OpenStreetMap Philippines, Geoladies PH, Mountaineering Federation of the Philippines, Incorporated (MFPI), and Bahaghari Maps are hosting a hiking-related mapathon, where we can learn about #OpenStreetMap and its trail applications.
Join us online for a trail mapathon on January 29, 2023 Sunday 1-5pm PHT, and learn about mapping trails in OpenStreetMap. Registration is free!
#trails #hiking #mountaineering #OSMPH #GeoladiesPH #MFPI #BahaghariMaps
#OpenStreetMap #trails #hiking #mountaineering #osmph #GeoladiesPH #mfpi #bahagharimaps
#GeoladiesPH, #MapPH & #KapeTayoCoffee invite you to a meetup/chikahan on Nov9, Sat 2-5PM at Think Cafe Ateneo! This will be a venue to meet fellow geoladies* & learn about their projects/advocacies, & establish a local network for women in the Geospatial community in the PH!
#GeoladiesPH #MapPH #KapeTayoCoffee