Festival Review: Sunday at Maid of Stone 2023 (Kit)
The final day of the first year of Maid of Stone crashed into action with Death Ingloria opening up the Mai
#GigReviews #Airbourne #BlackSpiders #BraveRival #DeathIngloria #EllesBailey #FlorenceBlack #Hxan #MaidOfStone #PhilCampbellAndTheBastardSons #Skindred #SonsOfLiberty #TheLostSearchParty #TheOutlawOrchestra #UnknownRefuge
#unknownrefuge #theoutlaworchestra #thelostsearchparty #sonsofliberty #skindred #philcampbellandthebastardsons #maidofstone #hxan #florenceblack #ellesbailey #deathingloria #braverival #blackspiders #airbourne #GigReviews
Gig Review: Black Star Riders / MuddiBrooke – Queens Hall, Nuneaton (25th August 2023)
The downstairs bar of the Queens Hall in Nuneaton is rammed, all the classic rock hits are blaring and people are decked out in a myriad of their band and festival shirts, namely Black Star Riders and adjacent. For that
#muddibrooke #blackstarriders #GigReviews
Gig Review: Trivium / Bleed From Within / Orbit Culture – The LCR, Norwich (24th August 2023)
Starting off the Goblins And Wizards Tour was Orbit Culture, a Swedish death metal band. They released their recent album Descent earlier this month, with tracks “Vultures of North” and “From The In
#trivium #OrbitCulture #BleedFromWithin #GigReviews
Festival Review: RADAR Festival 2023 – Saturday
After an eventful first day, I eagerly anticipated what Saturday at Radar Festival would throw at me. With a number of less familiar bands to me on the line up today it was the perfect opportunity to listen to some new bands and exp
#GigReviews #CrushedByWaves #DreamState #HeartOfACoward #Igorrr #Perturbator #RADARFestival #Thornhill
#thornhill #radarfestival #perturbator #igorrr #heartofacoward #DreamState #crushedbywaves #GigReviews
Festival Overview: Firevolt 2023 (Saturday)
When Firevolt, the festival formerly known as Firestorm, cropped up last year, boasting some of the best of the current crop of classic rock, it sounded a little too good to be true. Another festival on the calendar. And as we’ve seen over the last year, so many others have folded or postponed as there’s only
#firevoltrockfestival #GigReviews
Gig Review: Protomartyr / Bobby Would – Rescue Rooms, Nottingham (10th August 2023)
As someone who loves photographing bands and putting myself through the hell of shooting at low light venues - I always keep my eyes peeled on what bands are playing in areas I cover. This is how I initially came across Protomartyr
#protomartyr #bobbywould #GigReviews
Bloodstock 2023 Review Part 1 – Mosh
A delay getting the review up, but due to having to go back into work at 8:45 on Monday morning (in Glasgow) and not wanting to miss Megadeth I've been catching up on sleep after d
#GigReviews #Bloodstock #ChurchOfTheCosmicSkull #Megadeth #MuddiBrooke #RoyalRepublic #SeerthingAkira #SeethingAkira #TheViolentInzident #TorturedDemon #UglyKidJoe #Waterlines
#waterlines #uglykidjoe #tortureddemon #theviolentinzident #seethingakira #seerthingakira #RoyalRepublic #muddibrooke #megadeth #ChurchOfTheCosmicSkull #Bloodstock #GigReviews
Gig Review: Tilly – The Feathers Inn, Lichfield (3rd August 2023)
Lichfield isn’t the normally the place you’d go to take in some live music in the West Midlands when you have the likes of Wolverhampton and Birmingham swallowing up all the major tours as well as the grassroots scene. Nor is your literal home normally the place where you play your
Gig Review: Ginger Wildheart & the Sinners / The Howling Tides / Carol Hodge & Ben Marsden – Hare and Hounds, Birmingham (27th July 2023)
Tonight has a bit of a strange feeling in the room. Ginger Wildheart and the Sinners h
#GigReviews #BenMarsden #CarolHodge #GingerWildheartTheSinners #TheHowlingTides
#thehowlingtides #gingerwildheartthesinners #carolhodge #benmarsden #GigReviews
Gig Review: Metal to the Masses Grand Final – Oxford (8th July 2023)
Well, the time has finally come… The Grand Final of this Metal 2 The Masses competition, and tonight one band of four hopefuls will gain the prize that they have been fighting for, their spot to play on the New Blood Stag
#GigReviews #Indecorum #M2tM #RedMethod #Reveller #ShootToKill #StoneSoup
#stonesoup #shoottokill #reveller #redmethod #m2tm #indecorum #GigReviews
Festival Review: Steelhouse 2023 – Sunday
It’s a soggy start to Sunday. The sky is grey and the rain persists pretty much all day. But everyone on the mountain perseveres between staff, volunteers, bands, and perhaps most importantly, the patrons
#GigReviews #BlackStoneCherry #ElegantWeapons #Empyre #KiraMac #SteelhouseFestival #TheAnswer #TheCruelKnives #TheVintageCaravan #TroyRedfern
