🎬 About #BradPitt | #Geena Davis tells the story of reading lines with 4 actors auditioning for part of "J.D." in 'Thelma & Louise" (1991).
She read with 3 darked-haired actors before Brad, who floored her with charisma and "talent."
#RidleyScott asked her if she preferred one of the men, and Gina rushed to say, "Yassssssss! THE BLOND!" 🤩
The other three actors were #GrantShow #MarkRuffalo and #GeorgeClooney (!). 1990.
▶️ Louise meets J.D. in this clip.
#GeorgeClooney #markruffalo #grantshow #ridleyscott #geena #bradpitt
We had the honour to be guests at the Postcode Lotterie #Gala for Humanrights and returned with fresh #inspiration.
What is the Postcode-Lotterie?
George Clooney (he was at the panel) has got you covered in 17s (also among the panelists: #olympics #star #YusraMardini and #MuhammadYunus - legendary #philanthropist:
👍⏯ https://youtube.com/watch?v=S0rB31kkCtg
A #reel of the #gala
👍⏯ https://www.instagram.com/p/CsqkQmvAFxe/
#yesWEAID #humanrights #GeorgeClooney #socent #PostcodeEffekt #goodnews
#MuhammadYunus #YusraMardini #GeorgeClooney #goodnews #PostcodeEffekt #socent #HumanRights #yesweaid #reel #philanthropist #star #olympics #inspiration #Gala #inspired #excited #thankful
80’s George Clooney
Hunter S03E15
Double Exposure
Original Air Date: February 14, 1987
#GeorgeClooney #hunter #classictv
80’s George Clooney
Hunter S03E15
Double Exposure
Original Air Date: February 14, 1987
#80s #GeorgeClooney #hunter #classictv
#PoornaJagannathan has joined the cast of #Wolves, starring #GeorgeClooney and #BradPitt.
The film, written, directed and produced by #JonWatts, follows two lone-wolf fixers assigned to the same job. The thriller is currently filming in NYC.
#jonwatts #bradpitt #GeorgeClooney #wolves #PoornaJagannathan
#JonWatts dirige a #GeorgeClooney y #BradPitt en un thriller para Apple TV+
Amy Ryan y Austin Abrams se unen al reparto
#AppleTVPlus #AppleStudios #AppleTV
#appletv #applestudios #appletvplus #bradpitt #GeorgeClooney #jonwatts
George Clooney si ferma a chiacchierare con un agente di polizia della polizia di New York sul set di Wolves a New York City mercoledì sera (1 febbraio).
L'attore 61enne è stato avvistato sul set da solo, dopo alcuni giorni di riprese con Brad Pitt e Austin Abrams a Chinatown.
Ad un certo pu...
#04Febbraio #GeorgeClooney
#AustinAbrams (#Euphoria) has been cast to star alongside #GeorgeClooney and #BradPitt in #Wolves, an upcoming film written, directed and produced by #JonWatts. The thriller is currently filming in NYC.
#jonwatts #wolves #bradpitt #GeorgeClooney #euphoria #austinabrams
#AustinAbrams (#Euphoria) has been cast to star alongside #GeorgeClooney and #BradPitt in #Wolves, an upcoming film written, directed and produced by #JonWatts. The thriller is currently filming in NYC.
#jonwatts #wolves #bradpitt #GeorgeClooney #euphoria #austinabrams
RT @leseerlaubnis@twitter.com
#GeorgeClooney "Ich glaube an die Impfpflicht für alle." "In dem Moment, in dem die eigene Freiheit gegen die eines anderen verstößt, endet sie."
Das Recht des Einzelnen hat dort seine Grenze, wo er die Rechte anderer Verletzen würde.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/leseerlaubnis/status/1618710389507895297
#AmyRyan has been cast to star alongside #GeorgeClooney and #BradPitt in #Wolves, the upcoming #JonWatts thriller that's currently filming in NYC.
#jonwatts #wolves #bradpitt #GeorgeClooney #amyryan
#Wolves, the upcoming #JonWatts film starring #GeorgeClooney and #BradPitt, is now filming in NYC.
The thriller follows two lone-wolf fixers assigned to the same job.
