It’s happening now! I’m Interviewing the #story telling legend himself, GORDON KORMAN! So excited! Our #interview will go live soon. Stay tuned!!!
#bestday #Grateful #happy #nervous #mglit #comingsoon
#story #interview #bestday #grateful #happy #nervous #MGlit #comingsoon #GivingTuesdaySpark #gordonkorman
Thanksgiving is around the corner & I shared my #grateful #book recs on
! Want a hint? #Hope always wins & #magic can be found in the people & family around us! A BIG THANK YOU to my #bowtie twin
! Click & Watch!🥳➡️
#grateful #book #hope #magic #bowtie #GivingTuesdaySpark
Your #mission, should you choose to accept, is simple, but will make a big impact! Calling all #authors #teachers #librarians & more!
Join me on my #givingtuesdayspark mission to spread #bookmark joy! Together we can #changetheworld! Share #kindness here➡️
#mission #authors #teachers #librarians #GivingTuesdaySpark #bookmark #changetheworld #kindness #kidlit #Books