@Dasy2k1 @gdunn39 @philheppenstall @kennethb @epistatacadam
I agree (although maybe not about the actual PR system), which is why I spent the best part of two years working for #Charter88 in the early 1990s towards that end... we failed;
more recent chances at change (most recently the LibDem-led referendum) also have not managed to produce a majority behind the transition....
so we are where we are & we very much need to #gettheToriesout! #GTTO
#charter88 #GetTheToriesOut #gtto
Think my local Tories are getting a bit panicked.
#GTTO #GetTheToriesOut #votethemout #ToryShambles
It is rather depressing that the #ToryShambles would make such a desperate move to disenfranchise certain voters but let’s make sure no one slips through this particular one.
Make sure to spread far and wide that either you need a correct form of ID (check https://www.gov.uk/how-to-vote/photo-id-youll-need), or register to postal vote.
Let’s make sure this little trick doesn’t work and finally #GetTheToriesOut
Happy Easter!
#ToryShambles #GetTheToriesOut
The depression of getting government paperwork through the post & being reminded that the a-hole that is Lee "30p" Anderson is my local mp :blobsob:
#GetTheToriesOut #FuckTheTories
#GetTheToriesOut #FucktheTories
there's always cash to pay for whatever they want. This country is bleeding taxpayer money and racking up eyewatering debt. Yet there's only cash for the projects the govt wants to pay for. Not the projects the country needs. #ukpolitics #getthetoriesout #ukeconomy
#ukpolitics #GetTheToriesOut #UKeconomy
Have you had enough yet Britain?
Or can you not get enough of Tory Chaos?
#StarmerSCUMBAG #GetTheToriesOut then #GetToriesOutTheLabourParty
#StandByCorbyn #FordeReport
#AndrewFisher speaks to #NovaraMediaNews
#starmerscumbag #GetTheToriesOut #gettoriesoutthelabourparty #standbycorbyn #FordeReport #andrewfisher #NovaraMediaNews #uk #UKshitshow
#StarmerSCUMBAG #GetTheToriesOut then #GetToriesOutTheLabourParty
#StandByCorbyn #FordeReport
#AndrewFisher speaks to #NovaraMediaNews
#starmerscumbag #GetTheToriesOut #gettoriesoutthelabourparty #standbycorbyn #FordeReport #andrewfisher #NovaraMediaNews
And on & on & on.
#GTTO #GetTheToriesOut
RT @GoodLawProject
🔎 INVESTIGATION: New Tory Chairman helped land a £25m PPE deal for a firm linked to Mark Higton – then Chair of Hammersmith Conservatives – despite it having no experience providing protective equipment.
Read the full story here ⬇️
Is @JaneMHunt on this list?
OF COURSE she is!
Completely unnecessary & unwarranted voter ID that will waste money & make it disproportionately more difficult for NON-TORY voters to vote (what this is really about).
Thanks Jane for, yet again, letting Loughborough down 😒 #gtto #UKPolitics #UK #GetTheToriesOut
#ukpolitics #uk #GetTheToriesOut #gtto
Tory Britain. #GTTO #GetTheToriesOut
RT @BennnyH
Huge mobilisation of far-right protestors outside a hotel for asylum-seekers in Knowsley, just outside of Liverpool. They've now set fire to a police van.
This was taken in the last hour:
Rachel Maclean MP is a complete imbecile. But, then, so are the rest of them. So no difference there.
#outoftouch #politics #GetTheToriesOut #GeneralElection
But a windfall tax would have been too costly to them according to the Tories. So the taxpayer ends up sorting it instead.
This lot are not fit to represent us. Time to have a #GeneralElectionNow AND #GetTheToriesOut…..
#GeneralElectionNow #GetTheToriesOut
But a windfall tax would have been too costly to them according to the Tories. So the taxpayer ends up sorting it instead.
This lot are not fit to represent us. Time to have a #GeneralElectionNow AND #GetTheToriesOut…..
#GeneralElectionNow #GetTheToriesOut
Apparently the Liz Truss lettuce thinks it can make a come back.
#lettuce #liztruss #GETTHETORIESOUT https://www.youtube.com/shorts/hcxTFlJaUWI
#lettuce #LizTruss #GetTheToriesOut
I wouldn't be surprised if the Tory party were using party funds and tory donors to help finance these ultra-right fringe parties to deliberately divide voters. And carefully put them in Labour areas. I think the 2010 election results, when Tories had to form a coalition govt has them scared stiff. Because the last few elections since have shown tiny majorities for the Tories. People really don't want them in power. #GETTHETORIESOUT