Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Billionaire Leon Black Accused of Raping 16-Year-Old With Down Syndrome at Epstein's Estate #Jezebel #princeandrewdukeofyork #draftbradleyjedwards #ghislainemaxwell #jeffreyepstein #hermaxwell #leonblack #elizabeth #lawcrime #epstein #janedoe
#jezebel #princeandrewdukeofyork #draftbradleyjedwards #GhislaineMaxwell #jeffreyepstein #hermaxwell #leonblack #elizabeth #lawcrime #epstein #janedoe
Referenced link:
Originally posted by Anonymous Operations /
R to @AnonOpsSE: This seems nothing new under the sun.
4 years ago ex handler has claimed that #GhislaineMaxwell and #JeffreyEpstein were spies who used underage sex to blackmail politicians.
#GhislaineMaxwell #JeffreyEpstein #EpsteinFiles #MaxwellFiles
Fil du 2 janvier 2022 ; oui ça date un peu.
PavĂ© dans la mare : le rĂ©seau de #GhislaineMaxwell et d'#Epstein est un rĂ©seau de prostitution de mineur.e.s parmi d'autres. Ce qui permet que cela arrive, ce ne sont pas "les moeurs corrompues des Ă©lites" (vous commencez Ă me taper sur le systĂšme avec ça...) Ce sont en gĂ©nĂ©ral les familles, l'Ă©ducation et l'image que les victimes ont d'elles-mĂȘmes. LĂ , les clients appartiennent Ă une Ă©lite, donc c'est bling-bling, donc ça vous intĂ©resse. Mais les rĂ©seaux de ce type transcendent les milieux sociaux.
C'est peut-ĂȘtre plus facile pour vous de vous concentrer sur la partie visible de l'iceberg. De croire que c'est un "rĂ©seau de l'Ă©lite" et qu'il est unique. Mais la vĂ©ritĂ©, c'est que ça pourrait arriver dans votre village, dans votre rue, et que vous fermeriez les yeux.
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Ghislaine Maxwell Will Reportedly Use New $1 Million Divorce Settlement to Fund Her Appeal #Jezebel #crimeintheunitedstates #ghislainemaxwell #harveyweinstein #jeffreyepstein #scottborgerson #arthurlaidala #humaninterest #nationality #law2ccrime #criminals #divorce
#jezebel #crimeintheunitedstates #GhislaineMaxwell #HarveyWeinstein #jeffreyepstein #scottborgerson #arthurlaidala #humaninterest #nationality #law2ccrime #criminals #divorce
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Takes a Creep to Know a Creep #Jezebel #floridarepublicans #ghislainemaxwell #jeffreyepstein #businesspeople #melaniatrump #unitedstates #donaldtrump #politicians #rondesantis #howardstern #education #desantis
#jezebel #floridarepublicans #GhislaineMaxwell #jeffreyepstein #businesspeople #melaniatrump #unitedstates #donaldtrump #politicians #rondesantis #howardstern #education #desantis
And the plot thickens...
#epsteinisland #GhislaineMaxwell #EpsteinDidntKillHimself
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Ghislaine Maxwell Is Still Defending Prince Andrew From Prison #Jezebel #murdersofberniceandbennovackjr #princeandrew2cdukeofyork #virginiarobertsgiuffre #ghislainemaxwell #britishmonarchy #alandershowitz #britishpeople #daphnebarak #narcynovack #billgates #ghislain #maxwell #epstein #andrew #humans
#jezebel #murdersofberniceandbennovackjr #princeandrew2cdukeofyork #virginiarobertsgiuffre #GhislaineMaxwell #BritishMonarchy #alandershowitz #britishpeople #daphnebarak #narcynovack #billgates #ghislain #maxwell #epstein #andrew #Humans
Suit filed by victim against JP Morgan alleges Jes Staley knew of trafficking of young women and witnessed sexual abuse. #Epstein #GhislaineMaxwell #JPMorgan
#epstein #GhislaineMaxwell #jpmorgan
Evolutionary #geneticist: âRace is a social cultural construct. It has no bearings in scienceâ
#Folktaxonomy #Sheilanightingale #NinaJablonski #paleobiology #paleobiologist #humandiversity #humanevolution #RacialIdentity #Culture #culturalstudies
#folklore #mythical #manmade #productofimagination #mansmind #inthemind #imagination #learnedbehaviour #learnedbehavior #taxonomy #anthropologist #anthropologists #anthropology #evolutionarygenetics #evolutionarygeneticist
