Coolibri: Nerds im siebten Himmel: neun geeky Messen in NRW
#Dokomi #Gamescom #SAMTSiegen #CMCMuenster #GermanComicCon #RetroGamesCon
#dokomi #gamescom #samtsiegen #cmcmuenster #GermanComicCon #retrogamescon
Quiz-Time! Und diesmal wird es kniffelig. Wer ist unser nächster Stargast?
#proud #proudnerdcon #germancomiccon #trier #cosplay #fyp #comiccon #nerd
#proud #proudnerdcon #GermanComicCon #trier #cosplay #fyp #ComicCon #nerd
„Everything beautiful is imperfect“
Let’s spread it out into the world. ✨
#tomsturridgequotes #tomsturridge #tomsturridgefans #comiccon
#comiccon2022dortmund #tomsturridgefanart
#thesandmanofficial #TheSandmanNetflix
#morpheus #dreamoftheendless #dream
#Thesandman #lordmorpheus
#theendless #fangirl #fangirlmoment
#germancomiccon #germancomiccondortmund
#germancomiccondortmund #GermanComicCon #FangirlMoment #fangirl #theendless #lordmorpheus #thesandman #dream #dreamoftheendless #morpheus #TheSandmanNetflix #thesandmanofficial #tomsturridgefanart #comiccon2022dortmund #comiccon #tomsturridgefans #TomSturridge #tomsturridgequotes
„Everything beautiful is imperfect“
Let’s spread it out into the world. ✨
#tomsturridgequotes #tomsturridge #tomsturridgefans #comiccon
#comiccon2022dortmund #tomsturridgefanart
#thesandmanofficial #TheSandmanNetflix
#morpheus #dreamoftheendless #dream
#Thesandman #lordmorpheus
#theendless #fangirl #fangirlmoment
#germancomiccon #germancomiccondortmund
#germancomiccondortmund #GermanComicCon #FangirlMoment #fangirl #theendless #lordmorpheus #thesandman #dream #dreamoftheendless #morpheus #TheSandmanNetflix #thesandmanofficial #tomsturridgefanart #comiccon2022dortmund #comiccon #tomsturridgefans #TomSturridge #tomsturridgequotes
Am vergangenen Samstag ging es für mir das erste mal zu #GermanComicCon nach Dortmund. Es war echt eine tolle Atmosphäre dort und mit den ganzen Cosplayer gab es echt viel zu sehen. Man trifft dort echt viele tolle Leute, fda freue ich mich schon auf die nächste Veranstaltung 2023. 🙂😅
Way too less #tomsturridge #germancomiccon content at this place 🤗 Here you go.
I had my once in a lifetime fangirl Tom Moment on Saturday. What an extraordinary human being he is!
Heute ist ja glücklicherweise Vizefreitag und morgen wird denke ich entspannt mit mobilem Arbeite von daheim aus. Das Wochenende ist vollgepackt mit der #GermanComicCon bei der ich wieder als Fotograf arbeiten darf. Bin gespannt, für welche Schauspieler ich zuständig sein werde.
I think I´ll put all for photo shoots on SAT for #GermanComicCon. I know SAT will be hell (it´s always hell) but I want to do as much panels as I can on SUN. And there is some distance between the stages the photo area. I don´t want to running around like Roger Rabbit here.
Getting ready for the #GermanComicCon - while SAT is chilling in terms of the panels, they put many interesting panels parallel on SUN. Now I have to choose between 2 german actors - Richter and Semmelrogge (which I never saw before) - and Jason Isaacs, which I didn´t see for quite a time. And of course it´s only one panel each. Damn.
Let's see if more connections can be made with nifty hashtags! Apart from #swanqueen, writing #fanfic, I also like
#PokemonGo, going to #conventions (#GermanComicCon, #Enchanted anyone?), #jigsaw #puzzles,
#hallmark #ChristmasMovies (and #Christmas in general, all year long), #ElfQuest.
I'm also a #BoyMom of two, both diagnosed with #autism and #adhd and I used to be a #blogger in Dutch. Oh, and I'm also #drawing.
No wonder I have burnout symptoms 🤣
#SwanQueen #fanfic #pokemongo #conventions #GermanComicCon #enchanted #jigsaw #puzzles #hallmark #ChristmasMovies #christmas #Elfquest #boymom #autism #adhd #blogger #drawing
Charlie Cox UND Elden Henson auf der #GermanComicCon? Es wird doch nicht etwa Neuigkeiten zu #Daredevil geben?!