Et Apple, en refusant d'adopter le RCS pour la communication Android/iPhone entretient délibérément cette tendance toxique !
Encore une fois #FaitesPasserLeMessage #GetTheMessage !
#faitesPasserLeMessage #GettheMessage
Each time Google re-ups their #GetTheMessage campaign, trying to shame Apple into doing the thing that is objectively best for everyone (supporting the open, federated messaging system everyone else uses alongside thiers), I think a little more about Apple's side of things.
Google never give up on Apple ! 😅👍
Happy New Year, Apple! Your users deserve to finally have a modern texting experience. Here’s a little #CES gift from us to you: Code to start upgrading to RCS! #GetTheMessage
How many more strikes do we need?
#sttikes #government #tory #GettheMessage #WorkersUnite #lowpay
#lowpay #WorkersUnite #GettheMessage #tory #government #sttikes
How many more strikes do we need?
#WorkersUnite #GettheMessage #tory #government #strikes
MKBHD on the subject #GetTheMessage #DisclosureIWorkAtGoogle
#GettheMessage #disclosureiworkatgoogle
I'm a messaging app nerd. I updated Messages and I can reply to particular RCS messages now!
But the interesting (to me) thing is that I can react to SMS messages now...
#GettheMessage #disclosureiworkatgoogle
It's clear why Apple is opposing interoperability. But people should be able to send high quality videos and photos to their mom without having to buy her a new phone. #GetTheMessage
#GetTheMessage apple and implement RCS to your Messages app, being called broke for not having an iphone is annoying
You’ve got better things to do than worry if that message went through. Help Apple #GetTheMessage
It's disheartening to see so many people adding completely incorrect information to Google's wacky #GetTheMessage campaign.
iMessage absolutely is a "Messaging Protocol." Messages is the "Messaging Client (Like Whatsapp)" that uses the iMessage protocol.
They are competing.
Bold prediction: Google's #GetTheMessage campaign is going to convince Apple to finally make a big change, but that change will be "deciding to release an Android iMessage client with a monthly fee."
Google tries shaming Apple into adopting RCS with #getthemessage campaign
Apple, it's time to move us past SMS and MMS #GetTheMessage
I'm invested in this space and I can rant for hours and hours on it
#GettheMessage #disclosureiworkatgoogle
Nou article a #Googladdicte, sobre la polèmica per les bòbiles blaves i verdes, el #RCS i el #GetTheMessage
promogut per
#GettheMessage #rcs #googladdicte
Massive point
RT @Android
Texting a friend with a different phone than you should be no problem… Right? @Apple? #GetTheMessage