Alpine Joe · @alpinejoe
242 followers · 2010 posts · Server

@capntransit @apoorv_bh89 @railminindia

The Henry George Program (podcast) just released an episode on the progress of rail electrification in the USA. TLDR: almost no progress.

Still a good episode to listen to.

#electrification #Georgism

Last updated 1 year ago

We have a special exclusive bonus section for our Patreon supporters from our conversation with geo-mutualist @jockox3 🔰🏴

#anarchism #Georgism #mutualism #lvt

Last updated 1 year ago

“Regulatory monopolies, the legal system, is all rent. The banking system is all rent.” -@jockox3 🔰🏴



#anarchism #Georgism #economics #monopolies #lvt #mutualism

Last updated 1 year ago

𖤐 November 𖤐 · @XaetaRhythm
12 followers · 112 posts · Server

The homestead principal is bullshit. Nobody should be able to claim exclusive rights over natural resources or intellectual property just because they discovered it first.
Personal property is justifiable when you acquire it through your own hard work. Private property in land can never be justifiable since land is not a resource that can be created. Landowners don’t have to add anything to society to appropriate obscene amounts of wealth; they simply need to hold a monopoly over what should otherwise belong equally to all members of society. Landed/intellectual property is then, by its very nature, theft. When you claim the exclusive rights to natural opportunities such as land or ideas, what you are essentially doing is robbing others of their own natural rights to use that place/idea.
This is (part of) what many anti-capitalists mean by “property is theft.” We aren’t talking about property in the personal sense (i.e. your stuff), we’re talking about realty and IP.

(Of course, there is also an argument to be made that “property is theft” is also used to refer to private property in capital—the ‘theft’ bit referring more to the appropriation of surplus value as profit by the bourgeoisie—but I digress.)

#anticapitalism #Georgism #FUCKlandlords #propertyistheft

Last updated 2 years ago

@kbkorb @Neil1808 @Npars01 @Clackable @stopgopfox
Great to see such discussion appear on Fedi that's not initiated by us.

In the past we've extolled extensively a two-pronged approach. Yes () is about . Reinstate the pre-GST . Initiatives like limit online surveillance despite online payment. More about that on request.

Removing and reverting to that increases the more land one owns is imperative (known as ).

#salestax #gst #consumption #luxuryGoodsTax #gnutaler #incometax #LandTax #Georgism

Last updated 2 years ago

Great to see such discussion appear on Fedi that is not imitated by us.

In the past we have extolled extensively the need for a two pronged approach. Yes () is about and initiatives like to limit online surveillance despite online payment exist. More about that on request.

The need remove and revert to that increases the more land one owns is imperative. This is known as .

@Neil1808 @Npars01 @Clackable @stopgopfox

#salestax #gst #consumption #gnutaler #incometax #LandTax #Georgism

Last updated 2 years ago

Simon Hobeck · @Shobeck
22 followers · 105 posts · Server

Just watched Tom Nicholl's video essay on Monopoly and its origins from and .
I think its a good summary and nice introduction to .

#landvaluetax #lvt #Georgism

Last updated 2 years ago

brad m · @brad262run
12 followers · 46 posts · Server

Some economists and housing advocates say there is a common factor behind all this vacant land: a property tax system that combines low taxes on land with high taxes on buildings
“There’s no incentive to do anything except to sit on it”

Shortage Reflects the Cheap Cost of Holding Vacant Land

#lvt #landvaluetax #Georgism #housing

Last updated 2 years ago

Chris 'Kaz' · @kaz
15 followers · 13 posts · Server

And Henry George to round it out

#Georgist #Georgism

Last updated 2 years ago

· @spugpow
12 followers · 111 posts · Server

is the philosophy that the value of land should be shared.


Last updated 2 years ago
Our definition of redpilling is likely going to be slightly different to yours.

Ie. and resisting , overdevelopment and overshoot.
- Stop producing via endless wars.
- Move away from the toward internet anonymisation
- ethical, hard-money /monero,
- stop and political mass media ,
- progressive without Income Tax (ie. ),
- Trust bust and their tyranny.

#peakoil #overpopulation #refugees #legacyWeb #bitcoin #politicalDonations #advertising #LandTax #Georgism #cageFam

Last updated 2 years ago

See Progressive (based on improved/rental value).


#LandTax #HenryGeorge #Georgism

Last updated 4 years ago

If bitcoin's rise is bad for the ,

And is causing to rise,

Then maybe we need to stop the to save the environment? Or maybe bitcoin is using the that it needs to secure the base layer, the foundation of a that respects .

#environment #moneyPrinting #bitcoin #moneyPrinter #energy #neweconomy #limitstogrowth #fracking #realestate #moneyLosers #moneylaundering #LandTax #Georgism #ubi #wealthRedistribution

Last updated 4 years ago

*Silently supports a based on of the , because the extremely wealthy and well-connected game -based so they never pay taxes.*

Also doesn't much sense, when compared to and 'es

And some people just own too much land and engage in that drains the real .

#ProgressiveLandTax #rentalValue #land #profitLoss #taxation #incometax #consumption #LandTax #rentSeeking #economy #HenryGeorge #Georgism #geoism

Last updated 4 years ago

reform now. Tax 15%-50% of the of the land depending on how much they own. If a person owns too much , including in they have two years to sell until they are below the threshold, or face time.

Watch how this solves a lot of issues.


#LandTax #rentalValue #trusts #land #prison #inequality #geoism #Georgism #HenryGeorge #ProgressAndPoverty #book #reading

Last updated 4 years ago

If you disapprove of extortionate , have you had a chance to read about based on ?

Otherwise known as or , it was popularised a century ago by the , who wrote a very compelling book titled, .

In today's world houses are not treated as , but instruments for and , creating a ponzi or largely centered on to constantly boost .

#landlords #LandTax #rentalValue #Georgism #geoism #HenryGeorge #ProgressAndPoverty #shelter #speculation #taxOffsets #pyramidscheme #populationGrowth #propertyPrices

Last updated 5 years ago

are a huge problem in many parts of the so-called civilised world.

would enjoy the (aka ) in the they own, this using the or as an machine , a , rather than a .

A based on the of will help to remove this .

Say no to and harm - its time for a Land Tax now!

#emptyHomes #investors #speculativeGains #capitalGains #property #house #apartment #atm #financialInstrument #home #LandTax #rentalValue #land #perverseIncentive #homelessness #environmental #HenryGeorge #homeless #geoism #Georgism

Last updated 5 years ago


<see prev comment>

The love that we are distracted from -style . Until its adopted the will continue to continue with via . Its too easy to claim losses to and mates.

See also , or 18th century book, .

Quick question: Does NZ non-organic and other confections also have (as they do in )?

#extremelyWealthy #onePercenters #HenryGeorge #taxation #elite #taxevasion #financialEngineering #shellCorporations #Georgism #ProgressAndPoverty #bread #soyFlour #australia

Last updated 5 years ago