Earthworm · @earthworm
421 followers · 1522 posts · Server

There are Indian/Hindi* instances:
- (Admin: @Deus)
- (Admin:

(Thank you for your work, BTW! 🧡🤍💚)

But your question is valid, as the Global South is totally underrepresented.
Mastodon is still strongly dominated by white North America and Europe. Japan has some very large instances, but there is limited interaction. Latin/South America is also growing.
With every new wave, some new regions join, I saw in the last wave entering many Turkish accounts, for example.

The network effect is a thing. We need to be welcoming to people from these places and invest some time to make the early adopters feel comfortable (e.g. by boosting them to facilitate them to find their peers).

For a more diverse Fediverse! :fediverso: :black_sparkling_heart:

*As you asked for Hindus, I unsure whether you are interested in followers of the religion or people from India.

@MarkoHelgenko @autistic_enby

#fedidiversity #globalcommunity #india #hindi #fediversity #GlobalSouth

Last updated 1 year ago

Евросоюз · @EUinRussia
14 followers · 489 posts · Server

«Атаки России на Одессу должны восприниматься так, как они есть:
Смертоносные "продовольственные ракеты", выпущенные прямо по глобальной продовольственной безопасности и наиболее уязвимым жителям "Глобального Юга".
Это должно прекратиться сейчас же».
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Charles Michel: Russia’s attacks on Odesa need to be seen for what they are:
Lethal ‘food missiles’ shot directly at global food security and the most vulnerable in the .
This must stop now.



Last updated 1 year ago

🇪🇺EU at UN-NY · @EUatUN
85 followers · 5329 posts · Server

RT Charles Michel
Russia’s attacks on Odesa need to be seen for what they are:
Lethal ‘food missiles’ shot directly at global food security and the most vulnerable in the .
This must stop now.



Last updated 1 year ago

Brazil and Germany have almost equal amount of airplane passengers. Brazil still has 2,5 times the population. Distances are way bigger and an established train system almost don't exist.

#ClimateChange #ClimateJustice #GlobalSouth #greenwashing #middleclass

Last updated 1 year ago

EU Agriculture🌱 · @EUAgri
156 followers · 2349 posts · Server

RT @FAOScienceChief: Moving forward, to catch up with delays in achieving , esp. , we need:

☑️Investments in frontier technologies
☑️Increase the capacity of the
☑️Making intentional interventions for women, , young people and smal-scale producers.


#SDGs #ZeroHunger #GlobalSouth #IndigenousPeoples

Last updated 1 year ago

21日、 閉幕後、ミシェル欧州理事会議長は、G7諸国と を必要な限り支援し、気候変動、貧困、安全保障に関してグローバル・サウスとの関係を強化し、欧州の価値と利益を守る、と述べた。
RT @CharlesMichel: Defending European values and interests with @G7 partners by:

▪️backing for as long as it takes
▪️stepping up ties with on climate change, poverty and security.

Will reaffirm this strong message at tomorrow's summit.


#G7 #広島サミット #ウクライナ #Ukraine #GlobalSouth #EUKorea

Last updated 1 year ago

EU Neighbourhood & Enlargement · @eu_near
205 followers · 7241 posts · Server

RT @CharlesMichel: Defending European values and interests with @G7 partners by:

▪️backing for as long as it takes
▪️stepping up ties with on climate change, poverty and security.

Will reaffirm this strong message at tomorrow's summit.


#Ukraine #GlobalSouth #EUKorea

Last updated 1 year ago

Charles Michel · @eucopresident
191 followers · 566 posts · Server

RT @CharlesMichel: Defending European values and interests with @G7 partners by:

▪️backing for as long as it takes
▪️stepping up ties with on climate change, poverty and security.

Will reaffirm this strong message at tomorrow's summit.


