#Geskizzel #scribble #OwnStuff #archive
Apropos of nothing.
#Geskizzel #scribble #ownstuff #archive
#Geskizzel #scribble #sketch #OwnStuff #ink #FediArt (ish) #FoolingAround #cats
- Visitor, waiting at the door -
#Geskizzel #scribble #sketch #ownstuff #ink #fediart #foolingaround #cats
#Geskizzel #sketch #OwnStuff #experiment
#art (ish) #FeltTipPen #LadyInRed
I'm somewhat comfortable with drawing lines and drawing things, so this sketch of a reclining person showing quite a bit of leg is a step to try out two new things outside of my normal comfort zone:
Forms of people and areas in single colour that make up an image.
#Geskizzel #sketch #ownstuff #experiment #art #felttippen #ladyinred
#Geskizzel #scribble #OwnStuff #archive #watercolour #ink #art (ish) #creatures #imagination
After the sketch on another piece of paper is done it's worth taking a look at the paper where brushes and colours are tested and see if imagination can make something of this chaos...
#Geskizzel #scribble #ownstuff #archive #watercolour #ink #art #creatures #imagination
#Quick #scribble #Geskizzel #pencil #SmallSketchbook #vacation #Frederiksø #Ertholmene #SeaFortress #SehestedsBatteri #LilleTårn #BalticSea
#quick #scribble #Geskizzel #pencil #smallsketchbook #vacation #frederikso #ertholmene #seafortress #sehestedsbatteri #lilletarn #balticsea
#Geskizzel #sketch #OwnStuff #archive #watercolour #pencil #ink #art (ish) #FediArt #summer #BalticSea
View from Skeldebro across outer Vemmingbund to #Dybbøl #Banke, close to #Sønderburg, #FlensborgFjord, #FlensburgerFörde
#Geskizzel #sketch #ownstuff #archive #watercolour #pencil #ink #art #fediart #summer #balticsea #dybbol #banke #Sonderburg #FlensborgFjord #flensburgerforde
#Geskizzel #sketch #OwnStuff #archive #watercolour #cranes
So, nun aber Abflug vom Schreibtisch; das artet ja schon wieder aus (aber auch nur, weil ein Abkömmling noch beim Training ist).
#Gutnabnd denn mal.
#Geskizzel #sketch #ownstuff #archive #watercolour #cranes #gutnabnd
#Geskizzel #sand #FoolingAround #BalticSea
Five hour walk, mostly along the beach. Quite a bit more than I'm used to... Ouch. :mastowink:
#Geskizzel #sand #foolingaround #balticsea
Ok. Das war Dienstag.
#Geskizzel #Ownstuff #archive #JustAFewLines #FoolingAround #ink #PaperCuts
#Geskizzel #ownstuff #archive #justafewlines #foolingaround #ink #papercuts
#Geskizzel #sketch #OwnStuff #archive #watercolour #ink #art #FediArt #ships #sails #BalticSea
- Sailing -
(Busy day, just throwing in something from the archive 👋)
#Geskizzel #sketch #ownstuff #archive #watercolour #ink #art #fediart #ships #sails #balticsea
#Geskizzel #sketch #OwnStuff #archive #watercolour #pencil #art #FediArt #WildBoar
Übergangslos weiter...
"Ähem, hat uns zufällig jemand gerufen?"
#Geskizzel #sketch #ownstuff #archive #watercolour #pencil #art #fediart #wildboar
#Geskizzel #scribble #OwnStuff #archive #ink #art (ish) #JustAFewLines #FoolingAround #ships #BalticSea
#Geskizzel #scribble #ownstuff #archive #ink #art #justafewlines #foolingaround #ships #balticsea