@mrundkvist In #German the girl is "das Mädchen", that is, "es" (it). The woman is usually "die Frau," but if you want to use a more old-fashioned word, you could say "das Weib."
The #GermanLanguage has many wonderful words. Contemporary Germans who married someone with another nationality might be familiar with the term #Ehefähigkeitszeugnis.
Since German post-war legalese is rarely inspired, Germans with a cooccurring disability might be reminded of the #Ehetauglichkeitszeugnis in the “Gesetz zum Schutze der Erbgesundheit des deutschen Volkes” from 1935.
#GermanLanguage #ehefahigkeitszeugnis #ehetauglichkeitszeugnis #history #priorart
Well played, #Duolingo. Well played.
#languagestudy #GermanLanguage #Duolingo
What is the word in German for feeling a sense of dread about being awake during the day, rather than at night?
Ah, German, never change! :blobcatamused: #LanguageLearning #LanguageStudy #Deutsch #German #GermanLanguage
#GermanLanguage #German #deutsch #languagestudy #languagelearning
“On days I don’t spend fretting over the soul of both German and my native tongue,” (Wahlberliner) Alexander Wells writes, “I can find great pleasure in Denglish—in seeing, that is, my own language made camp. . . . It can even be re-enchanting.”
#GermanLanguage #Denglisch #Denglish
#GermanLanguage #denglisch #denglish
🚴♀️ Calling all #Hamburg cycling enthusiasts! Trufi's award-winning cycling app, "Not Without My Bike," needs a Product Owner volunteer. Improve the app and make it more user-friendly while gaining valuable experience and making a positive impact. Skills: product/project management Experience: familiarity with active/public transport issues. Fluency in German.
#VolunteerOpportunity #ProductOwner #ActiveTransport #PublicTransport #Sustainability #GermanLanguage
#hamburg #volunteeropportunity #productowner #activetransport #publictransport #sustainability #GermanLanguage
Zu all meinen Deutsch sprechenden Leuten. Ist es ok nur English zu schreiben oder würde ihr gerne es auch in Deutsch geschrieben sehn?
To all my German peeps; are you good with my English posting or would you like to see more German posts?
#germanlanguage #German #germany #English #language #spache #europe #ArtistLife #IrisRichardsonArtist #art #ArtistonMastodon
#artistonmastodon #art #irisrichardsonartist #artistlife #europe #spache #language #english #germany #german #GermanLanguage
As a native English speaker, I was struggling with German syntax and found this a very helpful guide.
https://www.thoughtco.com/german-sentences-in-the-right-order-4068769 #languagelearning #GermanLanguage #Duolingo
#Duolingo #GermanLanguage #languagelearning
My #adhd #SpecialInterests. Lots of other obsessions but these are the ones I go back to over and over. #infodump
Feel free to share yours.
#terrypratchett #metal #sandman #puppetry #rowing #GermanLanguage #bees #infodump #SpecialInterests #adhd
As a gay man figuring out sex talk in German, this article was very helpful in explaining what words work and which don't. Words with L, W, R and Y ( as pronounced in English) generally don't sound bad/dirty to across a wide spectrum of languages. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/06/science/swear-words-sounds.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare #lgbtqia #gaysex #GermanLanguage #cursing
#lgbtqia #gaysex #GermanLanguage #cursing
As a gay man figuring out sex talk in German, this article was very helpful in explaining what words work and which don't. Words with L, W, R and Y ( as pronounced in English) generally don't sound bad/dirty to across a wide spectrum of languages. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/06/science/swear-words-sounds.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare #lgbtqia #gaysex #GermanLanguage #cursing
#lgbtqia #gaysex #GermanLanguage #cursing
Keeping my honest {{accountable}} - Day 2 of my daily 5 minutes of #GermanLanguage #relearning to help support my teen in their language studies #ADHDCombined #adhdisanexplanationnotanexcuse #adhdBodyDoubling #PomodoroTechnique #DuolingoLanguage
#duolingolanguage #pomodorotechnique #adhdbodydoubling #adhdisanexplanationnotanexcuse #adhdcombined #relearning #GermanLanguage
Redownloading #duolingo as we speak. Have to brush up on my German in order to use this app effectively
#ClimateCollab #GermanLanguage #globalization #globalcommunity
#duolingo #ClimateCollab #GermanLanguage #globalization #globalcommunity
The White Wolf is a German-language video account that features "Let's Plays" of popular PC games, and is also an official mirror of the Igor's Lab PC tech channel. You can follow at:
➡️ @the_white_wolf (in German)
If the videos aren't visible on your instance yet, you can see all of them at https://video-cave-v2.de/accounts/the_white_wolf/videos
#TheWhiteWolf #Gaming #Games #PCGames #PCGaming #Technology #Tech #Computing #Videos #Hardware #PC #PCHardware #IgorsLab #Deutsch #AufDeutsch #German #GermanLanguage
#GermanLanguage #german #AufDeutsch #deutsch #IgorsLab #pchardware #pc #hardware #videos #computing #tech #technology #pcgaming #pcgames #games #gaming #TheWhiteWolf
Radio Regentrude is a German-language online music radio station. You can follow them at:
You can find streaming links on their website at https://radio-regentrude.de
The station is non-profit, non-commercial, legally licensed, and funded by the people who run it.
The music is international, programmes are mainly in German, but with some shows in English.
#RadioRegentrude #Radio #Regentrude #Deutsch #AufDeutsch #German #GermanLanguage #Music #OnlineRadio #Streaming
#streaming #onlineradio #music #GermanLanguage #german #AufDeutsch #deutsch #Regentrude #radio #radioregentrude
GNU/Linux.ch is a German-language news site and podcast about Linux and free software. You can follow it at:
➡️ @gnulinux
Their site is at https://gnulinux.ch
(This account was recommended to me, please DM or @ me if you would like to recommend an account too! 📨 )
#GNU #Linux #GNULinux #FOSS #FLOSS #Libre #Podcast #News #AufDeutsch #Deutsch #German #GermanLanguage
#GermanLanguage #german #deutsch #AufDeutsch #news #podcast #libre #floss #foss #GNUlinux #linux #gnu