During this terrible fire season, I think what scares me most is being woken up in the middle of the night by either a phone alert to evac or a knock on the door as in tactical evacuation.
I know how groggy I am, and how confused I feel if I was in a deep sleep then suddenly woken. The thought of having to do all the things to evac my pets, and myself in that situation is intimidating. So, when there is a strong threat of fire that is within, say 20 kilometres, I do a few things ahead of time:
Write out a detailed list of what to do in what order and tape it to the inside of the door I would be leaving by. (I start the list with "put on glasses" because for sure I would forget until I am driving away)
Put halters on the cats so they are easier to catch. (they are indoor so I can leave them on for a week or two at a time)
Hitch the tent trailer up to the truck and leave it hitched.
Load the truck with the carrier for the chickens with food and water for them.
Have the emergency kits up to date in the vehicles.
Have the evac kit and anything that is necessary close to the door.
Have the roof sprinkler hose attached to the tap.
Leave outside lights on during the most dangerous times.
#ClimateDisaster #ClimateCrisis #Prepping #GetPrepared #Wildfire
#climatedisaster #ClimateCrisis #prepping #GetPrepared #wildfire
A few things to remember:
Make sure you have the correct alert app downloaded onto your phone for your area. Different apps are used for different areas. And you have to register your number to get the alerts. Someone told me today they were getting alerts from a fire much farther away from them than a closer fire in which they were getting no alerts. Sometimes the system screws up but at least be sure you have your info correct.
Keep your vehicles gassed up or charged up, keep all your devices fully charged, and battery packs charged up. Power outages are widespread in fires when lines go down. Sitting in the dark, in thick smoke, not knowing what is going on is terrifying.
Keep updated emergency kits in each vehicle. As the very minimum, make sure you carry a fire extinguisher, 1st aid kit, basic tools, food/water, clothing, and the list of phone numbers in case your phone breaks or goes dead. Borrowing someone's phone only works if you have the numbers to call.
If you are only just going out to grab some stuff from the store, be prepared and take at least a water bottle, your phone and your emerg kit. Anything could cause you to get stuck- a fallen tree on the road, a sudden traffic jam, etc. And don't wait until the last minute to get what you need. When an evac order is called, the roads are suddenly jammed.
Knowledge is power. Don't get bogged down in social media "crazy stories" instead of actual verifiable facts. Keep situational awareness front and centre.
#CanadianWildfires #Kelowna #Shuswap #ClimateDisaster #ClimateCrisis #BCWildfires #Prepping #GetPrepared
#canadianwildfires #kelowna #shuswap #climatedisaster #ClimateCrisis #BCWildfires #prepping #GetPrepared
Yellowknife is taking preemptive measures to fire proof the town. Or at least make it more fire resistant. And not a second too soon by the sounds of it.
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateDisaster #Prepping #GetPrepared #CanadianWildfire
#ClimateCrisis #climatedisaster #prepping #GetPrepared #canadianwildfire
“Telecommunications in multiple NWT communities are severely disrupted due to wildfire activity in the southern NWT. ..."
THIS is why we need to keep pushing for better ham radio emergency communications (equipment, antenna, radio rooms, expense reimbursement, education) within the PREOC centers in every area. Some scary photos coming out of Hay River tonight.
#hamradio #Hamr #AmateurRadio #DisasterPreparedness #EMCOM #DisasterCommunication #Prepping #GetPrepared
#hamradio #hamr #amateurradio #disasterpreparedness #emcom #disastercommunication #prepping #GetPrepared
Dieses unvorstellbare Grauen wird noch verschlimmert durch die Dummköpfe, die sich diesen Mist ausgedacht haben und weiter die Verleugnung und Ignoranz pflegen, die die Weigerung der Menschen, ihre Lebensweise zu ändern und weniger fossile Brennstoffe und Energie zu verbrauchen, stabilisieren.
#Klimakatastrophe #Klimawandel #ExtremWetterEreignisse #VorbereitetSein
#climatedisaster #climatechange #ExtremeWeatherEvents #GetPrepared
#klimakatastrophe #klimawandel #extremwetterereignisse #VorbereitetSein #climatedisaster #climatechange #ExtremeWeatherEvents #GetPrepared
Hinzu kommt eine winzige Feuerwehr, die keine Ausrüstung zur Brandbekämpfung aus der Luft hat und die bei einem Wind von 60 bis 80 Meilen pro Stunde ohnehin nichts ausrichten kann. Stromleitungen und -masten. Hölzerne Bausubstanz. Funkenflug. All das schuf den perfekten Sturm für Feuer.
