@ThomasKnight Well, that wouldn't work that way as #Geoblocking won't free one from #NetzDG obligations.
@ThomasKnight well, #NetzDG says you need to delete shit and #geoblocking is insufficient.
I really hope they'll seize assets owned directly or indirectly by him in lieu of continueing to ever increase fines...
@jennzycos No!
Also #Torrenting is still more convenient amidst the fact that #BitTorrent doesn't do #Geoblocking!
#Geoblocking #bittorrent #torrenting
@Cosmix @amy your concern is valid.
The only winning move in terms of #GDPR is not to collect any data nor store and process it.
Otherwise one would've to pay $$$$ to spechalized lawyers just to check compliance.
Sadly #Geoblocking was allowed for that!
Needless to say anti-Pr0n / anti-Sw laws are inherent facist bs.
For Domains and DNS, I can recommend #ClouDNS which also offer #WHOIS #privacy wherever technically or legally possible.
#Privacy #whois #ClouDNS #Geoblocking #gdpr
@chbmeyer @kuketzblog Deshalb hatte ich nie Probleme mit #DNS - sondern nur damit dass mein #ISP mir kein #IPv6 anbietet und #HurricaneElectric's #GIF-Tunnel mislocated wird und dann #Geoblocking reinkickt!
#Geoblocking #GIF #hurricaneelectric #IPv6 #isp #DNS
EU-Geoblocking-Verordnung: Welche Vorteile haben Verbraucher?
Die Europäische Union (#EU) ist durch das Internet in gewisser Hinsicht näher zusammengerückt, da die #Verbraucher dank des weltweiten Netzes ihre Online-Einkäufe in nahezu jedem Land der Erde durchführen können. Bedingt durch den Umstand, dass innerhalb der EU nahezu ausnahmslos in Euro gezahlt wird, [...]
#Internetrecht #Verbraucherschutz #Geoblocking
Symbolfoto: stockwerk-fotodesign/Shutterstock.com
#EU #Verbraucher #internetrecht #verbraucherschutz #Geoblocking
@winterschon @KarlHeinzHasliP @mekkaokereke I know, and that's why a website falls under German laws if it caters to German customers [in doubt, German language is the deciding factor and/or offering Services to residents in Germany].
That's why #KiwiFarms - despite #geoblocking users from #Germany - won't get rid of #NetzDG & legal liabilities for #doxxing - nor do it's users from #Germany...
Otherwise it would be trivial to circumvent legal accountability.
#doxxing #netzdg #Germany #Geoblocking #kiwifarms
What in the actual heck is this? I thought we were over geoblocking music? Do I need to reactivate my BearShare account? #geoblocking #AppleMusic
@aendra You realize #GDPR only applies to #EU citizens & - residents with a legal adress within the EU?
Otherwise several non-compliant #Websites with shitty tackers would not call it a day by simply #geoblocking users from the EU and specifically #Germany...
Like #ClassAction-lawsuits and their results only apply to #US - #consumers and NOT commercial buyers or #customers from #overseas!
#overseas #customers #consumers #US #classaction #Germany #Geoblocking #websites #EU #gdpr
@fixedhalosix personally, I find that the #Contentmafia is shafting users way too hard with absurd bs like #Geoblocking...
Danke @ARD_Presse@twitter.com @DasErste@twitter.com für #Geoblocking in Erfurt, Deutschland.
Time to get rid of geoblocks: we need a more rational copyright approach recognising the global nature of the Internet, and the impossibility of enforcing copyright’s old analogue rules there - @glynmoody https://walledculture.org/top-eu-courts-advisor-points-out-that-geoblocks-can-be-easily-circumvented-time-to-get-rid-of-them/
#Geoblocking #VPNs #copyright
This week the Walled Culture blog covered how:
1️⃣ K-pop culture might get lost due to copyright
2️⃣ its time to get rid of geoblocking
- @glynmoody https://walledculture.org
#VPN #cjeu #Geoblocking #vlive #kpop #Copyright
VPNs are a fact of life but courts are only just starting to catch up with their legal implications - @glynmoody reflects on a recent opinion by EU Court of Justice Advocate General Szpunar on geoblocking
#VPN #Copyright #cjeu #Geoblocking
Top EU court’s advisor points out that geoblocks can be easily circumvented: time to get rid of them - @glynmoody - https://walledculture.org/top-eu-courts-advisor-points-out-that-geoblocks-can-be-easily-circumvented-time-to-get-rid-of-them/ #Geoblocking #CJEU #copyright #VPN
#VPN #Copyright #cjeu #Geoblocking