Assume that 10th house is your ascendant and see the chart from there to judge your profession.10th from 10th is your 7th house. Therefore, 7th house becomes crucial for ascertaining professional matters apart from marriage/relationships.
#GkmSays #TechyPanditJi #Astrology #GKMAstrology #Astro #Vedicastrology
#GkmSays #TechyPanditJi #astrology #GkmAstrology #ASTRO #VedicAstrology
The fifth house from venus is very important in relationships as it shows the intelligence you have carried from past birth for relationships and your desires related to your partner. If 5th house is afflicted by malefics, then your thought process in the relationships will not be good due to which you might face challenges!
#VedicAstrologer #AstroTips #GkmSays #Astrology #Astro #VedicAstrology
#vedicastrologer #astrotips #GkmSays #astrology #ASTRO #VedicAstrology
These on-going layoffs, wars, inflationary trends (especially in US), political and environmental changes etc are all laying stage for next round of innovations and transformations. Saturn transit in Aquarius will make sure that the world wholly go a transormation in next few years. And Rahu transit in Aries will be of great help in first year of saturn transit to kickstart technological transformation!
#VedicAstrologer #AstroTips #GkmSays #Astrology #Astro #VedicAstrology
#vedicastrologer #astrotips #GkmSays #astrology #ASTRO #VedicAstrology
Moon shows unconditional love, therefore mothers love is absolute love not binded by conditions or promises rather venus is conditional love as we have lot of expectations in relationship & we ourselves tie them to fulfillment of wishes. Therefore Moon-venus Yoga give the best of Rajyoga as two loving planets are conjunct but as such a person starts looking for unconditional love in relationships, therefore many a times he feels frustrated and cheated!
#GkmSays #TechyPanditJi #astrology #ASTRO
Sun entered Scorpio yesterday and to be there till Dec 16.
Themes: meeting someone from your past, revisiting past lives, lack of interest in the outer world, increase of interest in occult, mystical knowledge.
Advised to witness rising Sun regularly to boost Sun energy.
#VedicAstrology #ASTRO #astrology #GkmSays
The next month (December) should be dedicated for deep learning and researching things thoroughly as scorpio is too active and mercury is transiting scorpio. You might not get the chance to implement the ideas but learning everything about the process is very important.
#GkmSays #TechyPanditJi #astrology #ASTRO #VedicAstrology
The stress of Mars retro is not over and the heat of sun in scorpio just opposite to this retrograde mars will add fuel to the fire. Your inner self i.e. your soul will push you very hard to dig deeper and put more efforts. In this process, you might get frustrated and angry too. Channelise your energies in best manner and concentrate on learning new things!
#VedicAstrology #ASTRO #GkmSays #astrology
Pomegranate is very dear to Shree Hanuman Ji and honouring him with this fruit on every tuesday along with recital of Hanuman Chalisa can ward off many obstacles from the life. This eradicates the bad effects of planet mangal and will make the path smooth for those who are facing obstructions in education, clearing examination, getting married etc!
#VedicAstrology #ASTRO #astrology #GkmSays
The best remedy for saturn in Aquarius is worship of Mahadev. He is the main deity who rules over the intellectual sign of aquarius and lord of vayu tatwa (air element). Aquarius is also an air sign and therefore, Bholenath grants all the blessings when you honour him everday by visiting shivling especially on mondays and saturdays during this Saturn transit!
#GkmSays #SaturnTransit #VedicAstrology #astrology #ASTRO
#Plan Your Day With #Gkmpanchang #GkmSays #Astrology #TechyPanditJi #AajKaPanchang #Horoscope #zodiac #Jyotish #GKMAstrology #DailyPanchang #celebrityastrologer #Onlineastrologer #Panchang #astrology #ASTRO #TodaysPanchang #GajananKrishnaMaharaj #TodaysPanchang
#plan #Gkmpanchang #GkmSays #astrology #TechyPanditJi #AajKaPanchang #horoscope #zodiac #Jyotish #GkmAstrology #DailyPanchang #celebrityastrologer #Onlineastrologer #Panchang #ASTRO #TodaysPanchang #GajananKrishnaMaharaj
In order to see the yoga created by planet,you should also check its placement from moon-sign. For eg if 7th lord of lagna chart is well placed from moon, it can give exceptionally good results. However, if it is 6,8,12 from moon, then you might get success in relationships after many hurdles in life!
