#Germanhistorylesson Unfortunately, little is known about the early people in #Germany. The first written report (and nearly only one) was by a #Roman named #Tacitus. He believed that the Germanic tribes never intermarried with other peoples. Which was fondly replicated by the fascists.
They usually skipped over the reason he believed so: His main argument was that he couldn't believe anyone else would like to live there voluntarily...
#Tacitus #roman #Germany #Germanhistorylesson
#Germanhistorylesson Many Germans today have a pronounced tendency to see themselves as #centrist, and so, some 'newer' parties (often pro-American) tend to attempt to take a more meditating stance. It does not tend to go well. The 'old' German colonialism ended over 100 years ago, but whenever someone suggests politics from that time as role model, they attract the attention of violent people.
#Centrist #Germanhistorylesson
#Germanhistorylesson Still, it would be wrong to conclude from that that it had no impact. It played an important role in the political theory. Even for a country which didn't have any colonies, the idea of colonialism can have grave consequences for the political sphere. Newer events somewhat overshadowed it, but the German political spectrum is still divided in a 'pro-colonial' and an 'anti-colonial' camp - our #right and our #left-wing parties come from there.
#left #right #Germanhistorylesson
#Germanhistorylesson #German #colonialism is often overlooked (sometimes, even by the colonialized). This is the result of World War I: Because Germany lost its colonies back then (primarily, France and Britain took over), none of its former colonies celebrates independence from Germany today. Formal German colonialism was different from French or British (which were also different from each other). For example, it started late and ended early - Germany had colonies only around 40 years.
#colonialism #german #Germanhistorylesson
#Germanhistorylesson Recently, I have been thinking about the Saga of the Nibelungs. It is considered the German national epic by some people. That was already subject to controversial debates in the 18th, 19th century because the story is medieval and some people argued that it was not really interesting or understandable for many persons because it contains a lot of remarks on the customs in medieval castles. 19th century families, including German royalty, lived very differently.
#Germanhistorylesson I liked writing under this hashtag back on Twitter, so I'll think I'll continue here.
Today, a few words about the police in Germany.
Police in Germany is usually a federal affair, so each federal state has its own. There is a federal police, which is responsible for border security (including airports).
And there is one that may be one of Europe's smallest police forces: The Police at the German Bundestag. A police force solely for the German parliament.