Die ziet er gaaf uit!
RT @alfaromeof1
This is #F1 2023, @alfaromeof1 style. #GetCloser
🐍 Alfa Romeo : fini le pétrolier ORLEN et bonjour à la plateforme de paris Stake. 💸
PS : aucun lien avec Tony Hawk.
RT @alfaromeoorlen@twitter.com
New year, new dawn, new identity.
Say hello to Alfa Romeo F1 Team Stake - a fresh identity for the team ahead of the 2023 #F1 season thanks to a new title partnership with one of the world’s leading entertainment and lifestyle brands, @Stake@twitter.com.
Tap to discover more. ⬇️ #GetCloser
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/alfaromeoorlen/status/1618881871814746117
Alfa Romeo : fini les montres ORLEN et bonjour à la plateforme de paris Stake.
PS : aucun lien avec Tony Hawk.
RT @alfaromeoorlen@twitter.com
New year, new dawn, new identity.
Say hello to Alfa Romeo F1 Team Stake - a fresh identity for the team ahead of the 2023 #F1 season thanks to a new title partnership with one of the world’s leading entertainment and lifestyle brands, @Stake@twitter.com.
Tap to discover more. ⬇️ #GetCloser
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/alfaromeoorlen/status/1618881871814746117
Cuchara ski area getting closer to opening this season, beautiful resort in Southern CO https://rec-law.us/3F9FF6j
@recreationlaw #SkiAreaLaw #SkiLaw #GiveAFlake #ClimateChange #SaveYourSeason #RecLaw #RecreationLaw #season #gettingcloser #resort #climatechange #southern #skiarea #opening #getcloser #ski #skis #resorts #open
#skiarealaw #skilaw #giveaflake #climatechange #saveyourseason #reclaw #recreationlaw #season #gettingcloser #resort #southern #skiarea #opening #GetCloser #ski #skis #resorts #open
Cuchara ski area getting closer to opening this season, beautiful resort in Southern CO https://rec-law.us/3F9FF6j
@recreationlaw #SkiAreaLaw #SkiLaw #GiveAFlake #ClimateChange #SaveYourSeason #RecLaw #RecreationLaw #season #gettingcloser #resort #climatechange #southern #skiarea #opening #getcloser #ski #skis #resorts #open
#skiarealaw #skilaw #giveaflake #climatechange #saveyourseason #reclaw #recreationlaw #season #gettingcloser #resort #southern #skiarea #opening #GetCloser #ski #skis #resorts #open