#GeorgeSantos former fundraiser #SamuelMiele allegedly committed #fraud and identity theft to solicit #CampaignDonations
#GeorgeSantos #SamuelMiele #fraud #campaigndonations
Disgraced U.S. Congressman George Santos Involved Crypto in Nigerian Prince-Like Scheme: NYT - A source told The New York Times that Santos and two others appeared to try a crypto-cent... - https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2023/07/27/disgraced-congressman-george-santos-involved-crypto-in-nigerian-prince-like-scheme-nyt/?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=rss&utm_campaign=headlines #u.s.houseofrepresentatives #georgesantos #policy #scams #news
#news #scams #policy #GeorgeSantos #u
#GeorgeSantos lawyer was at the #January6th #insurrection .
#GeorgeSantos #January6th #insurrection
Asking for trouble:
George #Santos, the New York #Republican under indictment for campaign finance violations, is now his own campaign treasurer!
#nygop #NY03 #GeorgeSantos #shyster #brazilian #republican #santos
Of course House Ethics Committee is going to drag their feet! #GOPrats can’t afford to lose a house vote.
#GeorgeSantos #repsantos #HouseGOP #housethicscommittee #goprats
Re-Elect George Santos!! (Not really)
Watch this:
#GeorgeSantos #politics #realtime #billmaher #republicans
Some things you just can’t make up. #GeorgeSantos #fraud. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3955270-george-santos-announces-reelection-bid/
George Santos, the Republican Representative for New York’s 3rd District, has filed a statement of candidacy for the 2024 Election.
According to Brendan Quinn of the Campaign Legal Center, “It does not necessarily mean he is running… it just means his campaign committee is raising money.”
Despite filing his statement of candidacy, Santos has denied many times that he will run in 2024.
#News #Politics #GeorgeSantos #HouseOfRepresentatives #Congress
#news #politics #GeorgeSantos #houseofrepresentatives #congress
In a sworn statement later provided to the Secret Service #TrelhaGustavoRibeiro wrote #GeorgeSantos gave him all the materials & taught him how to put skimming devices & cameras on ATM machines in Seattle
“We used a computer to be able to download the information on ATM pieces, ”We also used an external hard drive to save the filming, because the skimmer took the information from the card, the camera took the password" THEY SPLIT THE STOLEN $ 50/50 #ArrestGeorgeSantos
#trelhagustavoribeiro #GeorgeSantos #arrestgeorgesantos
@gratefuldread show respect, #GeorgeSantos won #BestActor on many occasions over the years. #Oscar
#GeorgeSantos #bestactor #oscar
Secret Service Investigating George Santos Over Credit Card Skimming Scheme
The U.S. Secret Service has received and is reviewing a sworn declaration from a Brazilian man who claims Rep. George Santos was the mastermind of a fraud scheme that led to the man's arrest in 2017 for installing skimmers at a Seattle bank ATM.
Gustavo Ribeiro Trelha c
#CravenAssholes #GeorgeSantos
Luckily, CPAC attendees only represent a relatively small proportion of Americans. Regrettably, Republicans will vote for anyone that has an (R) next to their name e.g. #GeorgeSantos
Updated | Disinformation-riddled Republican #GeorgeSantos is now under investigation by the House Ethics Committee:
#Republicans can’t even try to do right anymore. While investigating #GeorgeSantos for ethics violations they are quick to mention #AOC likely violated ethics rules years ago when she wore that “Tax The Rich” dress to the Met Gala. Stick to the person who needs ethics investigation and don’t throw red meat to your base to try to balance it out. #HouseEthicsCommittee
#republicans #GeorgeSantos #aoc #HouseEthicsCommittee
George Santos the Talented Mr. Ripley may be loathsome but capitalism produces these kinds of sociopaths. Even ordinary people exploit others now. My wealthy friends and family see themselves as fairly good people but they do exploit in small ways. In acceptable ways. Their attitudes about the poor, politics and their own short comings amplified are George Santos. We have to solve this from the ground up. #georgesantos #exploitation #capitalism
#GeorgeSantos #exploitation #capitalism
I haven't read those new revelations on #GeorgeSantos, but I don't think that he was under oath when he lied to that judge was he?
I think everything that #GeorgeSantos said is a lie.
Now with that LOIQ it will only be news if he tells the truth.
I still can't believe he still gets a paycheck from us tax payers.
If I had a business and hired him only to find out later his resume was all fake and complete lies, I would of fired him on the spot.
#GeorgeSantos -->💩 💩
Sometimes the villain earns some applause: https://mainstreetplaza.com/2023/02/19/he-used-his-powers-for-good/ #ExMormon #ExMormonism #LDS #Mormon #MainsStreetPlaza #MittRomney #GeorgeSantos
#exmormon #exmormonism #LDS #mormon #mainsstreetplaza #mittromney #GeorgeSantos
STRANGE NEWS: House investigates #GeorgeSantos's marriage to a #Brazillian women... #LOL...Sounds like mega #Bigamy to me....
#politics #usa #news #worldnews #bigamy #lol #brazillian #GeorgeSantos
“Wow, for $50 I could have known,” says donor who owns background check firms. #Santos #GeorgeSantos