Every master was once a beginner 🎨
'Tobias and the Angel', by Andrea del Verrocchio (NG0781) was also worked on by a number of his students, including the young #LeonardoDaVinci.
It's suggested that #Leonardo painted the fish and the now vanishing dog. L famously loved animals and was a committed #vegetarian, as from observation he understood animals felt pain.
Other famous students in AdV's workshop: #Ghirlandaio, #Perugino and #Botticelli. That's quite a mix.
#leonardodavinci #Leonardo #vegetarian #Ghirlandaio #Perugino #Botticelli #nationalgallery #oldmasters
Every master was once a beginner.
'Tobias and the Angel', by Andrea del Verrocchio (NG0781) was also worked on by a number of his students, including the young #LeonardoDaVinci.
It's suggested that #Leonardo painted the fish and the now vanishing dog (a Maltese?). L famously loved animals and was a #vegetarian, as from observation he understood animals felt pain.
Other famous students in AdV's workshop: #Ghirlandaio, #Perugino and #Botticelli. That's quite a mix.
#leonardodavinci #Leonardo #vegetarian #Ghirlandaio #Perugino #Botticelli #nationalgallery #oldmasters
El #hilorojo con el que #Ghirlandaio quiere #EmocionArte es una alegorĂa de la vida. Miras a la infancia y te ves ávido de amor y conocimiento. Adviertes que el serpenteante camino que conduce a la inmortalidad, regresa a la tierna mirada de tu estirpe. #DĂadelosAbuelos #MĂ©xico
#mĂ©xico #DĂadelosAbuelos #EmocionArte #Ghirlandaio #hilorojo
Si pudieras #EmocionArte apreciando solo la belleza pura, desprovisto el personaje de su espĂritu y de la mirada apasionada del amor, contemplarĂas el rostro más hermoso del mundo. EstarĂas, como entonces #Ghirlandaio, en presencia de #GiovannaTornabuoni. @MuseoThyssen
#GiovannaTornabuoni #Ghirlandaio #EmocionArte