Casaubon hasn't read all those books.
#whistleblowonafictionalcharacter #HashtagGames #GeorgeEliot
What is your damage Casaubon?
#insultafictionalcharacter #HashtagGames #GeorgeEliot #Middlemarch
It seems to me we can never give up longing and wishing while we are still alive. There are certain things we feel to be beautiful and good, and we must hunger for them. George Eliot — — — #GeorgeEliot #quote #quotes #beauty #beautiful #goodness
#GeorgeEliot #quote #quotes #beauty #beautiful #goodness
#7books I would like to read
(for you to know me even better)
Something from
#7books #ursulakleguin #plotin #jorgeluisborges #CormacMcCarthy #GeorgeEliot #stanislawlem #VirginiaWoolf
Your daily #Middlemarch quotation, exploring dusty corners of the world’s greatest #novel. #GeorgeEliot #Victodon #DailyMiddlemarch @litstudies
"When one is grateful for something too good for common thanks, writing is less unsatisfactory than speech—one does not at least hear how inadequate the words are."
#Middlemarch #novel #GeorgeEliot #Victodon #DailyMiddlemarch
🍂 "Köstlicher Herbst! Meine Seele ist mit ihm verwoben, und wenn ich ein Vogel wäre, würde ich um die Erde fliegen, um die aufeinanderfolgenden Herbste zu suchen."🍃
Die Schriftstellerin George Eliot in einem Brief vom 1. Oktober 1841 an ihre frühere Lehrerin Miss Maria Lewis.
#GeorgeEliot #Schriftstellerin #FrauenLesen #Herbst #Zitat
#ReadingWomen #Autumn
#GeorgeEliot #schriftstellerin #frauenlesen #herbst #zitat #readingwomen #autumn
Your daily #Middlemarch quotation, exploring dusty corners of the world’s greatest #novel. #GeorgeEliot #Victodon #DailyMiddlemarch @litstudies
"His soul was sensitive without being enthusiastic: it was too languid to thrill out of self-consciousness into passionate delight; it went on fluttering in the swampy ground where it was hatched, thinking of its wings and never flying. His experience was of that pitiable kind which shrinks from pity, and fears most of all that it should be known."
#Middlemarch #novel #GeorgeEliot #Victodon #DailyMiddlemarch
Your daily #Middlemarch quotation, exploring dusty corners of the world’s greatest #novel. #GeorgeEliot #Victodon #DailyMiddlemarch @litstudies
"Mr. Casaubon seemed even unconscious that trivialities existed, and never handed round that small-talk of heavy men which is as acceptable as stale bride-cake brought forth with an odor of cupboard. 1/2
#Middlemarch #novel #GeorgeEliot #Victodon #DailyMiddlemarch
Your daily #Middlemarch quotation, exploring dusty corners of the world’s greatest #novel. #GeorgeEliot #Victodon #DailyMiddlemarch @litstudies
"But now Lydgate came in; the book was closed before he reached Rosamond’s corner, and as he took his seat with easy confidence on the other side of her, young Plymdale’s jaw fell like a barometer towards the cheerless side of change. Rosamond enjoyed not only Lydgate’s presence but its effect: she liked to excite jealousy."
#Middlemarch #novel #GeorgeEliot #Victodon #DailyMiddlemarch
Your daily #Middlemarch quotation, exploring dusty corners of the world’s greatest #novel. #GeorgeEliot #Victodon #DailyMiddlemarch @litstudies
“'Young ladies don’t understand political economy, you know,' said Mr. Brooke, smiling towards Mr. Casaubon. 'I remember when we were all reading Adam Smith. There is a book, now. I took in all the new ideas at one time—human perfectibility, now. But some say, history moves in circles; and that may be very well argued; I have argued it myself. 1/2
#Middlemarch #novel #GeorgeEliot #Victodon #DailyMiddlemarch
Your daily #Middlemarch quotation, exploring dusty corners of the world’s greatest #novel. #GeorgeEliot #Victodon #DailyMiddlemarch @litstudies
"In houses where he got friendly, he was given to stretch himself at full length on the rug while he talked, and was apt to be discovered in this attitude by occasional callers for whom such an irregularity was likely to confirm the notions of his dangerously mixed blood and general laxity."
