Are any #Glasswings peeps having issues viewing the site when logged in?
I can view links Incognito, but not when I'm trying to access them logged-in to the site.
@FiXato @RefurioAnachro among those I'm aware of.
(And yes I've pinged Xanni.)
@dredmorbius shame that Diaspora doesn't have #Zot / #Zap's #NomadicIdentity... Would make these instance deaths easier to deal with...
At least with #Mastodon you can migrate your followers, somewhat, but I wish we could also easily migrate our content...
Any specific reason you went for #Glasswings? I kinda expected you to move to #PlusPora.
Personally I don't think I'll bother creating another #Diaspora* profile, as I barely used my #JoinDiaspora one anyway.
I must admit that one of the reasons I pick JD at the time, was that it seemed to be the flagship instance, and I expected that one to be one of the last to fall. Guess I was wrong. ;)
#zot #zap #nomadicidentity #mastodon #Glasswings #pluspora #diaspora #joindiaspora
Confirming that I've created a newe Diaspora profile on Glasswings
My old profile will be retired when shuts down 1 March 2022
#diaspora #Glasswings #JoindiasporaCom