn a blind eye on mass murder, ethnic cleansing and #genocide.
These were parts of @nvillumsen's words at the EU-Parliament commemoration of #Srebrenica
#NeverForgetSrebrenica #EPlenary https://t.co/pdW1yqEojm
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EnhedslistenEU/status/1678725169429323776
#Genocide #Srebrenica #NeverForgetSrebrenica #EPlenary
Today in the #EuropeanParliament we commemorated those horrible events that started 28 years ago today.
Events that should by all be recognised as what they were: #genocide
I had the honour of speaking on behalf of the @Left_EU group, this was my speech.
#NeverForgetSrebrenica https://t.co/fcpKWKPfiY
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/nvillumsen/status/1678795788678316032
#EuropeanParliament #Genocide #NeverForgetSrebrenica
Today we remember #Srebrenica! The #genocide which unmasked #Yugoslavia as a project. The victims were massacred and the world did nothing to protect them. To this day, #Serbia refuses to recognize the massacre as a genocide and some chauvinistic groups even glorify Srebrenica.… https://n.respublicae.eu/i/web/status/1678728945716396032 https://t.co/STpk5oY4ZX
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/djambazki/status/1678728945716396032
#Srebrenica #Genocide #yugoslavia #Serbia
RT Andreas Demetriou
The situation in #NagornoKarabakh is deeply alarming. The threat of ethnic cleansing and genocide should never be ignored. It's crucial for the world order to stand up for humanity, acknowledge the issue, and take effective measures to prevent such atrocities. #HumanRights… https://n.respublicae.eu/i/web/status/1677964576099385344
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Tigran Mkrtchyan: ❗"People living in #NagornoKarabakh are facing a threat of real ethnic cleansing,a real #Genocide. If the world order...is based on the values,then humanity has a chance.First of all, acknowledge, secondly, make better efforts to prevent it." Read more 👇 @CyprusMFA @GreeceMFA https://n.respublicae.eu/MFAofArmenia/status/1677764341536370688
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Europhil2000/status/1677964576099385344
#NagornoKarabakh #humanrights #Genocide
Genocide prevention is an integral part of the EU's policy. Shockingly, 75 yrs after the adoption of the #Genocide Convention the risk of new genocides exist. We thank @WairimuANderitu for her presentation at #HRC53 to #PreventGenocide.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_UNGeneva/status/1676220332078759937
#Genocide #HRC53 #preventgenocide
El Genocidio de Bleiburg en las fosas kársticas a manos de tropas comunistas de Tito fue la matanza de prisioneros anticomunistas croatas, eslovenos y bosnios con sus familias, entregados por los británicos a Tito y al Ejército Rojo. Unos 75.000, según las estimaciones más…
RT @Bleiburg1: #Genocide at Kočevski Rog #Slovenia May-June 1945. Victims stripped of everything on them. Some had their dentures broken to get to their gold teeth. The horror of the abyss is …
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/hermanntertsch/status/1667819620747685888
International Conference:
„The Crime of Genocide in International Law and in the Work of the European Parliament”
#genocide #ECR
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/D_Tarczynski/status/1666788667459788800
Russia blowing up the 🇺🇦#NovaKakhovka dam is another act of terrorism.
It endangers 100.000s & does irreparable damage to the environment. Russia continues #Genocide of Ukrainians & #Ecocide of their country. Terrorist acts only make us more resolute to further support #Ukraine.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ViolavonCramon/status/1665996288175816706
#NovaKakhovka #Genocide #ecocide #Ukraine
We stand by Ukraine as it faces continued vicious escalation by Russia.
The ecological consequences of Russia’s deliberate destruction of #Kakhovka dam will be immense.
The EU must do all it can to protect Ukraine from further acts of ecocide & support the people affected.
RT @violavoncramon: Russia blowing up the 🇺🇦#NovaKakhovka dam is another act of terrorism.
It endangers 100.000s & does irreparable damage to the environment. Russia continues #Genocide of Ukr…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/GreensEFA/status/1666087919462019074
#Kakhovka #NovaKakhovka #Genocide
RT @violavoncramon: Russia blowing up the 🇺🇦#NovaKakhovka dam is another act of terrorism.
It endangers 100.000s & does irreparable damage to the environment. Russia continues #Genocide of Ukrainians & #Ecocide of their country. Terrorist acts only make us more resolute to further support #Ukraine. https://t.co/SfT4KRLMjh
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/GreensEFA/status/1666050341408743426
#NovaKakhovka #Genocide #ecocide #Ukraine
#Pfizer #génocide
Martine Gardénal, ancien médecin de l’équipe olympique : « Il y a une perte de puissance de 40 % chez les sportifs vaccinés »
“These are extremely disturbing findings,” said Volker Türk, the #UN high commissioner for human rights. “Summary executions, rape and torture during armed conflict amount to #WarCrimes and could, depending on the circumstances, amount to crimes against humanity.”
#RussiaIsATerroristState #ArrestPutin #russia #RussianWarCrimes #fascism #genocide #war
#UN #warcrimes #russiaisaterroriststate #arrestputin #russia #RussianWarCrimes #fascism #Genocide #war