Kenya’s ambitious target of 100% clean energy by 2030 is an inspiration for other countries.
The Roadmap on Green hydrogen will support Kenya towards that goal.
It’s already a success story, powered by #GlobalGateway.
RT EU International Partnerships 🇪🇺
📚 Education means:
Through #GlobalGateway, the EU 🇪🇺 invests in quality education and support skills development as key priorities.
Join us!
Το πρόγραμμα #GlobalGateway για τον άνθρωπο και τον πλανήτη.
Μέσα στο 2023 υποστηρίζουμε 90 προγράμματα στις χώρες εταίρους για:
✔️βιώσιμη κινητικότητα
✔️καθαρή ενέργεια
✔️ψηφιακή συνδεσιμότητα
✔️ανθεκτικά συστήματα υγείας
✔️έρευνα και καινοτομία
RT EU International Partnerships 🇪🇺
The Youth Mobility for Africa initiative is transforming higher education. 📚
In this interview, Commissioner @JuttaUrpilainen highlights the importance of the #GlobalGateway flagship to boost skills & employability for Africa's youth.
📰 Read more in @uniworldnews:
Investimenti Europei per il sostegno economico dell'Africa. UE-Africa: Pacchetto di investimenti Global Gateway. Il pacchetto di investimenti Global Gateway Africa-Europa mira ad assicurare sostegno all'Africa a favore di una ripresa e di una trasformazione..
#AfricaEuropa #AfricaUE #cambiamenticlimatici #energiasostenibile #GlobalGateway #grandiopere #investimenti #NordAfrica #sistemasanitario #Sistemiagroalimentari #stabilitàmacroeconomica #transizioneverde
#africaeuropa #africaue #cambiamenticlimatici #energiasostenibile #GlobalGateway #grandiopere #investimenti #nordafrica #sistemasanitario #sistemiagroalimentari #stabilitamacroeconomica #transizioneverde
RT Arto J. Virtanen
Wasa Future Festival! @JuttaUrpilainen ja @adleande lavalla.
Komissaarin viestit👇
🔹Paradigmamuutos EU-Afrikka -suhteessa
🔸Strateginen autonomia sen ytimessä
🔹#GlobalGateway avaintyökalu muutoksen synnyttämisessä
Kiitos Sture Udd ja tiimi hienosta tapahtumasta! #Vaasa
Pohjanmaalla on draivia, mistä @FutureWasa Festival on ⚡️osoitus!
Keskustelussa mm. kokonaisvaltaiset energiaratkaisut kumppanimaissa.
Kiitos kutsusta, Sture Udd!
Lavalla @adleande kanssa viestini oli strategisen autonomian molemminpuolinen vahvistaminen #GlobalGateway avulla.
A luta contra as desigualdades está no centro do trabalho da 🇪🇺.
#GlobalGateway é nossa contribuição para reduzir a lacuna de financiamento dos #ODS e combater as desigualdades.
Juntos com nossos parceiros, podemos construir um futuro justo para todos.
<div class="rsshub-quote">
European Commission: The fight against inequalities is at the heart of our work.
#GlobalGateway is the EU's contribution to reducing the Sustainable Development Goals #SDGs financing gap and fighting inequalities.
Together with our partners, we can build a fair future for all.
RT UE no Brasil
#TeamEurope investirá mais de € 45 bilhões na América Latina e Caribe até 2027
A #EULAC Digital Alliance apoiará a criação de 2 Copernicus Data Centers regionais para redução do risco de desastres, mitigação de #ClimateChange e monitoramento terrestre e marinho
<div class="rsshub-quote">
🇪🇺 DG DEFIS #StrongerTogether: #TeamEurope will invest over €45 billion in Latin America & the Caribbean until 2027
The #EULAC Digital Alliance will support the creation of 2 regional Copernicus Data Centres for disaster risk reduction, #ClimateChange mitigation, & land and marine monitoring
#TeamEurope #EULAC #ClimateChange #GlobalGateway #StrongerTogether
👩👧👦 Empowered women and young people are key to building prosperous and inclusive societies!
That’s why quality education 📚 and health ⚕️ for all are at the centre of the 🇪🇺 #GlobalGateway strategy.
Let’s make it happen!
#MondayMotivation #GlobalGateway
RT European Commission
The fight against inequalities is at the heart of our work.
#GlobalGateway is the EU's contribution to reducing the Sustainable Development Goals #SDGs financing gap and fighting inequalities.