#troyredfern #thevintagecaravan #thecruelknives #theanswer #steelhousefestival #kiramac #empyre #elegantweapons #blackstonecherry #GigReviews
Festival Review: Steelhouse 2023 – Saturday
Day two of Steelhouse 2023 and the music naturally starts a few hours earlier than yesterday. There’s a relaxed atmosphere throughout the campsite as people are in various stages of their morning fr
#GigReviews #Airbourne #AustinGold #BlackMirrors #BlackSpiders #DeadMansWhiskey #FlorenceBlack #SteelhouseFestival #TheDamnTruth #ThoseDamnCrows
#thosedamncrows #thedamntruth #steelhousefestival #florenceblack #deadmanswhiskey #blackspiders #blackmirrors #austingold #airbourne #GigReviews
Gig Review: UK Tech Fest 2023 – Sunday
To see some of your favourite people get to join such events is always a privilege. The last day of UKTF started off with the hum of people quietly recovering from the previous days with the warm and sleepy feeling of a casual Sunday…
So let me tell yo
#GigReviews #Akkadian #BornOfOsiris #Defences #FromHerAshes #InVisions #OceansAteAlaska #TechFest
#techfest #oceansatealaska #invisions #fromherashes #defences #BornOfOsiris #akkadian #GigReviews
Gig Review: Airbourne / Florence Black – KK’s Steel Mill, Wolverhampton (25th July 2023)
It’s been a long time since Airbourne gave the UK a proper rattling and in true Airbourne fashion, they’re going all out, headlining two festivals in the UK across two weekends and a whole host of shows across the count
#florenceblack #airbourne #GigReviews
Gig Review: UK Tech-Fest 2023 – Saturday
Kicking off the Saturday of UK Tech Fest, I'm introduced to a new mash up of genres. Described as progressive trap metal, SWARM6IX provided the start off with intricate riffs and some maddening vocals that took us
#GigReviews #Aborted #BoundInFear #ChelseaGrin #DraconianReign #HundredYearOldMan #KublaiKhanTX #Monasteries #Swarm6ix #TechFest #Vexed
#vexed #techfest #swarm6ix #monasteries #kublaikhantx #HundredYearOldMan #draconianreign #chelseagrin #boundinfear #aborted #GigReviews
Gig Review: UK Tech Fest 2023 – Friday
UK Tech Fest - 10 years of building a strong, respected event showcasing the finest bands in the metal scene of today, giving underground and newer bands the opportunities to shine amongst some
#GigReviews #BasementTortureKillings #CageFight #Cavekiller #Crepitation #DespiteExile #Forlorn #Hacktivist #Loathe #TechFest #TheCartographer #TheFiveHundred
#thefivehundred #thecartographer #techfest #loathe #hacktivist #forlorn #despiteexile #crepitation #cavekiller #cagefight #basementtorturekillings #GigReviews
Festival Review: Hellfest 2023 Day 4
Day 4 – Hellfest 2023 – Is it time to go home yet?
With injuries strapped up and caffeine loaded we get to the site on day 4 to catch the end of Hollywood
#GigReviews #AmonAmarth #CaneHill #ElectricCallboy #EmpireStateBastard #EvilInvaders #Halestorm #Hatebreed #Hellfest #HollywoodUndead #LegionOfDoom #Pantera #Slipknot #TenaciousD #TheAmityAffliction
#theamityaffliction #tenaciousD #slipknot #pantera #legionofdoom #hollywoodundead #hellfest #hatebreed #halestorm #evilinvaders #empirestatebastard #ElectricCallboy #canehill #amonamarth #GigReviews
Festival Review: Hellfest 2023 Day 3
Day 3 – Hellfest 2023 – Disneyland for Metalheads
Hellfest day 3 started off with yours truly getting the full festival experience by
#GigReviews #ArchEnemy #AskingAlexandria #BeastInBlack #BlackFlag #Clutch #Crowbar #Hellfest #IronMaiden #Meshuggah #MonsterMagnet #MunicipalWaste #PorcupineTree #Powerwolf #Puscifer #Riverside #Voivod #WithinTemptation
#withintemptation #voivod #riverside #puscifer #powerwolf #porcupinetree #MunicipalWaste #monstermagnet #meshuggah #ironmaiden #hellfest #crowbar #clutch #blackflag #beastinblack #AskingAlexandria #archenemy #GigReviews
Festival Review: Hellfest 2023 Day 2
Day 2 – Hellfest 2023 – The Odyssey Continues
Day two of Hellfest begins as the first day ended, hot and sticky which tends to be the norm an
#GigReviews #AlterBridge #BritishLion #DefLeppard #ElegantWeapons #FloggingMolly #Hellfest #MachineGunKelly #ModSun #MotionlessInWhite #MotleyCrue #NothingMore #PapaRoach #Rancid #SkidRow #Sum41 #TheQuireboys
#thequireboys #Sum41 #skidrow #rancid #PapaRoach #nothingmore #MotleyCrue #motionlessinwhite #modsun #machinegunkelly #hellfest #FloggingMolly #elegantweapons #defleppard #BritishLion #alterbridge #GigReviews
Gig Review: Spiritbox / Loathe – O2 Institute, Birmingham (5th July 2023)
One of the greatest discoveries during the pandemic was Spiritbox with their debut album, Eternal Blue. And judging by the queue to get into the Institute tonight in Digbeth, it seems plenty of others in the area also did the same with the entire tour sold
#Spiritbox #loathe #GigReviews