Maintenance check while walking the dog. Cleared some overgrown plants, but watch out because the nearby nettles ate still a little fierce (cache can be retrieved without a sting though!). Cache itself intact and healthy.
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#checkin #cachelog #dogs #Geocaching
What a great statue! Cache was very easy to find; despite its camo it was very visible as I walked along the adjacent path. Thanks for bringing me out of my way on my walk from my hotel to the conference I’m attending, and TFTC. Greetings from Oxfordshire, UK!
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#checkin #athens-2023 #cacheLog #geocaching #wordcamp #wordpress
#checkin #athens #cachelog #Geocaching #wordcamp #wordpress
QEF once I found the right hiding place! TFTC, and for the excuse to divert my morning walk this way. Greetings from Oxfordshire, UK!
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#checkin #athens-2023 #cacheLog #geocaching #wordcamp #wordpress
#checkin #athens #cachelog #Geocaching #wordcamp #wordpress
Walking from my hotel to the site of a conference I’m attending, this morning, I stopped to find this cache. It took an embarrassingly long time for me to spot this sneaky little container! Greetings from Oxford, UK, and TFTC!
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#checkin #athens-2023 #cacheLog #geocaching #wordcamp #wordpress
#checkin #athens #cachelog #Geocaching #wordcamp #wordpress
Saw the notification when this cache appeared near my house, which would normally be the point at which a race was kicked off between me and Go Catch for the FTF, before he inevitably got there first! But this time around I was overseas when the listing went live and only found time to cycle […]
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#checkin #cachelog #Geocaching
Well that was quite the adventure! The first wayoint is right across the road from where some work colleagues and I are staying for an “away week”. I decided to dash out during a break in the weather to try and solve this multi between meetings. But I was quickly confused because… this isn’t the […]
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#checkin #automattic #cacheLog #geocaching #memorable #travel #work
#checkin #automattic #cachelog #Geocaching #memorable #travel #work
Took until the fourth hiding place before I found the cache. Out for a walk with work colleagues on the way to dinner. Greetings from Oxfordshire, UK!
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#checkin #automattic #cachelog #Geocaching #travel #work
Easy find while out for a ride, breaking in my new bike. Great ride, aside from the mayflies, which I must’ve ingested about a million of! As others have observed, the logbook has soaked to the point of disintegration and could do with replacement. Thanks though for a cache I’ve probably driven, walked out cycled […]
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#checkin #cachelog #cycling #Geocaching
My GPSr dropped me next to a far older bit of architecture than the one that hosts the cache, but found after a short search. I’m staying nearby as part of a charity hackathon for a nonprofit I’m involved with, but came out for a walk and an explore while between other tasks. SL, TFTC.
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#checkin #cacheLog #geocaching #publishedOnGemini #threeRings
#checkin #cachelog #Geocaching #publishedongemini #threerings
The Jigidi jigsaw solver I wrote a year and a half ago stopped working, so I made another one (it's not as good).
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#article #debugging #geocaching #hacking #javascript #programming #publishedOnGemini #puzzles #video
#article #debugging #Geocaching #hacking #javascript #programming #publishedongemini #puzzles #video
Found with the elder geokid plus my mother and sister while on a layover in Preston to break up our journey from Aviemore to Oxford. We’re getting to visit quite a few some circles this half term, both old and new plus some old-but-restored, many of which have earthcache or virtual caches! Thanks for the […]
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#checkin #cachelog #Geocaching #memorable
Travelling down from Aviemore to Preston on a multi-stage journey back home to Oxfordshire, we stopped off at the visitor centre and took the tour of the wind farm. My 6 year old loves wind turbines and was really excited to see so many in one place and to get the opportunity to give one […]
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#checkin #cachelog #Geocaching
Ruth, the kids and I love a good stone circle. This one’s in better condition than the one nearest our house (for which I’m CO to the Virtual, GC88ZY9!). We chanced it and counted the stones twice but luckily got two different answers – phew! – before proceeding to Long Meg. Loved the original carvings […]
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#checkin #cachelog #Geocaching
An easy find for the geokids, Ruth and I while out on a walk with the geokids from Ruth’s father’s house in Reagill. SL, TNLN, TFTC.
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#checkin #cachelog #Geocaching
A quick find while exploring the city after spending a few days meeting work colleagues from around the globe. Greetings from Oxfordshire, UK! TFTC/DFDC!
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#checkin #automattic #cachelog #Geocaching
Saw the cache almost right away but had to stand around for a while pretending to read something on my phone while muggles passed by. SL, TFTC. Greetings from Oxfordshire, UK.
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#checkin #automattic #cachelog #Geocaching
The second spectacular cache I’ve found from this CO. Absolutely amazing. Coordinates got me close, but it was only when I started looking around that I spotted something that didn’t look quite right and found the cache. Amazing work, FP awarded.
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#checkin #automattic #cachelog #Geocaching #memorable
Superb cache, my favourite in Vienna so far. Love the design; I might try to make one like this back in Oxfordshire, UK upon my return! FP awarded. Coordinates put me exactly where I needed to be. Fortunately I had exactly what I needed to retrieve the cache: it’s something I always carry when I’m […]
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#checkin #automattic #cachelog #Geocaching #memorable
A quick and easy find while I stopped to tie my laces. TFTC, and greetings from Oxfordshire, UK!
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#checkin #automattic #cachelog #Geocaching
I’ve been in Vienna for a week to meet work colleagues, and today – our meetings at an end and still with a few hours before my plane leaves – I decided to come out and find some local geocaches. At the GZ there were lots of good hiding places so I reached over and […]
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#checkin #automattic #cachelog #Geocaching #memorable