#Middlemarch #novel #GeorgeEliot #Victodon #DailyMiddlemarch
Your daily #Middlemarch quotation, exploring dusty corners of the world’s greatest #novel. #GeorgeEliot #Victodon #DailyMiddlemarch @litstudies
"Mary was fond of her own thoughts, and could amuse herself well sitting in twilight with her hands in her lap; for, having early had strong reason to believe that things were not likely to be arranged for her peculiar satisfaction, she wasted no time in astonishment and annoyance at that fact."
#Middlemarch #novel #GeorgeEliot #Victodon #DailyMiddlemarch
Your daily #Middlemarch quotation, exploring dusty corners of the world’s greatest #novel. #GeorgeEliot #Victodon #DailyMiddlemarch @litstudies
Mr. Bulstrode, alone with his brother-in-law, poured himself out a glass of water, and opened a sandwich-box.
“I cannot persuade you to adopt my regimen, Vincy?”
“No, no; I’ve no opinion of that system. Life wants padding,” said Mr. Vincy.
#Middlemarch #novel #GeorgeEliot #Victodon #DailyMiddlemarch
Who are 5-7 of your favourite authors? Add them as hashtags so we can find each other, boost this, share your own, etc. #bookstodon
I’m going to cheat and make 2 lists!
#isaacasimov #AtulGawande #garykrist #oliversacks #candicemillard #nonfiction #daphnedumaurier #GeorgeEliot #lianemoriarty #conniewillis #agathachristie #fiction #bookstodon
Your daily #Middlemarch quotation, exploring dusty corners of the world’s greatest #novel. #GeorgeEliot #Victodon #DailyMiddlemarch @litstudies
"The majority of us scarcely see more distinctly the faultiness of our own conduct than the faultiness of our own arguments, or the dulness of our own jokes."
#Middlemarch #novel #GeorgeEliot #Victodon #DailyMiddlemarch
Your daily #Middlemarch quotation, exploring dusty corners of the world’s greatest #novel. #GeorgeEliot #Victodon #DailyMiddlemarch @litstudies
"It followed that Mrs. Cadwallader must decide on another match for Sir James, and having made up her mind that it was to be the younger Miss Brooke, there could not have been a more skilful move towards the success of her plan than her hint to the baronet that he had made an impression on Celia’s heart."
#Middlemarch #novel #GeorgeEliot #Victodon #DailyMiddlemarch
Your daily #Middlemarch quotation, exploring dusty corners of the world’s greatest #novel. #GeorgeEliot #Victodon #DailyMiddlemarch @litstudies
"She was always attentive to the feelings of dogs, and very polite if she had to decline their advances."
#Middlemarch #novel #GeorgeEliot #Victodon #DailyMiddlemarch
Your daily #Middlemarch quotation, exploring dusty corners of the world’s greatest #novel. #GeorgeEliot #Victodon #DailyMiddlemarch @litstudies
"By desiring what is perfectly good, even when we don’t quite know what it is and cannot do what we would, we are part of the divine power against evil—widening the skirts of light and making the struggle with darkness narrower."
#Middlemarch #novel #GeorgeEliot #Victodon #DailyMiddlemarch
Daily #Middlemarch quotation, exploring dusty corners of the world’s greatest #novel. #GeorgeEliot #Victodon #DailyMiddlemarch @litstudies
"We mortals, men and women, devour many a disappointment between breakfast and dinner-time; keep back the tears and look a little pale about the lips, and in answer to inquiries say, 'Oh, nothing!' Pride helps us; and pride is not a bad thing when it only urges us to hide our own hurts—not to hurt others."
#Middlemarch #novel #GeorgeEliot #Victodon #DailyMiddlemarch
Hi everyone! I'm Justine Murison. I write on #C19studies #HealthHumanities #Privacy #Secularism and I have a new book out on Privacy in Nineteenth-Century America
I teach #C19studies at the University of Illinois and would prefer not to make a choice between #GeorgeEliot and #HermanMelville but I already know I will be expected to.
#introduction #C19Studies #HealthHumanities #Privacy #Secularism #GeorgeEliot #HermanMelville