Queer Lit Cats · @QLC
356 followers · 12649 posts · Server mastodon.roitsystems.ca
TheTranarchist · @TheTranarchist
65 followers · 44 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Just published a article on the , AKA . An organization with a name that screams double-speak and a tale of , , and astro-turfing and culture warring.


So who are these guys? Simply put, a crew of and / conservative intellectuals (think and the ) who helped push the panic into the American mainstream by aiding legal battles and infiltrating school boards across the country. They lobbied against any halfway honest accounting with America's racist history anywhere they found it, from just teaching about it to addressing it through equity programs, eventually starting the same in Canada. , who has been credited with single-handedly launching the CRT panic in the US, is naturally a board member. For salt on the wound, they highlighted opposition to a debt relief program for black farmers as a "profile in courage", which with the barest knowledge of American history should tell you all you need to know.

They're also incredibly transphobic, which is how I found out about them originally. I mean, is a board member ffs. They started out defending the supposed "right" of students to misgender their trans classmates, now they routinely partner up with to push




I wrote the article because I'd been meaning to for a while, and recently I saw @tsn calling on them to cancel an upcoming pro-conversion therapy event with SEGM and Genspect. No dig at TSN, love the work they do, I wanted to clear up for the record that FAIR have been transphobic and racist from the start; that it's not an honest mistake on FAIR's part but another just support for another wing of the same astroturfed conservative campaign network.


Scratch a transphobe, a racist bleeds, and usually vice versa. We should all be fully aware that the same conservatives pushing racism are pushing transphobia. For some of us it's been obvious the whole time, others need a wake-up call. Either way, the details don't lie and people need to know their enemy to fight them. Same people, same tactics, same fight.

#wikipedia #foundationagainstintoleranceandracism #fair #racism #transphobia #rightwing #racist #transphobic #antitrans #quilette #kochbrothers #crt #christopherrufo #abigailshrier #Genspect #conversiontherapy

Last updated 2 years ago

TheTranarchist · @TheTranarchist
61 followers · 40 posts · Server kolektiva.social

I can't stop fucking cackling at the moment so a quick appreciation post:

First, to , AKA , AKA , the notorious activist

She just got big mad about her
article, which has encouraged numerous trolls to create accounts and try and flood the talk page: "The defamatory page about me on @Wikipedia
has been semi protected and cannot be edited. All edits in the history have been undone. The sad little incels are ensuring the lies remain."


I mean, literally nothing there is false but go off. Funny how an article can be filled with so many lies yet you and your cronies can't point out a single untrue statement... And only unverifiable edits like she and her cronies have made have been undone, others have raised no issue.

Should be noted, this is immediately following the addition to the article of what happened at her latest rally: a just flat out quoting Hitler (with attribution, to make it worse) to support why trans people shouldn't have rights.

Special shout out goes to PaddyKumar, a transphobic editor who was recently topic banned for their nonstop TERFy garbage, and was blocked for a week for evading the ban to post more garbage. Their first edit after being blocked? To add KJK's tweet to the wikipedia article (not considered a reliable source, to say the least). The edit was promptly reverted, and something tells me a fresh block is coming for once again shooting themselves in the foot

This is all too funny to me. So far, has complained about their article and KJK's complained about hers. Waiting for and the to drop complaints too lol

#posieparker #kelliejaykeen #kjk #antitrans #wikipedia #terf #Genspect #segm #iftcc

Last updated 2 years ago

TheTranarchist · @TheTranarchist
49 followers · 30 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Also, since my finals are done, I want to go over what my next article will be:

The Family Education Trust (FET), formerly known as Family and Youth Concern, formerly known as The Responsible Society (which was formed 1971).

A brief overview of these bastards: they've spent the last 5 decades campaigning against minors being able to access contraception, sex-ed in schools (which promotes amorality and homosexuality, obviously), and gay marriage. More recently drag shows, bans on conversion therapy (See @healthliberationnow and their article A New Era), and trans rights in general.

I thought the article wouldn't be that much work, but then the 5 decades bit comes in, so it's taking longer than expected to comb through the sources lol.

I learned about them since Genspect loves partnering with these bastards, and one of SEGM's advisors is a member.

This shouldn't be too surprising. Their tactics are remarkably similar. They've been calling societal acceptance of LGBT people an "ideology" spread by sex education, communists, and secular humanists for decades. These people literally tried to stop Gillick Competence from being passed in the first place (the law which allows those under 16 in the UK to access contraception/make their own medical decisions, and which Genspect and other transphobic orgs now oppose). They object to children being taught that gay people exist and it's ok to be gay (they now argue the same about trans people).

