Happy anniversary to Electronics self-titled debut album. Released this week in 1991. #electronic #bernardsumner #johnnymarr #neiltennant #neworder #thesmiths #petshopboys #getthemessage #tightenup #feeleverybeat #gettingawaywithit #dissapointed #coolworld
#electronic #bernardsumner #JohnnyMarr #NeilTennant #neworder #thesmiths #petshopboys #GetTheMessage #tightenup #feeleverybeat #gettingawaywithit #dissapointed #coolworld
Google Urges Apple Not To 'Drop the Ball' on Fixing Messaging in New Billboard Pushing RCS - Google is continuing on with its #GetTheMessage campaign attempting to convince Ap... - https://apple.slashdot.org/story/23/01/06/1525236/google-urges-apple-not-to-drop-the-ball-on-fixing-messaging-in-new-billboard-pushing-rcs?utm_source=rss1.0mainlinkanon&utm_medium=feed #google
마이웨이 애플·저격나선 구글 …'글로벌 메시지 표준 참여하라'
마이웨이 애플·저격나선 구글 …"글로벌 메시지 표준 참여하라" - 매일경제
눈에 띄는 것은 전시 공간 전면에 설치된 대형 스크린. 이곳에서 애플에 공용 메시지 서비스인 RCS(Rich Communication Service)에 참여하라는 비판 광고를 틀었다.
애플은 자체 단문메시지(SMS)인 아이메시지를 사용하고, 구글을 비롯한 여러 기업이 참여하는 차세대 공용 메시지 RCS에는 참여하지 않고 있다. 구글은 'Help Apple #GetTheMessage'라는 해시태그로 애플이 개방적인 RCS 생태계에 참여하라고 지난해부터 촉구하고 있다.
구글은 전시 공간 내에서도 애플의 폐쇄성과 상반되는 구글 안드로이드의 개방성을 강조했다. 자체 브랜드인 픽셀폰 외…
via: https://clien.net/service/board/news/17832805?od=T31&po=0&category=0&groupCd=
👍 to "your move Apple" And by "your move" we mean upgrade to RCS, and all of this is fixed. #GetTheMessage
Marques Brownlee: Your move, Apple (they'll probably do nothing)
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/Android/status/1592322452994260992
We've had our eyes on this problem for a while, we believe secure texting should be accessible regardless of device or platform #GetTheMessage
The Verge: Now Mark Zuckerberg’s making fun of Apple for iMessage, too
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/Android/status/1582148236189794304
Re @ByClaytonDavis @mphelps2 Preach! Sounds like more people need to #GetTheMessage
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/Android/status/1578371477661188096
#Pixel uses RCS for enhanced media sharing and end-to-end encryption when you text.
We hope every device maker gets the message and adopts RCS, making texting better for every smartphone user. ✨
#MadeByGoogle #GetTheMessage
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/Android/status/1578029324833525766
#pixel #madebygoogle #GetTheMessage
Come through with the truth!! #GetTheMessage
Ivory Hecker: If you have an iPhone and you’ve been ghosted by an Android user, you may not have been ghosted. It may have been the incompatibility of the phones.
Android is now demanding Apple update its technology to fix texting problems.
Full Podcast:
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/Android/status/1577338690783019008
That's what we said 🤷 #GetTheMessage
Maxine Shaw✨: Apple need to create an update where you can leave group messages that got androids in them!!
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/Android/status/1577027648542609408
RT motorolaus
Sick of getting stuck in awkward group chats? Apple could help us out if only they would adopt RCS 🙏 #GetTheMessage @Android
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/MotorolaUS/status/1575558895791411200
RT @MotorolaUS
did you know…
Apple’s “new” phone still has the same texting technology as a phone from 2004? #GetTheMessage
RT @android
Texting a friend with a different phone than you should be no problem… Right? @apple? #GetTheMessage
10 different people’s names doesn’t quite capture the personality of your friend group.
Apple doesn’t like talking about it. We, however, love an informed audience. #GetTheMessage
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/Android/status/1570442271514034177
RT motorolaus
did you know…
Apple’s “new” phone still has the same texting technology as a phone from 2004? #GetTheMessage
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/MotorolaUS/status/1570064250743459843
If your messages aren’t secure with everyone, are they really secure at all?
Apple hasn’t talked about it. We, however, love an informed audience. #GetTheMessage
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/Android/status/1569385360483926019
RT Hiroshi Lockheimer
It's clear why Apple is opposing interoperability. But people should be able to send high quality videos and photos to their mom without having to buy her a new phone. #GetTheMessage
nilay patel: "I don't hear our users asking that we put a lot of energy" into RCS, says Tim Cook in response to a question at Code. "I would love to convert you to an iPhone."
"I can't send my mom certain videos," says the questioner.
"Buy your mom an iPhone," says Tim.
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/lockheimer/status/1567735159579111425
If they can put WiFi on a plane 33,000 ft. in the sky, why do you still need a cell signal just to text?
Apple hasn’t talked about it. We, however, love an informed audience. #GetTheMessage
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/Android/status/1565415743931416576
RT @Android@twitter.com
If you’re gonna ignore people, including your own customers, at least do it with a Read Receipt. If you thought we were done, we’re not stopping until Apple can #GetTheMessage
If you’re gonna ignore people, including your own customers, at least do it with a Read Receipt. If you thought we were done, we’re not stopping until Apple can #GetTheMessage
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/Android/status/1565024595291291648