#GkmSays #VedicAstrology #ASTRO #astrology
1st house is maranakaraka sthana for shani therefore saturn brings a depressive energy to the first house which makes you too slow day to day working. To eliminate this negative energy,do exercise daily as this will help to release stress from body.I f moon is involved,then guided meditation and mantra chanting is also helpful!
#GkmSays #VedicAstrology #ASTRO #astrology
When saturn is placed in 12th house of the horoscope, many people face heavy losses and expenditures in business at some point in lifetime. Such people should keep on donating regularly to counter the ill effects of saturn in 12th and share their wealth with society as per will of Shani Dev else they will lose that money through medical expenses and business lossess.
#VedicAstrology #astrology #ASTRO #GkmSays
#Plan Your Day With #Gkmpanchang आज का #पंचांग
#GkmSays #Astrology #TechyPanditJi #AajKaPanchang #Horoscope #zodiac #Jyotish #GKMAstrology #DailyPanchang #celebrityastrologer #Onlineastrologer #Panchang #Kundali #TodaysPanchang #GajananKrishnaMaharaj #TodaysPanchang
#plan #Gkmpanchang #पंचांग #GkmSays #astrology #TechyPanditJi #AajKaPanchang #horoscope #zodiac #Jyotish #GkmAstrology #DailyPanchang #celebrityastrologer #Onlineastrologer #Panchang #Kundali #TodaysPanchang #GajananKrishnaMaharaj
The major planets which rule over career in 21st century are Rahu and saturn, their favourable placement can help you to get good opportunities with stable professional career. In order to get support of saturn in job related issues, wear blue shirt to an interview. Also feed boiled rice to crows every saturday for appeasing saturn!
#VedicAstrology #astrology #ASTRO #GkmSays
Jupiter and Rahu together after April 2023 can give rise to false propaganda by Educational institutions & edtech startups and malfunctioning by govt educational institutions. As saturn will be aspecting this combination from Aquarius, its highly likely that Edtech bubble will boom but with holes as many malpractices will come out in public domain!
#VedicAstrology #astrology #ASTRO #GkmSays
आज का #पंचांग
#GkmSays #Astrology #TechyPanditJi #AajKaPanchang #Horoscope #zodiac #Jyotish #GKMAstrology #DailyPanchang #celebrityastrologer #Onlineastrologer #Panchang #Kundali #TodaysPanchang #GajananKrishnaMaharaj
#पंचांग #GkmSays #astrology #TechyPanditJi #AajKaPanchang #horoscope #zodiac #Jyotish #GkmAstrology #DailyPanchang #celebrityastrologer #Onlineastrologer #Panchang #Kundali #TodaysPanchang #GajananKrishnaMaharaj
When Saturn or Jupiter transits from your ascendant, your life takes a huge turn and transforms into new one. Your career and personal relationships change altogether and you might change your place of residence too or altogether shift to a new country. Always watch for dasha too as if the dasha lord and its nakshatra lord is very powerfully placed, then these results will be magnified.
#VedicAstrology #astrology #ASTRO #GkmSays
The ongoing mars retrograde is actually frustrating for Aries, Sagittarius, Scorpio and Taurus sign. They shouldn't loose their calm and doubt their skills as sun is also weak and jupiter is in retrogression too. Give yourself 15 days and the cosmos will answer all your prayers as sun will be out of debilitation, mars and jupiter will be in direct motion!
#VedicAstrology #astrology #ASTRO #GkmSays
When Saturn or Jupiter transits from your ascendant, your life takes a huge turn and transforms into new one.Your career and personal relationships change altogether and you might change your place of residence too or altogether shift to a new country.Always watch for dasha too as if the dasha lord and its nakshatra lord is very powerfully placed,then these results will be magnified.
#VedicAstrology #astrology #GkmSays #ASTRO