RT @RebHarms: That a court in Turkey decided the lifelong incarceration of the great supporter of the European Union in #OsmanKavala is devastating. It’s not a crime to stand for Europe.The sentence is inhumane,shows everything about Erdogan‘s Turkey.
#OsmanKavala #GeziTrial #GeziParkı
That a court in Turkey decided the lifelong incarceration of the great supporter of the European Union in #OsmanKavala is devastating. It’s not a crime to stand for Europe.The sentence is inhumane,shows everything about Erdogan‘s Turkey.
#OsmanKavala #GeziTrial #GeziParkı
RT @AntifaPinneberg@twitter.com
In memory of Berkin Elvan, killed by police in #Istanbul, he died on March 11, 2014, after 269 days in coma. #NeverForget #BerkinElvan #Unutmadık #Unutturmayacağız #GeziParkı #BerkinElvanölümsüzdür #PoliceBrutality #Taksim #Okmeydanı #Antifa #11Mart2014 #BerkinicinAdalet
#istanbul #neverforget #berkinelvan #Unutmadık #Unutturmayacağız #GeziParkı #BerkinElvanölümsüzdür #policebrutality #Taksim #Okmeydanı #antifa #11Mart2014 #BerkinicinAdalet