Elon Musk posts meme telling the ADL to 'drop the Anti-'
> Musk formerly stated “ADL should just drop the ‘Anti-',” in response to the #ADL criticizing him for comparing #GeorgeSoros to a comic book villain.
https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-758217 #antisemitism #ElonMusk #twitter #X
#x #Twitter #ElonMusk #antisemitism #GeorgeSoros #adl
Who will fill the gap left by Soros' Open Society Foundations?
Although Ðorđe Jovanović had been puzzled by several of Open Society Foundations' recent decisions, the Brussels-based director of the European Roma Rights Centre was still shocked when the deep-pocketed charity announced last week that it would discontinue much of its longstanding funding of European initiatives.
#opensocietyfoundation #GeorgeSoros #Europe
LOL. Right-wing wastes no time using Mitch McConnell's mini-stroke to dunk on George Soros's job "running the country." #RWNJ #MitchMcConnell #GeorgeSoros #VoteBlueIfYouHateLies #BennyJohnson
#BennyJohnson #voteblueifyouhatelies #GeorgeSoros #mitchmcconnell #rwnj
George Soros propaganda is heavily on display at the Miami courthouse today. A good opportunity to remind #MAGA that #GeorgeSoros disinformation is Russian, antisemitic propaganda that's been around for decades.
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Trump Reimagines DeSantis' Disastrous Campaign Launch with Hitler and Gay Satan https://jezebel.com/trump-reimagines-desantis-disastrous-campaign-launch-wi-1850474516 #Jezebel #donaldtrump2020presidentialcampaign #economyoftheunitedstates #rondesanctimonious #cristianoronaldo #businesspeople #rondesantis #georgesoros #klausschwab #donaldtrump #adolfhitler #dickcheney #kimjungun #mikepence #desantis #deepfake #timscott #elonmusk #buzzfeed #twitter
#jezebel #donaldtrump2020presidentialcampaign #economyoftheunitedstates #rondesanctimonious #cristianoronaldo #businesspeople #rondesantis #GeorgeSoros #KlausSchwab #donaldtrump #adolfhitler #dickcheney #kimjungun #mikepence #desantis #Deepfake #timscott #elonmusk #buzzfeed #Twitter
Die jüngsten Tweets des #Tesla-Chefs zu #GeorgeSoros bedienen #antisemitische #Codes. Als Twitter-Chef unterstützt #ElonMusk zunehmend rechte Verschwörungsmythen.
#tesla #GeorgeSoros #antisemitische #codes #elonmusk
Zustimmung, @mr_huffle 👍
Hatte nicht nur bereits vor über 1 Jahr vor dem Drift von #ElonMusk gewarnt, sondern auch eine #Podcast-Folge (Ton & Text) zu #GeorgeSoros, einem Schüler von #KarlPopper, aufgenommen: https://scilogs.spektrum.de/natur-des-glaubens/verschwoerungsfragen-35-karl-popper-und-george-soros-zwischen-liberalismus-und-verschwoerungsglauben/
#elonmusk #Podcast #GeorgeSoros #KarlPopper
No one wants to calm down. #BoycottTesla #BoycottSpaceX #BoycottTwitter #GeorgeSoros
Musk defends attack on Soros: ‘Calm down people’ https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/4008976-musk-defends-attack-on-soros-calm-down-people/
#GeorgeSoros #boycotttwitter #boycottspacex #boycotttesla
Beaverton: Elon Musk assures users his latest tweet too funny to be antisemitic https://www.thebeaverton.com/2023/05/elon-musk-assures-users-his-latest-tweet-too-funny-to-be-antisemitic/ #satire #canada #commentary #GeorgeSoros #ElonMusk #Twitter #Tech
#satire #Canada #commentary #GeorgeSoros #elonmusk #Twitter #Tech
🇬🇧 The insanity of the russian oligarchy and its Dictator 🇬🇧
In an interview with the main political advisor, Nikolai Patrushev, of Vladimir Vladimirovich (son of a Vladimir) Putin, current dictator of the Russian Federation (v. Russia) and head of the criminal oligarchy that surrounds him and controls this country, to Ria Novosti (here: https://iz.ru/1504870/viktor-filippov/sokhranenie-ukrainy-v-kachestve-gosudarstva-v-plany-ssha-ne-vkhodit), we can see the extent of the insanity of the Oligarchy that surrounds the Russian Dictator.
First, two clarifications:
Russia is a dictatorship with an autocratic single party, United Russia (v. UR), a nationalist ally of the UR, which votes 100% of the policy proposals with them, which is the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (which after the death of its historic leader on April 6, 2022, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, practically merged with this one) and finally two political parties/blocs that are "a kind of opposition" allowed because in reality they do not. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation bloc (descendant of the CPOR) which has been in a merger since July 2022 with Just Russia (a former social democratic party that had all its opposition leaders to Putin arrested or killed and which is governed by a puppet of Putin, Sergey Mironov) and who supports 95% of the UR's policy proposals and another Bloc, the "New People"/"independents allowed until arrested" led by Cosmetics millionaire Alexey Nechayev, who actually supports 90% of UR policy proposals.
