#CampaignDiary wednesday #GirlByMoonlight edition
just obligation and downtime fills our 3 hour timeslot. we roleplay a lot xD and it's good that way ^^
this week was all prep for the next mission: exploring the lower levels of the bastion, looking for missing people.
we had suspected sentient spoons, a confused goatman, an extremely unkind mother, flirting with a mean girl, and so much work done on the flagship!
getting a hang of this and enjoying it a lot ^^
#campaigndiary #GirlByMoonlight #fitd
#CampaignDiary wednesday #GirlByMoonlight #SeaOfStars edition!
second part of the party's first mission.
- the unlikely hero guy got unstuck from a rubble pile
- the harmony goatman became biiiiiiiiig and gently intimidated the space pirates away
- the stranger "human" just full on turned invisible in front of everyone
splitting each episode into two sessions really works best for us ๐
looking forward to more ^^
next mission: find missing people! what could possibly go wrong? :DDDDD
#campaigndiary #GirlByMoonlight #seaofstars
#CampaignDiary wednesday #GirlByMoonlight edition!!!
ran my first session of #gbm ever!
it was a rollercoaster xD
- everyone got a lot of stress from obligation, which is to be expected in the start.
- then they prepared really well for the mission and had a really good engagement roll!!!
- and then a player failed her first action roll badly, got harm, tried to resist, rolled bad, stress full, rolled eclipse, failed.
1 action roll -> eclipse!
despite friends helping and spending links!
#campaigndiary #GirlByMoonlight #gbm
i burned myself out with TTRPG stuff, especially #Pathfinder2e at the end of june.
was just not motivated to do anything there and took a step back from pf in july.
but now i'm back!
i am motivated and have good ideas again! oh and i'm taking it easy ofc! don't wanna have that happen ever again.
i love running TTRPGs and it's my main hobby, but it should never become a burden.
excited to continue my very derailed #StrengthOfThousands campaign tomorrow xD
and finally start #GirlByMoonlight!
#pathfinder2e #strengthofthousands #GirlByMoonlight
#CampaignDiary Session 0 for #GirlByMoonlight edition!!!
i am so excited for this!
we're gonna play sea of stars! the characters are:
- an oracle who is the daughter of the bastion's general! (Time Traveller)
- an eldritch horror who is disguised as a totally normal human woman (Stranger)
- a four-armed alien goatman from the dawn of time, who's been cryo-frozen for 10000 years (Harmony)
- and a depressed man (Unlikely Hero)
#campaigndiary #GirlByMoonlight #gbm #fitd
#CampaignDiary wednesday #Pathfinder2e edition
we finished the 11 session mini-campaign. it was good <3
even tho it was a short game, everyone got pretty attached to their characters and we had a lot of emotions.
spent half the session just having all the character epilogues. very good ^^
now the next thing for me on this timeslot will be my first #GirlByMoonlight campaign, with some of the peeps from this campaign actually.
am very excited to get into that ^^
#campaigndiary #pathfinder2e #GirlByMoonlight #gbm #fitd
So, having just finished reading Girl by Moonlight, and seeing somebody mention how Werewolves are basically magical girls... I now really want to use the system to run a werewolf story... What do you think?
#forgedinthedark #ttrpg #GirlByMoonlight #werewolf
I just finished reading Girl By Moonlight, and it is a credit to Forged in the Dark games that whenever I read one, I really want to run it.
#ttrpg #GirlByMoonlight #forgedinthedark #evilhat
eventually we arrived at a combo of that idea and the base setting: basicly treasure planet esthetics!
sailing ships in space!!!!
still gotta work out the details for everything else, but that idea had everyone excited ^^
i am so excited about playing this ^^
yesterday i talked to some friends about #GirlByMoonlight and different options for On A Sea Of Stars.
ofc there's the basic idea of more traditional space ships and big mechs and stuff, but it doesn't have to be that. (for our less scifi and mech enthused)
what if old timey sailing ship on water? the leviathans are giant kaiju? the engines are somewhat sentient magic diving suits? the last bastion is smth like the last inhabited island after the world flooded?
i wanna run #GirlByMoonlight so bad!!!
and i have a group for a test campaign! but that group is still in a #PF2e mini-campaign (also run by me) and we'll most likely only get done in like 2 weeks!
how to have patience????????
(don't get me wrong, i'm also really excited for that pf campaign finale! but we're looking at playing sea of stars in GbM and i am just so excited for big space mechas THAT HAVE FEELINGS!!!!)
I really enjoyed listening to the first episode of Girl by Sunlight (https://player.fm/series/good-enough-games/girl-by-sunlight-in-a-strange-land), a #Solarpunk #ActualPlay using the #GirlByMoonlight rules. The worldbuilding is super impressive and I cannot wait to find out what happens next!
#solarpunk #actualplay #GirlByMoonlight
i love ttrpgs!
i love nitty-gritty mechanics like in #Pathfinder2e, where you have exact movement and hit points and conditions and levels of proficiency and all that!
i love emotional stuff like what i'm reading about in #GirlByMoonlight, where "getting stabbed in the arm" and "being betrayed by a loved one" is about the same level of bad.
i love when the dice decide directly like in #MotW / #PbtA, where a 10+ is just a success and that's fact!
love it all! wanna play it all!
#pathfinder2e #GirlByMoonlight #motw #pbta
reading the #GirlByMoonlight pdf makes me so excited!
i love that strong emotions, like despair, carry the same weight as physical harm.
and the main way to recover from either form of harm is to have a friend help you! loving it to bits!
idk if that's a general #FitD mechanic, but i am so here for it!
so hyped for #GirlByMoonlight !!!!
if anyone needs me in the next week i'll be absorbing the pdf and getting into #FitD finally xD
Proud to be the 1087th backer ๐ฆ on #BackerKit Crowdfunding for Girl by Moonlight! #ttrpg #rpg #jdr
#GirlByMoonlight https://www.backerkit.com/c/evil-hat/girl-by-moonlight?ref=pledge-social-button
#backerkit #ttrpg #rpg #jdr #GirlByMoonlight
it's high time for me to learn forged in the dark! โจ ๐ โจ
#ForgedInTheDark #BladesInTheDark #GirlByMoonlight
#forgedinthedark #bladesinthedark #GirlByMoonlight
argh i want to run a ttrpg at a very particular intersection of Persona and Madoka, and there is a perfect system for this game, but it is not out yet.
give me #girlbymoonlight
i neeeeeed it
@geekstress I like your list a lot, though I don't know #MutantsInTheSnow or #GirlByMoonlight yet. I would add:
#MutantsInTheSnow #GirlByMoonlight #BlueRoseRPG #KidsOnBrooms #starwarsrpg #Monsterhearts2