#GhostSec claims to have breached the #FANAP Behnama software, which is apparently used by the Iranian govt to spy on its citizens.
#Anonymous #CyberAttack #CyberSecurity #Iran #MahsaAmini 🇮🇷 #OpIran
#opiran #mahsaamini #Iran #CyberSecurity #CyberAttack #Anonymous #fanap #GhostSec
Originally posted by Anonymous Operations / @AnonOpsSE@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/AnonOpsSE/status/1641971212875177987#m
#Anonymous #GhostSec Targeting #Russian Satellite Receivers during #OpRussia puts #Russia into panic as they are high-precision navigation technology
Loss of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing
Disruption of Communications
Financial Losses
Safety of troops
#Anonymous #GhostSec #Russian #OpRussia #Russia #FckPutin
RT @AnonOpsSE@twitter.com
Breaking News: #Russia accuses its satellites of being attacked
No shit! #Anonymous #GhostSec has made it very clear your satellites are under attack and pwned
Stop blaming the west Anonymous owns U!
All ur bases r belong to us!
#FckPutin #SlavaUkraini
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AnonOpsSE/status/1635699020549980161
#russia #Anonymous #GhostSec #FckPutin #SlavaUkraini
RT @AnonOpsSE
Breaking News: #Russia accuses its satellites of being attacked
No shit! #Anonymous #GhostSec has made it very clear your satellites are under attack and pwned
Stop blaming the west Anonymous owns U!
All ur bases r belong to us!
#FckPutin #SlavaUkraini
#russia #Anonymous #GhostSec #FckPutin #SlavaUkraini
Originally posted by Anonymous Operations / @AnonOpsSE@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/AnonOpsSE/status/1635866634949672961#m
#Anonymous #GhostSec hacks #Russian satellites
#Anonymous #GhostSec #Russian #RussiaIsCollapsing #SlavaUkraini #RussiaIsATerroristState #UkraineWillWin
Originally posted by Anonymous Operations / @AnonOpsSE@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/AnonOpsSE/status/1635447019287334913#m
#Anonymous #GhostSec dropping #Russian satellites like flies as they have pwned their systems clearly stating
All ur bases are belong to us!
#OpRussia #RussiaIsLosing #FckPutin #UkraineWillWin
#Anonymous #GhostSec #Russian #OpRussia #RussiaIsLosing #FckPutin #UkraineWillWin #Ukraine
// This account is being closed. Good Hunting #Anonymous #Lulzsec #GhostSec #GhostClan #TGS. 🖤❤️🖤
#anonymous #lulzsec #GhostSec #ghostclan #tgs
The Land of the missing people..
That is how #Balochistan is called by today. Following the request of these people, I announce #OpBalochistan
To the #PakistanArmy - Wait for us.
#ISI #DeathSquad #BalochLivesMatter
#GhostSec #Anonymous
#balochistan #opbalochistan #pakistanarmy #isi #deathsquad #balochlivesmatter #GhostSec #Anonymous
📬 Lesetipps: Und wann klopfen die Hacker auch bei euch an die Tür?
#Anonymous #Cyberangriffe #DarkCommerce #Datenschutz #Empfehlungen #Internet #ITSicherheit #Kurios #Lesetipps #Linux #Malware #Podcast #ReverseEngineering #Videos #Bildungszwecke #Gcam #GhostSec #HomeGallery #JackRhysider #MediaGoblin #novaGallery #OpBalochistan #qTox #RalfRosanowski #truecrime #uTOX #VXUnderground #Wyroczen https://tarnkappe.info/lesetipps/lesetipps-und-wann-klopfen-die-hacker-auch-bei-euch-an-die-tuer-265998.html
#wyroczen #VXUnderground #utox #truecrime #ralfrosanowski #qtox #opbalochistan #novagallery #mediagoblin #JackRhysider #homegallery #GhostSec #gcam #bildungszwecke #videos #reverseengineering #podcast #malware #linux #lesetipps #kurios #itsicherheit #internet #empfehlungen #datenschutz #DarkCommerce #cyberangriffe #anonymous
2 ruZZia,
without <3
from #GhostSec👻
1C:Enterprise 8 LicenceServers x 7 NUKED. 💣💥
Enjoy! : )
#СлаваУкраїні! #ГероямСлава!🇺🇦👊
#OpRussia #GhostSecMafia #Anonymous #UkraineWillWin #SlavaUkraini #RussiaIsATerroristState #FuckPutin
#GhostSec #славаукраїні #героямслава #OpRussia #GhostSecMafia #Anonymous #UkraineWillWin #SlavaUkraini #RussiaIsATerroristState #fuckputin
#RU, #BY, & #RS Satellite Receivers shutting down, courtesy of #GhostSec👻.
All ur GNSS data r belong 2 GhostSec. #SlavaUkraini 🇺🇦👊
#ru #by #rs #GhostSec #SlavaUkraini
Today we share with you these 2 webpages that are now publicly available and contains free VPN, Proxy and tools to help those facing heavy censorship around the world. #WeFreeInternet
We Free Internet
Op Iran
#wefreeinternet #anonymous #anon #GhostSec #wond3rghost #newbloodproject
“Today we share with you these 2 webpages that are now publicly available and contains free VPN, Proxy and tools to help those facing heavy censorship around the world”. #WeFreeInternet
We Free Internet
Op Iran
#wefreeinternet #anonymous #anon #GhostSec #wond3rghost #newbloodproject
37 modbus have been taken offline.
We continue to support the people of the revolution in Iran.
We know you are tired but remember that the Regime is never.
Go back to the street and fight back.
We are with you. #OpIran
#opiran #Anonymous #GhostSec #boycottiriday
Somehow, I think we'll be hearing more about this non-breach in coming days. #cybersecurity
"The group simply downloaded public-facing information."
Maine government denies #GhostSec attackers breached their systems https://therecord.media/maine-govt-says-state-systems-were-not-breached-despite-hacking-groups-claims/
GhostSec leaked...
More than 40+Gb US gov (.)gov
Credits GhotSec
Enjoy your Shit
#Anonymous #anonymiss #GhostSec #ghostsecleaks
Originally posted by Anonymous Operations / @AnonOpsSE@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/AnonOpsSE/status/1620159998125801472#m
#OpIran #Anonymous fully stand with #GhostSec and @wond3rghost against the lies and smears. @Parrattarna blocks anyone who exposes them for their lies, fake hacks and manipulation of the Iranian people.
They can call us dangerous, or terrorists organization, but we all know who are the real criminals in this world.
We are #Anonymous
We are legion ~ We are one
Credit Gos To Wond3r #GhostSec
RT @chum1ng0@twitter.com
BITS 23:
VE:SICA Suffers a #Cyberattack
BR:#GhostSec Leaks Brazilian Government Webmail
ES:Centro Médico Virgen De La Caridad #Ransomware Incident
MX: Data Leak Quintana Roo
@ransomwaremap@twitter.com @1ZRR4H@twitter.com @amvinfe@twitter.com @VirITeXplorer@twitter.com
@CCINLCybercrime@twitter.com @elhackernet@twitter.com
#cyberattack #GhostSec #ransomware