Extreme levels of always favours the extremely wealthy.

More local to sell to and lower wages, its a win-win for the . In , we typically had , moguls and , and pining for extreme numbers of people to be pumped in.

Whether by bombing their country (aka so-called ) or like our "WorldClass" and glass-and-steel living styles.

#immigration #consumers #corporates #australia #GerryHarvey #realestate #BigConstruction #speculators #universities #PushFactors #PullFactors #coffeeShops

Last updated 3 years ago

Fertility can go down with ethical access to family planning.

Instead many govt actively pursued . In the conservative right party brought in a *in this century* as well as increased immigration by insane levels, extra hundreds of thousands a year, simply to satisfy , retailers like (very short term strategy given the effect on ), suppress wages, and boost housePrices.

The only…1/2

#populationGrowth #australia #babyBonus #contructionCartels #GerryHarvey #CurrentAccount

Last updated 4 years ago