Matt Pritchett 📷♿️ · @CrankyCyborg
176 followers · 799 posts · Server

"People have had their lives completely ruined by Covid, and so this incomplete data point really only captures a small part of the long Covid experience," he said. "There are more than one way to have your life taken away from you with long Covid. Death is only one of those ways."

#covid #LongCovid #disability #MaskUp #GetYourShots #getyourdamnedbooster #GetYourFluShotRightNowWhatAreYouWaitingFor

Last updated 2 years ago

Matt Pritchett 📷♿️ · @CrankyCyborg
145 followers · 480 posts · Server
Historian Matt · @HistMatt
273 followers · 95 posts · Server

Southeast US has hit the roof of CDC’s respiratory illness level scale.

This outbreak is mostly driven by RSV and the flu.

Part of the reason has to do with the flu shot. Though the shot matches well to the strain spreading this year, not enough people have had the shot this year.

#flu #rsv #cdc #fluseason #GetYourFluShotRightNowWhatAreYouWaitingFor

Last updated 2 years ago