Falling is part of #gymnastics, it's how gymnasts get to master the amazing skills we see them perform in competition. You only get to become good at something by doing it over and over again and falling repeatedly.
#gymnastics #sports #sport #chalktalk #gymnastly #artisticgymnastics #gymnastique #ginnastica #gimnasia
#gimnasia #Ginnastica #gymnastique #artisticgymnastics #gymnastly #ChalkTalk #Sport #sports #gymnastics
Nadia Comaneci e quel disperato tentativo di non far sbocciare un corpo asessuato #06Novembre #Storie #ginnastica #Olimpiadi #sport
#sport #olimpiadi #Ginnastica #storie #06Novembre
`Uno sprovveduto` in scarpe da ginnastica sul Monte Rosa:è Nirmal Purja il re degli 8 mila #sprovveduto #scarpe #ginnastica #monte #rosaè #nirmal #purja #21agosto
#21agosto #Purja #nirmal #rosaè #monte #Ginnastica #scarpe #sprovveduto