Ruby Freeman and Wandrea "Shaye" Moss win their defamation case against Rudy Giuliani. The treatment of these two Georgia election workers has been appalling #Georgiaelection #rudygiuliani #defamation
#defamation #rudygiuliani #Georgiaelection
@emptywheel The pressure campaign on Ruby Freeman is/was horrible and outrageous. I didn’t realize all the crap and intimidation she put up with besides the targeted attacks by Trump. #rubyfreeman #georgiaindictment #ScottHall #Georgiaelection
#Georgiaelection #scotthall #georgiaindictment #rubyfreeman
"Former Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani conceded that he made false statements about two Georgia election workers"
The "Sword of Dumbocles" is what hangs over someone who is facing the inevitable consequences of their own foolish choices, today it hangs over #RudyGiuliani
#rudygiuliani #Georgiaelection
Sen. Raphael G. Warnock (D) is projected to win the runoff race for U.S. Senate in Georgia, according to the Associated Press and Edison Research, defeating Republican Herschel Walker and giving Democrats a 51st seat in the chamber.
#washingtonpost #Georgiaelection #Warnock