#crt #vikings #animamundi #hominim #hominid #ancestor #anthropology #dna #geneticplasticity #multicultural #panacea #species #familytree #evolution #eastafrica #plato #animus #superiorrace #eugenecist #eugenics #myths #tropes #archetypes #jungian #carljung #commonancestor #melanin #christian #christianity #biblical #fundamentalism #flds #underthebannerodheaven #fundamentalism #exmormons #criticalracetheory #missionary #divideandconquer #skincolour #skincolor #poc #bipoc #ibpoc #dei #belonging #collectivesoul #calling #unity ##bible #monotheism #usa #unitedstatesofamerica #unlearningwhitesupremacy #relearning #untold #aboriginalauthors #firstnationsauthors #firstnations #amerindians #indigenousauthors #IndigenousStories #indigenous #residentialschools #indigenousscholars #indigenousprofessors #retelling #americanhistory #europeanhistory #commonwealth #colonization #decolonizeyourmind #decoloniseeconomics #decolonization #colonisationdelimaginaire #colonialWars #britishhistory #spanishhistory #espagne #histoiredufrance #histoirefrancais #france #frenchcolonialism #frenchcolony #britishcolony #englishcolony #historyofengland #westerncivilization #westernphilosopy #jomokenyatta #christianmissionaries #christianmissionary #panafricanist #panafricanism #kwamenkrumah #saviourism #saviourist #whitesaviour #whitesavior #saviorism #saviorist #racialsuperiority #africantribes #whitejesus #blackjesus #massslavery #anglosaxon #whiteanglosaxon #anglosaxonhistory #aksumite #ethiopianhistory #staugustus #septuagint #apollos #symonofcyrene #marktheapostle #slaveboat #slavemaster #indoctrination #extremism #extremism #religiousdogma #dogmatic #dogma #separationofchurchandstate #patriarchy #patriarchal #dispellingpatriarchy #dissectingpatriarchy #paganism #pagan #savage #barbaric #precolonial #jeffoganga #easternafrica #darkages #africandarkages #slavetrade #slaveship #IndenturedLabour #forcedlabour #slavery #slaves #religiousdoctrine #religion #protestant #protestantism #grecoroman #hierarchical #socialhierarchy #culturalhierarchy #racialhierarchy #pagan #orthodox #westernchristianity #civilwar #yellowstone #1923 #1883 #6666 #christianmissions #nuns #aminahnieves #jennifertehle #indianschool #reservations #catholicism #catholicschool #catholicnuns #nunteachers #convents #sexualabuse #abuseinterrupted #abuseinconvents #veilofsilence #globalsistersreport #catholicorphanage #sexpredators #metoo #abuseinthechurch #clericalabuse #nunabuse #indianschools #epstein #GhislaineMaxwelltrial #GhislaineMaxwell
#geneticist #folktaxonomy #sheilanightingale #ninajablonski #Paleobiology #paleobiologist #humandiversity #humanevolution #RacialIdentity #culture #culturalstudies #folklore #mythical #manmade #productofimagination #mansmind #inthemind #imagination #learnedbehaviour #learnedbehavior #taxonomy #anthropologist #anthropologists #anthropology #evolutionarygenetics #evolutionarygeneticist #crt #vikings #animamundi #hominim #hominid #ancestor #dna #geneticplasticity #multicultural #panacea #species #familytree #evolution #eastafrica #plato #animus #superiorrace #eugenecist #eugenics #myths #tropes #archetypes #jungian #carljung #commonancestor #melanin #christian #christianity #biblical #fundamentalism #flds #underthebannerodheaven #exmormons #criticalracetheory #missionary #DivideAndConquer #Skincolour #skincolor #poc #bipoc #ibpoc #dei #belonging #collectivesoul #calling #unity #bible #monotheism #usa #unitedstatesofamerica #unlearningwhitesupremacy #relearning #untold #aboriginalauthors #firstnationsauthors #firstnations #amerindians #indigenousauthors #indigenousstories #indigenous #residentialschools #indigenousscholars #indigenousprofessors #retelling #americanhistory #europeanhistory #commonwealth #colonization #decolonizeyourmind #decoloniseeconomics #decolonization #colonisationdelimaginaire #colonialWars #britishhistory #spanishhistory #espagne #histoiredufrance #histoirefrancais #france #frenchcolonialism #frenchcolony #britishcolony #englishcolony #historyofengland #westerncivilization #westernphilosopy #JomoKenyatta #christianmissionaries #christianmissionary #panafricanist #panafricanism #KWAMENKRUMAH #saviourism #saviourist #whitesaviour #WhiteSavior #saviorism #saviorist #racialsuperiority #africantribes #whitejesus #blackjesus #massslavery #anglosaxon #whiteanglosaxon #anglosaxonhistory #aksumite #ethiopianhistory #staugustus #Septuagint #apollos #symonofcyrene #marktheapostle #slaveboat #slavemaster #indoctrination #extremism #religiousdogma #dogmatic #dogma #separationofchurchandstate #patriarchy #patriarchal #dispellingpatriarchy #dissectingpatriarchy #paganism #pagan #savage #barbaric #precolonial #jeffoganga #easternafrica #darkages #africandarkages #Slavetrade #slaveship #IndenturedLabour #forcedlabour #slavery #slaves #religiousdoctrine #religion #protestant #protestantism #grecoroman #hierarchical #socialhierarchy #culturalhierarchy #racialhierarchy #orthodox #westernchristianity #civilwar #yellowstone #christianmissions #nuns #aminahnieves #jennifertehle #indianschool #reservations #catholicism #catholicschool #catholicnuns #nunteachers #convents #sexualabuse #abuseinterrupted #abuseinconvents #veilofsilence #globalsistersreport #catholicorphanage #sexpredators #metoo #abuseinthechurch #clericalabuse #nunabuse #indianschools #epstein #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #GhislaineMaxwell
It's never too early for #ThrowbackThursday and (in this case) #ThrowupThursday đ€ą đ€ź
FLIGHTS OF FANCY Donald #Trump flew on #Epsteinâs #LolitaExpress private jet SEVEN TIMES, new #GhislaineMaxwell trial docs reveal
Reminder: #Masstodon doesn't have creepy #algorithms that permanently #shadowban us for posting truth about bipartisan rot in #USPol so take advantage. đ
#throwbackthursday #throwupthursday #trump #epstein #lolitaexpress #GhislaineMaxwell #Masstodon #algorithms #shadowban #uspol
Lets help make sure this picture is what comes up when people google âElon Muskâ
#GhislaineMaxwell #ElonMusk #SexTrafficking #Pedophilia
#GhislaineMaxwell #ElonMusk #sextrafficking #Pedophilia
@WahbAllat @chadloder @VPS_Reports
The hype is real đđđ #elonmusk #GhislaineMaxwell #twitter
#elonmusk #GhislaineMaxwell #twitter
Completely unrelated to anything else I was just reading this fact-checking that NewsWeek did some time ago.
#ApartheidClyde #ElonMusk #JeffreyEpstein #JeffEpstein #Epstein #Ghislaine #GhislaineMaxwell
#ApartheidClyde #elonmusk #jeffreyepstein #jeffepstein #epstein #Ghislaine #GhislaineMaxwell
Let's check in on how things are progressing at #twitter
#Elonmusk #GhislaineMaxwell
#twitter #elonmusk #GhislaineMaxwell
#ViolencesSexuelles | Affaire Epstein: Ghislaine Maxwell condamnée à 20 ans de prison
JugĂ©e pour trafic sexuel de mineures, #GhislaineMaxwell, ex-maĂźtresse de lâhomme dâaffaires amĂ©ricain #JeffreyEpstein, avait Ă©tĂ© reconnue coupable fin dĂ©cembre Ă New York. Un verdict qui mettait fin Ă une longue impunitĂ© mais laissait de nombreuses questions ouvertes.
#violencessexuelles #GhislaineMaxwell #jeffreyepstein
#ViolencesSexuelles | Affaire Epstein: Ghislaine Maxwell condamnée à 20 ans de prison
JugĂ©e pour trafic sexuel de mineures, #GhislaineMaxwell, ex-maĂźtresse de lâhomme dâaffaires amĂ©ricain #JeffreyEpstein, avait Ă©tĂ© reconnue coupable fin dĂ©cembre Ă New York. Un verdict qui mettait fin Ă une longue impunitĂ© mais laissait de nombreuses questions ouvertes.
#violencessexuelles #GhislaineMaxwell #jeffreyepstein
#GhislaineMaxwell sentenced to 20 years in prison for #sextrafficking
#news #epstein #jeffreyepstein
#GhislaineMaxwell #sextrafficking #news #epstein #jeffreyepstein
#GhislaineMaxwell sentenced to 20 years in prison for #sextrafficking
#news #epstein #jeffreyepstein
#GhislaineMaxwell #sextrafficking #news #epstein #jeffreyepstein