#climatedisaster #climatechange #ExtremeWeatherEvents #GetPrepared
#climatedisaster #climatechange #ExtremeWeatherEvents #GetPrepared
Die Temperaturen auf der Insel sind in den letzten Jahren aufgrund des Treibhauseffekts um bis zu 6 Grad gestiegen. Verlängerte Sturmsaison mit heftigeren Winden, stärkere Sonnenuntergangs- und Fallwinde, unerbittliche Trockenheit selbst auf der "trockenen Seite". All dies ist "Klimawandel", teils auf planetarischer, teils auf lokaler Ebene.
#climatedisaster #climatechange #ExtremeWeatherEvents #GetPrepared
#climatedisaster #climatechange #ExtremeWeatherEvents #GetPrepared
Verlassene Ananasfarmen, die zuvor den einheimischen Lebensraum zerstört hatten, und verlassene Rinderfarmen, auf denen sich invasive, nicht einheimische Gräser ansiedelten, die in enorme Höhen wuchsen und Mikroklimata schufen und dann völlig austrockneten.
#climatedisaster #climatechange #ExtremeWeatherEvents #GetPrepared
#climatedisaster #climatechange #ExtremeWeatherEvents #GetPrepared
Ich werde NIEMALS verstehen, wie Menschen sich winden, um die schlimmsten und lächerlichsten Verschwörungstheorien zu finden, anstatt einfach offensichtliche Dinge zu erkennen, wie die schrecklichen Brände auf Maui:
#climatedisaster #climatechange #ExtremeWeatherEvents #GetPrepared
#climatedisaster #climatechange #ExtremeWeatherEvents #GetPrepared
I will NEVER understand how people will twist themselves inside out to find the worst and most ludicrous conspiracy theories instead of simply admitting the most obvious things such as the terrible Maui fires: Abandoned pineapple farms which had previously destroyed native habitat and abandoned cattle farms both which had invasive non-native grasses take over, grow to huge heights and create micro-climates, then completely dry out. Temperatures on the island up to 6 degrees hotter in recent years due to greenhouse effect. Prolonged storm seasons with fiercer winds, stronger sundowner and downhill winds, unrelenting drought even on the "dry side". All of this is "climate change", some on a planetary scale, some on a localized scale. Add in a tiny fire department, no aerial fighting equipment and none that could do anything in 60 to 80 mph winds anyway. Power lines and poles. Wooden structures. Ember storm. All created a perfect storm for fire. This unimaginable horror is made worse by the fools making shit up, and ultimately making worse the denial and ignorance that will prolong the refusal to change human ways to zero fossil fuel use and less energy use.
#ClimateDisaster #ClimateChange #ExtremeWeatherEvents #GetPrepared
#climatedisaster #ClimateChange #ExtremeWeatherEvents #GetPrepared
It's hard to remember than even though the world is fucked up, you can't do everything. You can take care of your own little part of the world. Grow food if you can. Look after your family if you have family. Look after your friends if you have friends. Create the world for yourself that you want to see everywhere.
#prepping #homesteading #GetPrepared
This is a movie set, it isn't real beyond the landscaping and facade. BUT, I do believe this is going to be the houses of our future. We are facing record heat, fires, violent storms, floods, and deep cold winters.
This style of housing could potentially save many depending on where on the planet one lives and the availability of appropriate natural land features. This is temperature regulated, much safer from fires, nearly hurricane and tornado-proof, and if situated on hill-sides, flood safe.
It's also more sustainable than building materials currently in use such as concrete and wood from live trees.
Obviously, it's not for everyone. But many many places could have safe housing by building into the ground, on hillsides too steep for growing food where sun exposure and protection is optimized. Re-thinking our human spaces and places is going to be a necessity moving forward.
#DisasterPreparedness #ClimateDisaster #ClimateChange #GetPrepared #Prepping
#disasterpreparedness #climatedisaster #ClimateChange #GetPrepared #prepping
Fire season is starting early, the heat this past 2 weeks has felt like July not May and June. Things we are thinking about now: air purifiers and their filters, roof sprinklers and making sure they work properly, removing excess brush on the property, putting more water saving situations on all the outbuildings, early water conservation, shade for the chickens and bees. Also, getting the evac kits updated and restocked.