Together with our partners, we can build a fair future for all.
RT Belen Calvo Uyarra
Pleased to attend the first #Cybertech in Africa! EU is committed to partnering Africa & Rwanda on digital transformation & connectivity, cybersecurity, cyber resilience for development, cybercrime & cyber diplomacy
@Cybersec_Rwanda @RwandaICT
#CybertechInKigali #GlobalGateway
#Cybertech #CybertechInKigali #GlobalGateway
🇪🇺🇵🇭 President @vonderleyen in the Philippines; decides to relaunch negotiations for a Free Trade Agreement, signs #GlobalGateway initiative for a green economy
📸📽️ Photos, videos and more info available here ↓!nyBNDG
"Ningún país o sector está exento de verse afectado por la emergencia climática que vivimos y la forma de enfrentarlo es trabajar junt@s con medidas contundentes. Este es el espíritu de @EUROCLIMA_UE_AL y la Hoja de Ruta que presentamos": @MenghiniEU, Jefe de Cooperación 🇪🇺
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Programa Euroclima: @MincomercioCo @giz_colombia Desde la @UEenColombia Alberto Menghini, Jefe de Cooperación de la Unión Europea resalta la importancia de la alianza estratégica entre la #UE y #Colombia y las oportunidades del #GlobalGateway para las energías renovables
Sigue el evento en vivo
🎉 O Fórum #EULAC uniu jovens, sociedade civil e autoridades locais para fortalecer a parceria UE – América Latina e Caribe.
Suas valiosas recomendações foram compartilhadas com os líderes, abrindo caminho para o nosso futuro comum.
Veja o vídeo de encerramento!
<div class="rsshub-quote">
EU International Partnerships 🇪🇺: 🎉 The #EULAC Forum united youth, civil society & local authorities to strengthen the EU – Latin America & Caribbean partnership.
Their valuable recommendations were shared with leaders, paving the way for our common future.
Take a look at the wrap-up video!
🎉 El Foro #EULAC unió a jóvenes, sociedad civil y autoridades locales para fortalecer la asociación UE - América Latina y el Caribe.
Sus valiosas recomendaciones fueron compartidas con los líderes, allanando el camino para nuestro futuro común. ⬇️
#GlobalGateway #UECELAC
<div class="rsshub-quote">
EU International Partnerships 🇪🇺: 🎉 The #EULAC Forum united youth, civil society & local authorities to strengthen the EU – Latin America & Caribbean partnership.
Their valuable recommendations were shared with leaders, paving the way for our common future.
Take a look at the wrap-up video!
#EULAC #GlobalGateway #UECELAC
El Foro #EULAC reunió a jóvenes, sociedad civil y autoridades locales para fortalecer la asociación UE-América Latina y el Caribe. Sus valiosas recomendaciones fueron compartidas con los líderes, allanando el camino para nuestro futuro común.
<div class="rsshub-quote">
EU International Partnerships 🇪🇺: 🎉 The #EULAC Forum united youth, civil society & local authorities to strengthen the EU – Latin America & Caribbean partnership.
Their valuable recommendations were shared with leaders, paving the way for our common future.
Take a look at the wrap-up video!
El Foro #EULAC reunió a jóvenes, sociedad civil y autoridades locales para fortalecer la alianza entre la🇪🇺 y América Latina y el Caribe.
Sus valiosas recomendaciones fueron compartidas con los líderes, preparando el camino para el futuro común.
¡Mira el resumen! #GlobalGateway
<div class="rsshub-quote">
EU International Partnerships 🇪🇺: 🎉 The #EULAC Forum united youth, civil society & local authorities to strengthen the EU – Latin America & Caribbean partnership.
Their valuable recommendations were shared with leaders, paving the way for our common future.
Take a look at the wrap-up video!
#TeamEurope au #Bénin: Retrouvez en intégralité la tribune conjointe des ambassades d'🇩🇪, de 🇧🇪, des 🇳🇱, de 🇫🇷 et de l'🇪🇺 sur le partenariat UE-Afrique et ses solutions concrètes et de long terme pour le 🇧🇯
#TeamEurope #Bénin #GlobalGateway #PlusFortsEnsemble
RT EU International Partnerships 🇪🇺
🎉 The #EULAC Forum united youth, civil society & local authorities to strengthen the EU – Latin America & Caribbean partnership.
Their valuable recommendations were shared with leaders, paving the way for our common future.
Take a look at the wrap-up video!