Former US President Jimmy Carter receiving hospice care
#GeraldFord #georgia #democrat #jimmycarter
Un incredibile nastro dell’epoca del Watergate di Nixon, a lungo trascurato, mostra Richard Nixon che avverte il direttore della CIA Richard Helms di essere a conoscenza del coinvolgimento della CIA nell’omicidio di John F. Kennedy: “So chi ha sparato a John”. Inoltre Nixon cercò di farsi conseganre...
#14Gennaio #Attualità #apertura #CIA #geraldford
#GeraldFord #cia #apertura #attualita #14gennaio
🇺🇸 Gérald Ford, Vice-président puis Président alors qu'il n'était pas censé occuper ces fonctions ✍️
"We are in danger of producing an educated proletariat. We have to be selective on who we allow to go through higher education." -Roger Freeman, adviser to Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan, saying the quiet part unusually loud.
#rogerfreeman #richardnixon #geraldford #ronaldreagan #education #capitalism #whitesupremacy #patriarchy #racism #antiblackness #antiblackracism #sexism #misogyny #marginalization #oppression #power #powerstructures
#rogerfreeman #richardnixon #GeraldFord #ronaldreagan #education #capitalism #whitesupremacy #patriarchy #racism #antiblackness #antiblackracism #sexism #misogyny #Marginalization #oppression #power #powerstructures