Like Genspect, the FET has ties to many Evangelical organizations spewing the same line, but they've historically tried to present themselves as merely concerned researchers and scientists approaching the issue secularly.

I can't wait to finish and drop the article, though the mainstream media has largely ignored their more recent anti-trans campaigning. Their name changes have also served to help sanitize their public image, so the article will cover all their actions, not just since the name change. I'll be sure to let y'all know when I publish.

#familyeducationtrust #Genspect #segm #societyforevidencebasedgendermedicine #transphobia #antitrans #antichoice #antisexed #sexeducation #homophobia #antilgbt #gillick

Last updated 2 years ago

TheTranarchist · @TheTranarchist
40 followers · 19 posts · Server kolektiva.social

This played out a few days ago while I was busy but it was hilarious so I'll share here. So many TERFs have complained about or tried to edit the Posie Parker article, but none have identified any actual issues or factual inaccuracies. When complaining, they seemed to pick the most badass screenshots from my user page as a gotcha. Then a bunch started begging the walking midlife crisis Elon Musk to buy Wikipedia...

One called me a "transactivist who's working on pushing loads of anti-woman stuff." I mean, that's ridiculous in general, but even if you do the mental gymnastics necessary to call the conversion therapy organizations SEGM and Genspect pro-woman (since they call themselves "gender-critical" and that's apparently the same thing), it's not like the IFTCC can be described as anything other than blatant conversion therapy advocates (should be noted that Wikipedia won't let me add the fact that SEGM and Genspect have worked with the IFTCC anyways)

I write every article with the same algorithm: systematically search through every source mentioning the topic and take extensive notes then draft and publish an article. More specifics are on my user page, but they seem to believe I'm spewing propaganda instead of just sticking to reliable sources like the sources themselves aren't critical of them when outside their echo chamber...

I guess, in short, facts don't care about their feelings lol




#wikipedia #posieparker #antitrans #terf #elonmusk #Genspect #segm #iftcc

Last updated 2 years ago

moby dickgirl · @estrapade
1543 followers · 1106 posts · Server kolektiva.social

An intermediary who I trust has just directed me to terfsupper.com/

The website consists of a single article describing an unpublicised 4 October 2022 gathering at the Naughtons Parkville Hotel in inner Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Its central allegation, which appears to be substantiated by images provided by the authors, is that attendees at the gathering consisted of influential Australian anti-trans activists including:

— Oliver "Ollie" Hassett né Davies, radicalised detrans activist affiliated (formerly?) with anti-trans hate group ;

— Genevieve Hassett, opponent of the "woke trans ideology," and Ollie's partner;

— Angie Jones, conspiracy theorist focused on Big Pharma and "rapid-onset gender dysphoria" (ROGD), host of TERF TALK DOWN UNDER;

— Jasmine Sussex, anti-trans microcelebrity, guest on TERF TALK DOWN UNDER;

— Jessica Williams, anti-trans writer affiliated with Single Sex Prisons WA;

— Rachael Wong, chief executive officer of Women's Forum Australia, an anti-abortion, anti-trans lobby group most of whose publicly named executives are closely linked to the Catholic Church;

and, perhaps more importantly, two senior officers of the Australian Greens Victoria (AGV):

— Linda Gale, a member of the AGV State Executive, who was previously Convenor de facto until her removal for having been illegitimately elected;

— Rohan Leppert, an AGV-endorsed member of the Melbourne City Council.

While Gale and Leppert have previously expressed views which either unambiguously are or could be reasonably interpreted as anti-trans, this is to my knowledge the first published allegation of anything on their part that ventures beyond the realm of simply hanging out with transphobic people and saying transphobic things, and into the realm of organised anti-trans conspiracy and collusion.

Most of the claims in the article are independently verifiable using information in the public domain. To the best of my ability to determine, they are indeed true. The article contains significant further sourcing and proposed actions; I strongly encourage making the time to read it.

#Genspect #auspol #AustralianGreensVictoria #catholicchurch #CityOfMelbourne #OllieDavies #LindaGale #GenevieveHassett #OllieHassett #AngieJones #RohanLeppert #rogd #SingleSexPrisonsWA #JasmineSussex #TheTERFSupper #TERFTalkDownUnder #VictorianGreens #JessicaWilliams #WomensForumAustralia

Last updated 2 years ago