Jusqu'ici j'utilisais l'application #GeometricWeather ☀️ sur Android mais il semblerai qu'elle ne soit plus trop maintenue.
Il y a un fork* qui circule du nom de #BreezyWheater ⛅
Sur le dépôt IzzyOnDroid :
*désigne dans le jargon informatique, un nouveau logiciel créé à partir du code source d'un logiciel existant.
#GeometricWeather #breezywheater
One of my favourite Android weather apps has been forked!
Breezy Weather is a fork of Geometric Weather and it is just as good as I remember, if not better!
#WeatherApps #WeatherApp #BreezyWeather #GeometricWeather #Android #fdroid
#weatherapps #weatherapp #breezyweather #GeometricWeather #android #fdroid
راستی من بالاخره #اپ #اندروید دلخواهم رو برای دیدن پیشبینی وضع #هوا یافتم:
راضیام ازش. شبیهترین چیزه به رابط وب گوگل برای هوا، و حتی بهتر از اون. جدای از پیشبینی دما و بارش و آفتاب و... چیزی که داره و جای دیگه ندیدم، درجهٔ سالمبودن هوا (وجود آلایندهها و مواد آلرژیزا، به تفکیک) برای هر روزه.
و خب واضحه که انتخاب من فقط بین اپهای آزاد هست، و این یکی هم پروانهاش GPLv3 (ارواحنا فدا)ست 😀
#GeometricWeather #weatherapp #weatherforecast #هوا #اندروید #اپ
This is the #OpenSource #Android weather app I like the most: The @iode fork of #GeometricWeather.
IMHO it is the only open-source app without trackers that has a professional look&feel.
You can select the weather provider of your choice (currently #OpenWeather, #AccuWeather, and #MeteoFrance). I hope they will include the German #DWD in the future as well.
#dwd #meteofrance #accuweather #Openweather #GeometricWeather #android #opensource
Monatelang dachte ich die App sei fehlerhaft, jetzt weiß ich es gehört so. 🙄 #GeometricWeather
Monatelang dachte ich die App sei kaputt, jetzt weiß ich es gehört so. #GeometricWeather
Ist die Entwicklung von Geometric Weather eingestellt worden? #GeometricWeather
I keep coming back to this #wallpaper
I guess it's #screenshotsaturday right?
Rocking #Arcticons, #GeometricWeather and #NovaLauncher as always...
#wallpaper #screenshotsaturday #arcticons #GeometricWeather #novalauncher
Oui pour un service public, c'est scandaleux. Je le leur ai écrit il y a quelques années. C'est encore pire aujourd'hui.
J'ai fini par désinstaller l'appli #MeteoFrance, pour me servir de #GeometricWeather qui diffuse les prévisions officielles... sans traceurs ni publicités 👍
#meteofrance #GeometricWeather
Are there any #opensource #weather apps for #Android that use data from the #MetOffice API? It would be amazing if someone could add it as a provider to #GeometricWeather https://github.com/WangDaYeeeeee/GeometricWeather/issues/360
#opensource #weather #android #metoffice #GeometricWeather
Dialer app: AOSP
Gallery: AOSP
Camera: AOSP
Email: #Fairmail
Launcher: AOSP
Weather: #GeometricWeather
Mastodon: #Mastodon
YouTube: #NewPipe
Browser: #Mull
Music: AOSP Local #bandcamp and FLAC files, and #InnerTune
Media: #MPV -Android
Keyboard: AOSP
My ROM and Phone info/ specs here: https://midtsveen.github.io/setup.html
#foss #opensource #androidopensourceproject #aosp #android #floss #freesoftware
#freesoftware #floss #android #aosp #androidopensourceproject #opensource #foss #mpv #InnerTune #bandcamp #mull #newpipe #mastodon #GeometricWeather #fairmail
**Geometric Weather** ☀️
A lightweight, powerful, open-source Material Design weather app
Geometric Weather is a light and powerful weather app that provides you with real-time temperature, air quality, 15-days weather forecast, and accurate time-sharing trends.
<u> Features: </u>
• Beautiful Material Design Interface
• Global Weather Data
• Automatic Dark Mode
• 15 Days And 24 Hours Overview data
• Severe weather and precipitation alerts
• Large selection of home screen widgets for at-a-glance information
• Weather Notification And Forecast
• Alert Information
• Supported weather providers:AccuWeather,OpenWeather,Météo France
• Multiple UI Styles
• Live Weather Wallpaper
#GeometricWeather #Android #FOSS
Further progress in #degoogling my #androidphone...
#streetcomplete to help improve the #openstreetmap (currently experimenting with #organicmaps).
#geometricweather instead of Google weather.
#markor for notes (synced to laptop with #syncthing).
#rootlesspixellauncher just to remove perma-widgets from home screen.
#keepassdx instead of #keepassxc (just because it was in the #fdroid library).
#antennapod instead of Google podcasts.
#openstreetmap #markor #syncthing #degoogling #androidphone #GeometricWeather #rootlesspixellauncher #keepassdx #keepassxc #fdroid #antennapod #streetcomplete #organicMaps
Enfin trouvé une application #météo sur #Fdroid qui me plait ^^ #GeometricWeather
#météo #fdroid #GeometricWeather