The government of #France 🇫🇷 recognises the importance of & supports the application of #genomics to help understand, study, & preserve #biodiversity, launching ATLASea with €41.3 million to sequence the #genomes of 4'500 marine species over 8 years
#france #Genomics #biodiversity #genomes
Hamsters are just too cute. Spend one minute learning how #Biodiversity #Genomics #Europe @erga_biodiv partners are addressing the decline of #hamster populations in the #Hungarian eastern #Pannonian region:
#biodiversity #Genomics #europe #hamster #hungarian #pannonian
#Biodiversity #Genomics #Europe is scaling up the use of #genomics to enhance understanding of #biodiversity and guide interventions to address the #BiodiversityCrisis. 📢
More info:
#biodiversity #Genomics #europe #biodiversitycrisis
An #ERC funded PhD position is open in the University of Montpellier. If you want to work on #ants, weird reproductive systems, #bioinformatics and population #genomics, apply here (deadline in 1 week):
#erc #ants #bioinformatics #Genomics
Now published in Peer Community Journal, #genomics section: Efficient k-mer based curation of raw sequence data: application in #Drosophilasuzukii
Biology & #Genomics of Social #Insects March 25 - 28, 2024
One locus of mtDNA grows to
Several loci of nuclear DNA grows to
A thousand SNPs from microarray to
Millions of SNPs from WGS to
Structural variation from long read sequencing to
Need to sequence to reference quality level all individuals for pan genome reference...
Studying #genomics and #genetics for #biodiversity #conservation somehow made me think that we should not try to prioritise one thing above another but to save all of them. I mean, each variant matters!
#Genomics #genetics #biodiversity #conservation
Ars Technica: Surprise! Ötzi the Iceman was bald and had darker skin than presumed #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #Evolutionaryanthropology #forensicanthropology #ÖtzitheIceman #Archaeology #Genomics #Science #Biology
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #evolutionaryanthropology #forensicanthropology #otzitheiceman #archaeology #Genomics #science #biology
Caught in the act: presenting on Harpy/haplotagging linked reads. See the poster for all the info!
#poster #conference #dev #Genomics #bioinformatics
#WorldMosquitoDay Accumulating #genomics #data offer new opportunities for integrative multispecies analyses, but how can we effectively cointerrogate function and #evolution, and truly become better at meta?
#worldmosquitoday #Genomics #data #Evolution
@jobsecoevo - Job ad: Full Time Teaching Prof Boston USA
My department is hiring! #Job #Boston #USA #Northeastern
Full time Assistant / Associate #Teaching Professor. We seek broadly trained candidates with expertise in #biostatistics, teaching in #Rstats, experimental design and implementation. Areas of research focus could draw from #evolution, #genomics, sustainability sciences, conservation biology
#job #boston #usa #Northeastern #teaching #biostatistics #rstats #Evolution #Genomics
- Job ad: Full Time Teaching Prof Boston USA
My department is hiring! #Job #Boston #USA #Northeastern
Full time Assistant / Associate #Teaching Professor. We seek broadly trained candidates with expertise in #biostatistics, teaching in #Rstats, experimental design and implementation. Areas of research focus could draw from #evolution, #genomics, sustainability sciences, conservation biology
Please boost!
#job #boston #usa #Northeastern #teaching #biostatistics #rstats #Evolution #Genomics
Paper in Science Advances using #genomics to track genetic variation of Porites #corals and symbionts during a #heatwave shows how the heatwave differentially affects the three main Porites cryptic lineages found and disrupts associations with symbiont lineages
Another day of working on Harpy and the first task is "user-proofing" the CLI. I know it's a little extra, but I can't stress how much compassion Harpy is developed with. I *want* to catch your errors early and I *want* you to know exactly where they are and how to fix them before rerunning.
#bioinformatics #dev #PopGen #Genomics
The #Biodiversity #Genomics #Academy 2023 is now open for registrations at: @BGAcademy23
#biodiversity #Genomics #academy
🚨 DEADLINE for #BG23 abstracts: August 3 🚨
Submit here👇
For #Biodiversity #Genomics #Europe day -Oct 2nd- at #BG23 we want to hear how you're using reference #genomes in applications to understand & characterise biodiversity #Conservation #BioEconomy #OneHealth
On the abstract submission page please select ‘yes’ in response to the prompt "Are you specifically interested in presenting your work at the Biodiversity Genomics Europe (BGE) sessions on October 2nd?"
#bg23 #biodiversity #Genomics #europe #genomes #conservation #bioeconomy #OneHealth
Registration for #Biodiversity #Genomics 2023 is now open!
Join us on 2-6 October by following the link:
This link will allow you to:
· Register to attend (open until and throughout the event)
· Submit an abstract proposing a short talk for the event. Deadline: August 3
For the fourth year running, BG23 will be free and open to all. Every session will again be online, keep an eye out for more details soon.