Re Thanks to BSGI, 33M tonnes of grains were exported to 45 countries, reducing food prices by 25%. EU remains committed to resuming BSGI. Full article:
WFP temporarily halts food aid to Ethiopia
#Ethiopia #TigrayPeople'sLiberationFront(TPLF) #Globalfoodsecurity #HornofAfrica #Drought #Waterscarcity
#WaterScarcity #drought #hornofafrica #GlobalFoodSecurity #TigrayPeople #ethiopia
What's behind EU gripes over Ukrainian grain?
#foodsecurity #grain #globalfoodsecurity #Russia'swarinUkraine
#russia #GlobalFoodSecurity #grain #foodsecurity
Despite hope, Yemen peace talks are oversold, experts say
#saudiarabia #yemen #GlobalFoodSecurity #houthi
RT @EUCouncilPress: Declaration of the Leaders’ Summit on #GlobalFoodSecurity #UNGA
@charlesmichel @SecBlinken @Macky_Sall @sanchezcastejon
RT @CharlesMichel: Food security is THE major global challenge.
Today's crisis is being exacerbated by Russia's war against #Ukraine
Over 200 million people are in acute need of food.
Time to translate our political commitments into concrete action.
#Ukraine #GlobalFoodSecurity #UNGA
ミシェル #欧州理事会 議長は20日、#国連 で開催された「#食料安全保障 サミット」に出席。食料問題が今や世界最大の課題であると訴え、#ロシア のウクライナに対する戦争が危機を悪化させていると指摘し、これまで各国・機関が公約してきた取り組みを実行に移す時だと訴えた #EUinJapan
RT @CharlesMichel: Food security is THE major global challenge.
Today's crisis is being exacerbated by Russia's war against #Ukraine
Over 200 million people are in acute need of food.
Time to translate our political commitments into concrete action.
#欧州理事会 #国連 #食料安全保障 #ロシア #euinjapan #Ukraine #GlobalFoodSecurity #UNGA
RT @EUCouncilPress: Remarks by @eucopresident @CharlesMichel at the #GlobalFoodSecurity Summit in New York #UNGA
Declaration of the Leaders’ Summit on #GlobalFoodSecurity #UNGA
@charlesmichel @SecBlinken @Macky_Sall @sanchezcastejon
Preliminary remarks by @CharlesMichel @eucopresident, at the #GlobalFoodSecurity Summit #UNGA on 20 September 2022 in New York.
"#Foodsecurity is the major global challenge"
#GlobalFoodSecurity #UNGA #FoodSecurity
Remarks by @eucopresident @CharlesMichel at the #GlobalFoodSecurity Summit in New York #UNGA
RT @EUatUN: We are facing a « perfect storm » of food, energy, and financial challenges.
Opening the #GlobalFoodSecurity Summit, @eucopresident called all forces that believe in global cooperation to step up action for food security.
Only together we will get the job done.
RT @CharlesMichel: Food security is THE major global challenge.
Today's crisis is being exacerbated by Russia's war against #Ukraine
Over 200 million people are in acute need of food.
Time to translate our political commitments into concrete action.
#Ukraine #GlobalFoodSecurity #UNGA
We are facing a « perfect storm » of food, energy, and financial challenges.
Opening the #GlobalFoodSecurity Summit, @eucopresident called all forces that believe in global cooperation to step up action for food security.
Only together we will get the job done.
RT @CharlesMichel: Food security is THE major global challenge.
Today's crisis is being exacerbated by Russia's war against #Ukraine
Over 200 million people are in acute need of food.
Time to translate our political commitments into concrete action.
#Ukraine #GlobalFoodSecurity #UNGA
RT @bmel: How can we achieve #GlobalFoodSecurity - despite war in #Ukraine and #ClimateCrisis? Together as international community! The 2-day @G7 Agriculture Ministers' Conference starts tomorrow in Stuttgart.
Fed. Minister @cem_oezdemir welcomes his colleagues and opens the event.
#GlobalFoodSecurity #Ukraine #ClimateCrisis #G7GER