Allan Kaprow: 18 Happenings in Six Parts, 1959. Performance with Sam Francis, Red Grooms, Dick Higgins, Alfred Leslie, Robert Rauschenberg, Lucas Samaras, George Segal, Robert Whitman a.o. Reuben Gallery, New York. More informations: Dreher, Thomas: Performance Art seit 1945. Alktionstheater und Intermedia, Munich 2001, p.91-93,431. Internet: #allankaprow #samfrancis #robertrauschenberg #georgesegal #robertwhitman #redgrooms #dickhiggins #thomasdreher #performanceart
#performanceart #thomasdreher #dickhiggins #redgrooms #robertwhitman #GeorgeSegal #robertrauschenberg #samfrancis #allankaprow
Depression bread line by #GeorgeSegal in the rooftop sculpture terrace at the #MMoCA. 🌆🦡
50 years ago:
Blume in Love (US)
Lawyer Stephen Blume, specialized in divorces, lives a paradoxical situation when, having his own marriage break up, is still in love with his ex-wife.
#BlumeinLove #PaulMazursky #GeorgeSegal #SusanAnspach #KrisKristofferson #ClassicMovies
#blumeinlove #paulmazursky #GeorgeSegal #susananspach #kriskristofferson #classicmovies
43 years ago:
The Last Married Couple in America (US)
Jeff and Mari Thompson are contently married, but they are stunned to see many of their friends and neighbors going through separations and divorces. Seemingly surrounded by people with domestic problems, Jeff and Mari begin to question their own relationship.
#TheLastMarriedCoupleinAmerica #GeorgeSegal #NatalieWood #RichardBenjamin #Universal #Film
#thelastmarriedcoupleinamerica #GeorgeSegal #nataliewood #richardbenjamin #universal #film
47 years ago:
The Duchess and the Dirtwater Fox (US)
A female hustler is chasing after rich men, but becomes repeatedly mixed up with a suave con man and card shark through a series of misadventures before falling in love with him.
#TheDuchessandtheDirtwaterFox #MelvinFrank #GeorgeSegal #GoldieHawn #ThayerDavid #20thCenturyFox #Western #Film
#theduchessandthedirtwaterfox #melvinfrank #GeorgeSegal #goldiehawn #thayerdavid #20thcenturyfox #western #film
54 years ago:
The Southern Star (FR,GB)
Comedy adventure based on a Jules Verne novel about the ups and downs of jewel thieves in the wilds of Africa circa 1900. George Segal is the appealing hero-heel and Ursula Andress is visually stunning as the lady in the proceedings. Orson Welles has a small role.
#TheSouthernStar #SidneyHayers #GeorgeSegal #UrsulaAndress #OrsonWelles #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#thesouthernstar #sidneyhayers #GeorgeSegal #ursulaandress #orsonwelles #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
53 years ago:
Loving (US)
Brooks Wilson is in crisis. He is torn between his wife Selma and two daughters and his mistress Grace, and also between his career as a successful illustrator and his feeling that he might still produce something worthwhile.
#Loving #IrvinKershner #GeorgeSegal #EvaMarieSaint #SterlingHayden #Columbia #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#loving #irvinkershner #GeorgeSegal #evamariesaint #sterlinghayden #columbia #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
In ANCESTOR TROUBLE I write about how the Biblical story of Abraham and Ishmael has always troubled me. No surprise, then, that I was utterly blown away by George Segal's "Abraham's Farewell to Ishmael." I could have spent an afternoon with this sculpture, which is made of painted plaster.
#GeorgeSegal #perezartmuseum #Art #genealogy #bible