He corregit y actualitzat tota la part de traducció en català de Ghost #GhostCMS #Ghost https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/pull/16992
Tried to update GhostCMS and discovered that my shared database hosting provider doesn't support STRICT_TRANS_TABLES MySQL configurations (which are now required).
So I decided to set up my own MySQL server on a VPS and then proceeded to update Ubuntu LTS as well.
#Sysadmin #ThisDeveloperCanStillRunAServer #GhostCMS #NodeJS #MySQL #Ubuntu
#sysadmin #thisdevelopercanstillrunaserver #GhostCMS #nodejs #mysql #ubuntu
Holy crap, the #Fediverse just clicked with me.
I created an account on Pixelfed.social, then followed myself on @quigs@pixelfed.social, and then boosted my photo which appears in my Mastodon feed to my Mastodon followers.
This make so much sense!!! If you don't want to see my photos but you still want to interact with the rest of me, you don't have to mute @quigs, you just mute @quigs@pixelfed.social!
Now I gotta figure out how to add my #GhostCMS blogs to the Fediverse so that I don't violate any #selfpromotion #Etiquette
#fediverse #GhostCMS #selfpromotion #etiquette
What kind of apocalypses have we survived, and which future apocalypses should we be on the lookout for?
How can the past direct our awareness of the future?
This issue took me 10 months to figure out, but yesterday it finally clicked. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.
#Writing #ShamlessSelfPromotion #History #SocialMedia #Futurism #Religion #Politics #Books #SideProject #GhostCMS #ConnectingDisparateIdeas #Ideas #ShowerThought #Essay
#writing #ShamlessSelfPromotion #history #socialmedia #futurism #religion #politics #books #sideproject #GhostCMS #ConnectingDisparateIdeas #ideas #showerthought #essay