Nikolai Patrushev is in reality the one in Russia who commands as much or equal to Putin, his official title is Secretary of the Council of the Russian Federation, the Council is a kind of Senate, which has a puppet of Patrushev as its President and, that puppet is the third in the official line of power in the Russian Federation, this being in the case of the removal of the puppet her successor, and the third in the official line of power. He was the former head of the Russian secret services - the FSB - currently the political police of repression and has been in control of them since Putin left and with his permission.
Now the interview and/or how to summarize dementia in less than 3000 characters, and let's start with the three advanced conspiracy theories (we'll come to the lies later).
First: George Soros, a millionaire descendant of secular Hungarian Jews and survivor of the Nazi Holocaust and the neo-Nazi dictatorial regime (Hitler's ally) of Miklós Horthy (who died in 1957, protected by Salazar and, unpunished at the age of 88 in Estoril/🇵🇹) is accused by Patrushev of being an anti-Russian Nazi who funded over $800 million in Russian anti-value propaganda. I don't think I need to elaborate further on the insanity of this conspiracy theory, do I?
Second: The 🇺🇸 Yellowstone Volcano is going to explode and make life on that continent and in 🇺🇸 impossible and that is why this country wants to occupy Eastern Europe and Russia and is doing what it is doing with its allies to be able to live in the only territory that will be viable to live in the future. (WTF!!!)
Third: Renewable energies after the explosion of the Yellowstone Volcano will make it impossible for humanity to survive and it will only be left with Russian energy resources (coal, gas and oil), the 🇪🇺 wants to conquer Russia with the 🇺🇸 (and their other allies), in order to survive in their territory in that long winter caused by the soot of the Yellowstone Volcano, not least because the various explosions of volcanoes in Iceland proved that renewable energies in the European Union are not efficient. He also referred that renewable energies are responsible for the fires in 🇪🇺. (how many What The F☆ck want you all now?)
The lies were a lot and multiple but let's focus on the three flagrant ones.
First: The 🇺🇸 detained 300 journalists because they do not follow the decadent propaganda book fostered by radical movements such as Black Lives Mater.
Second: Many 🇺🇸 citizens are applying for passports and emigrating, referring before two things, that 🇺🇸 citizens who feel persecuted by this decadent book of values, will be able to come and live in Russia and that the level of emigration to Russia has increased in recent years.
Third: That it is Westerners, 🇺🇸/🇪🇺, who are looting Ukraine's resources and that Russia's intervention aims to prevent this looting!!!
Don't think that he doesn't believe in the conspiracy theories that he spreads and that he doesn't know that he produced these and other lies.
But this is what the regime of the Russian Federation is and also the thinking of its dictator.
#Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #UkraineWar #GeorgeSoros #conspiracytheories #lies #PutinsWar #Patrushev
#Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #UkraineWar #GeorgeSoros #conspiracytheories #lies #PutinsWar #Patrushev
A demência da Oligarquia russa e do seu Ditador.
Numa entrevista ao principal conselheiro político, Nikolai Patrushev, de Vladimir Vladimirovitch (filho de um Vladimir) Putin, actual ditador da Federação Russa (v. Rússia) e chefe da Oligarquia criminosa que o rodeia e controla este país, à Ria Novosti (aqui: https://iz.ru/1504870/viktor-filippov/sokhranenie-ukrainy-v-kachestve-gosudarstva-v-plany-ssha-ne-vkhodit ), podemos perceber a extensão da demência da Oligarquia que rodeia o Ditador russo.
Antes dois esclarecimentos:
A Rússia é uma ditadura com um partido único autocrático, o Rússia Unida (v. RU), um partido aliado nacionalista do RU, que vota 100% ao lado do desta, que é o Partido Liberal Democrata da Rússia (que após a morte do seu líder histórico em 6 de abril de 2022, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, práticamente se fundiu com esta) e por fim dois partidos/blocos políticos que são "uma espécie de oposição" permitida porque na realidade não a fazem. O bloco Partido Comunista da Federação Russa (descendente do PCUS) que se encontra em fusão desde julho de 2022 com o Rússia Justa (um ex-partido social democrata que teve todos os seus líderes de oposição a Putin presos ou mortos e que é governado por um fantoche de Putin, Sergey Mironov) e que apoia 95% das propostas do RU e outro Bloco, o "Novo Povo"/"independentes permitidos até serem presos" liderados pelo milionário dos Cosméticos, Alexey Nechayev, que na realidade apoia 90% das propostas do RU.
Nikolai Patrushev é na realidade quem na Rússia manda tanto ou igual a Putin, o seu título oficial é Secretário do Conselho da Federação Russa, este último uma espécie de Senado, que tem uma fantoche como sua Presidente e, é o terceiro na linha oficial de poder na Federação Russa sendo este no caso do afastamento da fantoche o sucessor desta. Foi o ex-chefe dos Serviços secretos russos - o FSB - actual polícia política de repressão e controla-os desde a saída de Putin e com a sua permissão.