#bradpitt #GeorgeClooney #jonwatts #wolves
New from Solzy at the Movies: Ticket to Paradise Arrives on Blu-ray, DVD
#TicketToParadise #film #Movies #PhysicalMedia #GeorgeClooney #JuliaRoberts
#juliaroberts #GeorgeClooney #physicalmedia #Movies #Film #tickettoparadise
Here is the video interview of us at the premiere for #TickettoParadise with #GeorgeClooney and #JuliaRoberts -- https://youtu.be/7DytyUx8yss
#juliaroberts #GeorgeClooney #tickettoparadise
We spoke to #GeorgeClooney #JuliaRoberts @KaitlynDever #BillieLourd and #OlParker at the premiere of their latest film #TickettoParadise - the cast was all smiles and jokes on the red carpet. Listen to the interview here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6Fvl5zWCvPvlVdsZydOkXo?si=IdONmXY0RR2MbVhzbXqcdg
#tickettoparadise #olparker #BillieLourd #juliaroberts #GeorgeClooney
Amal & George Clooney Stay Close to Each Other At Academy Museum Gala #16Ottobre #amalclooney #GeorgeClooney #KaitlynDever https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuanVzdGphcmVkLmNvbS8yMDIyLzEwLzE2L2FtYWwtZ2VvcmdlLWNsb29uZXktc3RheS1jbG9zZS10by1lYWNoLW90aGVyLWF0LWFjYWRlbXktbXVzZXVtLWdhbGEv.html
#KaitlynDever #GeorgeClooney #amalclooney #16Ottobre
Dove scommettono i VIP? #AlessandraAmoroso #Amici @AmiciUfficiale #AmyWinehouse #AvrilLavigne #Beatles #BelenRodriguez #Beyonc #BritneySpears #ElisabettaCanalis #festivaldiSanremo #GeorgeClooney #Giorgia #JonasBrothers #Jovanotti #JustinBieber #KatyPerry #LadyGaga @ladygaga #LauraPausini #Lost #Madonna #MarcoCarta #MarcoMengoni #MichaelJackson #Netflix @NetflixIT #RenatoZero #Rihanna #RobertaBonanno #TizianoFerro #TokioHotel #XFactor #26agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc29sb3NwZXR0YWNvbG8uaXQvMDgwNjIwMjIvZG92ZS1zY29tbWV0dG9uby1pLXZpcC8xMzk1MT91dG1fc291cmNlPXJzcyZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtPXJzcyZ1dG1fY2FtcGFpZ249ZG92ZS1zY29tbWV0dG9uby1pLXZpcA==
#26agosto #xfactor #TokioHotel #TizianoFerro #RobertaBonanno #rihanna #RenatoZero #netflix #michaeljackson #MarcoMengoni #MarcoCarta #madonna #lost #laurapausini #ladygaga #KatyPerry #justinbieber #Jovanotti #JonasBrothers #Giorgia #GeorgeClooney #FestivaldiSanremo #ElisabettaCanalis #britneyspears #Beyonc #BelenRodriguez #beatles #avrillavigne #amywinehouse #amici #AlessandraAmoroso
`L`amica geniale` ora è anche un romanzo a fumetti #AlessandraAmoroso #Amici @AmiciUfficiale #AmyWinehouse #AvrilLavigne #Beatles #BelenRodriguez #Beyonc #BritneySpears #ElisabettaCanalis #festivaldiSanremo #GeorgeClooney #Giorgia #JonasBrothers #Jovanotti #JustinBieber #KatyPerry #LadyGaga @ladygaga #LauraPausini #Lost #Madonna #MarcoCarta #MarcoMengoni #MichaelJackson #Netflix @NetflixIT #RenatoZero #Rihanna #RobertaBonanno #TizianoFerro #TokioHotel #XFactor #26agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc29sb3NwZXR0YWNvbG8uaXQvMTAwNjIwMjIvbGFtaWNhLWdlbmlhbGUtb3JhLWUtYW5jaGUtdW4tcm9tYW56by1hLWZ1bWV0dGkvMTM5NjE/dXRtX3NvdXJjZT1yc3MmdXRtX21lZGl1bT1yc3MmdXRtX2NhbXBhaWduPWxhbWljYS1nZW5pYWxlLW9yYS1lLWFuY2hlLXVuLXJvbWFuem8tYS1mdW1ldHRp
#26agosto #xfactor #TokioHotel #TizianoFerro #RobertaBonanno #rihanna #RenatoZero #netflix #michaeljackson #MarcoMengoni #MarcoCarta #madonna #lost #laurapausini #ladygaga #KatyPerry #justinbieber #Jovanotti #JonasBrothers #Giorgia #GeorgeClooney #FestivaldiSanremo #ElisabettaCanalis #britneyspears #Beyonc #BelenRodriguez #beatles #avrillavigne #amywinehouse #amici #AlessandraAmoroso
Jennifer Lopez e Ben Affleck, in Italia ospiti di un George Clooney #Gossipitaliano #gossipUSA #ElisabettaGregoraci #Estate2022 #Influencer #BenAffleck #GeorgeClooney #JenniferLopez #25agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucnVtb3JzLml0LzIwMjIvMDgvMjUvamVubmlmZXItbG9wZXotYmVuLWFmZmxlY2staXRhbGlhLWNsb29uZXkv
#25agosto #JenniferLopez #GeorgeClooney #benaffleck #influencer #estate2022 #ElisabettaGregoraci #gossipUSA #Gossipitaliano