RT @githubbers
As @GitHub’s prized customer prepares to send troops into a second U.S. city to brutalize and kidnap civilians, know that HSI is the division of ICE that @natfriedman claims does enough good to justify keeping the contract #NoTechForIce #GitHubDropIce
Well if this goes trending, I don't have soundcloud but please support #GitHubDropICE
Ping @TechWorkersBER@twitter.com at #36C3 if you want some #GitHubDropICE swag
Just sent out a new GitHub Sponsors update to all my sponsors! Not signed up yet? You can sponsor me at https://github.com/sponsors/zkat and get access to archives and discussions!
This month: Some updates on #entropic progress, as well as a bunch of stuff about #GitHubDropICE.
RT @zkat__@twitter.activitypub.actor
I've signed this open letter. You should, too. As users of the platform, we must let GitHub know the impact this contract is having on us trying to participate in an ethical, open environment. #GitHubDropICE
Let's push together. https://twitter.com/githubbers/status/1202254258638381057