Agora a entrevista e/ou como resumir demências em 3000 caracteres, e comecemos pelas 3 teorias da conspiração avançadas (iremos depois às mentiras).
1.° George Soros, um milionário descendente de judeus hungaros laicos e sobrevivente ao Holocausto Nazi e ao regime ditatorial neo-nazi (aliado de Hitler) de Miklós Horthy (que morreu em 1957, protegido por Salazar e, impune aos 88 anos no Estoril) é acusado por Patrushev de ser um Nazi anti-russo que financiou em mais de 800 milhões de dólares propaganda anti-valores da Rússia. Acho que não preciso de desenvolver mais, sobre a demência desta teoria da conspiração, ou preciso?
2.° O Vulcão de Yellowstone dos USA/EUA vai explodir e tornar impossível a vida nesse continente e país e por isso é que este país quer ocupar a Europa Oriental e a Rússia e está a fazer o que está a fazer com os seus aliados para poderem viver no único território que será viável viver. (WTF!!!)
3.° As energias renováveis após a explosão do Vulcão do Yellowstone tornaram impossível a sobrevivência da humanidade e a esta restará unicamente os recursos energéticos russos (carvão, gás e petróleo), a União Europeia quer conquistar a Rússia com os EUA/USA (e os outros seus aliados), para poderem sobreviver nesse longo inverno provocado pela fuligem do Vulcão de Yellowstone, até porque as várias explosões de vulcões na Islândia comprovaram que as energías renováveis na União Europeia não são eficientes. (quantos What The F☆ck querem agora?).
As mentiras foram várias e multiplas mas vamos nos focar nas 3 nais flagrantes.
1.° Os EUA/USA detiveram 300 jornalistas porque não seguem a cartilha propagandista decadente fomentada por movimentos radicais como o Black Lives Mater.
2.° Muitos cidadãos dos EUA/USA estão a pedir passaporte e a emigrar, referindo antes duas coisas, que os cidadãos norte-americanos que se sentem prosseguidos por essa cartilha decadente de valores, poderão vir morar para a Rússia e que o nível de emigração para a Rússia aumentou nos últimos anos.
3.° Que são os ocidentais, nomeadamente os Europeus e Norte-americanos que, estão a pilhar os recursos da Ucrânia e que a intervenção da Rússia visa impedir essa pilhagem!!!
Não pensem que este não acredita piamente nas teorias da conspiração e que não sabe que produziu estas e outras mentiras.
Mas isto é o que é o regime da Federação Russa e também o pensamento do seu ditador.
#teoriasdaconspiracao #Russia #GuerraUcrania #mentiras #yellowstone #GeorgeSoros #BlackLivesMatter #Ucraina #RussiaIsATerroristState
#teoriasdaconspiracao #russia #guerraucrania #mentiras #yellowstone #GeorgeSoros #BlackLivesMatter #Ucraina #RussiaIsATerroristState
George #Soros presentato da Hillary #Clinton come partner per la riforma del sistema elettorale. Video nascosto per decenni, ora ritrovato negli archivi.
RT @AwakenedOutlaw: Remember that time when #HillaryClinton introduced her friend #GeorgeSoros and his interest to get involved in US elections?
The Internet sure doesn't.
Because it has been wiped from existence for the most part. Turns out I found a copy of the file I had archived years…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ladyonorato/status/1650392566414598146
#Soros #clinton #hillaryclinton #GeorgeSoros
#GymJordan took the #GOP to NYC on their best hits of the clown governance stunt show! Blaming #GeorgeSoros for taking the sun away every night! If only they had a brain! #Politics
#GymJordan #gop #GeorgeSoros #politics
Trump's #Indictment #FoxNews #GeorgeSoros
Love it!
@TheDailyShow @DesiLydic
#indictment #foxnews #GeorgeSoros
@juddlegum Everything about the Republican Party is about projection. #GeorgeSoros
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Trump's Indictment Is Super Awkward for Ron DeSantis https://jezebel.com/ron-desantis-donald-trump-indicted-1850287479 #Jezebel #militaryoftheunitedstates #floridarepublicans #militarypersonnel #stormydaniels #rondesantis #meatballron #donaldtrump #georgesoros #alvinbragg #law2ccrime #manhattan #desantis #politics #florida
#jezebel #militaryoftheunitedstates #floridarepublicans #militarypersonnel #stormydaniels #rondesantis #meatballron #donaldtrump #GeorgeSoros #alvinbragg #law2ccrime #manhattan #desantis #politics #florida
#cspanwj Republican caller to Washington Journal who knows absolutely nothing about George Soros calls him "the most evil man in the world". #trumpindictment #georgesoros #soros
#cspanwj #trumpindictment #GeorgeSoros #soros