I'm playing around with the idea of adjusting my homelab's behaviour based on the #solar output from my roof array.
The rough idea is to alter the CPU governor settings and schedule intensive work based on live generation stats by messing with #kubernetes cronjobs, think "ecocronjob"... "do between x and y time when we have most spare energy"
My #givenergy system I've got has a #modbus interface I'm hoping to hook up too. https://github.com/dewet22/givenergy-modbus
Building on https://wordpress.com/post/blog.gripdev.xyz/1598
#solar #kubernetes #GivEnergy #modbus
#GivEnergy and I install was commissioned on the 21st of December, the shortest day of the year, so every day brings us joy. This morning, 700 W at 9 am.
#GivEnergy and I install was commissioned on the 21st of December, the shortest day of the year, so every day brings us joy. This morning, 700 W at 9 am.
Hello #GivEnergy peeps. I’m following the hashtag. We’ve got max 72% of 3.9 kW solar and 9.5 kWh battery. The EV is a lease though #OctopusEV so we’ve got the Ohme charger and 10p/kWh overnight rate… all since December 22. At the moment paid off by 2033 so about 7.2% p.a. return. More importantly though, very low #carbonintensity
#GivEnergy #octopusev #carbonintensity
Yesterday I went to Derby to collect a Tesla Model 3. I thought I’d keep a note of some of my facts and findings. Hopefully it might be of use to some other people who either own or are thinking of owning a Tesla or any EV for that matter.
As background, we already have an EV in the household as my wife drives a Renault Zoe. We also have a small solar array on the house, a 9.5kwh GivEnergy home battery and an Andersen A2 EV charge point.
#tesla #model3 #GivEnergy #andersena2
Built a new #homeassistant sensor this morning using examples from the home assistant forums for a Tesla Powerwall. Using data we're already getting from our home #GivEnergy #solar #battery system, we can make a rough estimate of available battery runtime. It's crude, using the live house load, divided by the remaining battery percentage, but it's a start.
It's currently (pun intended) estimating we have enough juice to run from the battery (GivEnergy 9.5kWh) alone until around 16:00 on Friday, but the chances of the house remaining as low as the currently measured 148w of load is minimal at best.
There are some more examples that provide a better estimate using energy consumed over the last hour/6 hours etc., but those values aren't available from the GivEnergy inverter so I'll need to make some more template sensors in home assistant to take advantage of those. But, that's a job for future Martin.
#homeassistant #GivEnergy #solar #battery
Wow! This is exactly what I was looking for. Solar Forecasting integration in #HomeAssistant for #GivEnergy inverter/storage systems. Will need to get this setup ready for summer!
Fun fact with the #givenergy inverter / battery. You can put your details into solcast, which is sort of a "solar weather forecast prediction thingy"
I've guessed some of my details. So it's not as accurate as it could be but....
I had home #solar and a #givenergy #battery installed coming up to two years ago to go with my #ev , before all the energy crisis stuff kicked off.
Probably the first time I have ever got ahead of the curve on this stuff, but it's been fantastic and I'd recommend anyone else thinking about it to go ahead and make the investment.
#solar #GivEnergy #battery #ev
9:40 am, in early November, in Manchester UK, and we already have enough from the solar system to be sending 2.2kW into the car. Ok, so it's uncharacteristically sunny right now but I'll take that.
#solar #battery #ev #zappi #GivEnergy
Tonight is the first night since I joined Agile that import prices are going negative. I'm hoping my automations correctly charge my 16.4kWh of batteries!
#GivEnergy #homeautomation #homeassistant #OctopusAgile
Most home #battery installers that have responded so far have either put me on a waiting list before they will engage or outright said they cannot supply at the moment.
A bit frustrating. It seems #powervault are the most engaged but their pricing is a lot higher than #GivEnergy for the same capacity ðŸ˜
Still at least pricing continues to be transparent almost everywhere.
#battery #powervault #GivEnergy
Anyone got an opinions on why #GivEnergy battery systems (inverter + batteries) seem to be so much more affordable than the alternatives?
Typical prices seem to be just under £6k for 9.5kwH and 3kw #inverter - this is about 30-40% cheaper than the competition with similar features (#tesla, #myenergi, #powervault).
#GivEnergy #inverter #tesla #MyEnergi #powervault