#smoke #FireSeason #Wildfires #BC #farming #homesteading #prepping #GetPrepared #DisasterPreparedness
#smoke #fireseason #wildfires #bc #farming #homesteading #prepping #GetPrepared #disasterpreparedness
So, the combining of families in my house has begun. Lots of chaos, noise, and disruption. I followed a trail of jam from the kitchen to the dining room this morning... lol. But I am so happy we are doing this. Boxes stacked up everywhere, some wall refinishing being done upstairs, paint colours being picked out. My SIL has an amazing sword collection (which is still sitting on the hearth waiting for a wall) My daughter's looms and spinning wheels are tucked in everywhere. But it turns out the most exciting thing is that she is apparently newly beek obsessed. I took her into the hives yesterday and she is hooked. She is planning a bee tapestry, can't wait for the next bee inspection and is waxing poetic about them. This was on one of her social media accounts... ha!
#homesteading #prepping #GetPrepared #beekeeping
I often see people in prepper-type forums saying that it's not necessary to get a ham license because no one will know or care when the SHTF- just get a baofeng and yer good....
This is a ridiculous stance to have for many reasons. But mostly, if you study to get your ham license, you will gain a basic understanding of how these systems work- frequency, propagation, distance, antennas etc. You will understand the importance of good equipment that will hold up to years of use. If you practice for years and years, you will gain an advanced understanding of how this equipment works and how to maintain it.
If you live in an area like I do and there are mountains, simplex will not work for farther than your neighbour. You will be relying on repeaters. And linking those repeaters. And possibly, repairing those repeaters or assisting someone to do it. All these systems work together in a somewhat precarious way. You need to know how your transmission is, how your equipment is working and the only way is to talk to other people. You can't do that now without a license. The whole point is practice, practice, practice.
If you're a baofeng cowboy and the SHTF, you can't figure out why you can't hear anything or anyone ... well dude... you are hooped. You might as well have flushed that 34.99 you spent because it won't do you a bit of good.
#Education #Prepping #Hamr #HamRadio #AmateurRadio #GetPrepared
#education #prepping #hamr #hamradio #amateurradio #GetPrepared
This lady has a lot of wisdom to share. Grow your groceries, save seeds, share, barter, spread it around, mix it up, grow, garden, homestead... Survive. I've learned a lot of gardening and preserving things from this channel.
#prepping #GetPrepared #homesteading #harvest #PreserveFood #grow #barter #learn #educate #HomesteadHeart #WeWontNeedThemAnymore #HopeForTheFuture
#prepping #GetPrepared #homesteading #harvest #preservefood #grow #barter #learn #educate #homesteadheart #wewontneedthemanymore #HopeForTheFuture
And then there are the emergency evac groups all over fb that have all kinds of people, farmers, ranchers, horse people, cowboys.. all lining up to haul evacuees with their trucks and trailers hitched and ready to roll to save other's livestock, horses, pets. Offering pens, pastures, barns, backyards to stranger's animals to keep them safe. They aren't waiting for government help, people are just jumping in.
This is where being prepared really counts. Get your affairs in order and do the prep work. Having important stuff packed, horses and cattle trained to load, arrangement for accommodation done ahead of time. Imagine trying to load a panicked horse in the middle of the night with smoke in the air and fire on the horizon, by stressed out owners. When you get put on alert, GO. Don't wait. The roads are jammed.
#prepping #GetPrepared #MutualAid #climatedisaster
So, many parts of Alberta are on fire and have been most of the last week. It is getting really bad today. So of course, the conspiracy theories are flying as hot and thick as the smoke. "the environmentalists are doing it", "the government is infiltrated by... WEF", "it's chemtrails", "it's climate fire bugs", "it's Trudeau's fault" (of course) and "they are trying to burn everyone out so they have to move to "smart cities". JFC.
But not one person talking about fossil fuel driven climate change and it's contribution to extreme drought and heat. No one is suggesting maybe we should give every support we can to those that are developing non-fossil fuel energy systems. No one is saying we should all use less energy, buy less crap, live more simply. My heart is broken by the photos coming out of Alberta today. Innocents suffer for the greed and bullshit of the few.
#AlbertaFires #ClimateChange #ClimateDisaster #prepping #GetPrepared
#albertafires #ClimateChange #climatedisaster #prepping #GetPrepared
We've already had lots of mud slides and flooding all around BC and NOW the rains are starting. It's gonna get real. Get prepared, make sure you have food and supplies to last quite a while. Try to stay off the roads if possible. Be aware of your surroundings. Rivers are running high, creeks are rushing, lakes are filling up.
#prepping #GetPrepared #stayprepared #freshet #storms
We are in the time of spring of floods AND fires at the same time... sometimes in the same place. Stay alert. Don't take chances with burning stuff. Situational awareness. Evac kits ready.