#Ukraine #GlobalSouth #EUKorea

Last updated 1 year ago

punko · @punko
483 followers · 3528 posts · Server
Udo Bullmann · @UdoBullmann
13 followers · 399 posts · Server

2023 marks the mid-term of : to reach our goals, it takes renewed commitment globally! In our report, @PetrosKokkalis and I call for an ambitious EU strategy, stronger cooperation with the and broadening of the fiscal space to implement the .


#Agenda2030 #GlobalSouth #SDGs

Last updated 2 years ago

punko · @punko
237 followers · 1421 posts · Server
Eva Maydell (Paunova) · @EvaMaydell
4 followers · 883 posts · Server

The Act is here & it needs to:

- Reduce supply chain risks & dependencies.
- Deepen strategic international cooperation.
- Create attractive & equal partnerships with .
- Ensure regulatory coherence with & industrial priorities.
RT @vonderleyen: Without critical raw materials, there is no green transition and digital transition.

The Critical Raw Materials Act will improve Europe's refining, processing and recycli…


#criticalRawMaterials #GlobalSouth #ChipsAct #EU

Last updated 2 years ago

Cem Özdemir · @cem_oezdemir
1702 followers · 1457 posts · Server

RT @GermanyInAfrica: Building more resilient 🙏🏽
@UNIDO Director General @DGgerdmueller & 🇩🇪 Minister of Food & Agriculture @cem_oezdemir have agreed on expanding cooperation on development & sustainable supply chain management in the 🌍.


#FoodSystems #agribusiness #GlobalSouth

Last updated 2 years ago

Tanja Fajon · @tfajon
6 followers · 1587 posts · Server

It is important that us, developed countries, are humble & show respect in our relationship w/ .

Developing countries want to be our equal partners & our cooperation must always be two-way.

This is key for , achieving & 🌍


#GlobalSouth #BuildingTrust #SDGs #SecuringFuture #LDC5

Last updated 2 years ago

Miguel Urbán Crespo · @MiguelUrban
42 followers · 1376 posts · Server

Hemos cerrado la jornada sobre crisis global y alternativas desde el con un acto en el que dibujar alternativas y tejer redes para la con ponentes de 4 continentes. Ha sido un placer poder participar y acoger este espacio de reflexión para la acción


#GlobalSouth #GlobalResistance

Last updated 2 years ago

Sam Butler · @sambutlerUS
157 followers · 23 posts · Server

1. A collective, international front — of laborers, farmers, nurses, parents and caretakers builders and architects, workers and technicians, couriers and municipal workers — leading localization efforts (centered around agroecology and local food sovereignty, and local worker/community-owned industries and services), pushing for demilitarization and a transition to peacetime economies, pushing for climate debt payments from rich/imperialist/colonial countries to the countries they have oppressed and kept poor, pushing for land back and agrarian reform.

2. Growing agroecological food in local foodsheds, mapped over local watersheds.

3. Demanding demilitarization, transition to peacetime economies, and the conversion of existing military industrial bases into factories that export technologies for transitioning worlds.

4. Demanding land back, property reform, the honoring of treaty rights, land to those that work it, and universal housing — paid for by the state, as cities like Vienna and Singapore have done.

5. All of the things we need, we get automatically from living in a community — doing so in a way that does not damage the non-human environment, that uses locally sourced and stewarded materials, that provides fair wages and ownership to workers and community, including to those who provide domestic work and all others whose work and contributions are ignored in the capitalist budgets.

This can begin with worker and community-led cooperative efforts, to produce and provision the things we need and the services we wish for — starting with food, wherever we are — and aligned with internationalist and ecological values. It can likewise start with the localization of materials, services, landscape management (which provides local material inputs), and the transition of existing services into worker and community-owned services. Transition what we have already to worker and community ownership, and build what we need with worker and community ownership — all with local production and inputs, and international and ecological values. Transition our economic activity to these local circuits. Fight and build. Struggle and choice.

Want to join the front, and start making this real — locally and internationally? You can join this instance ( so we can start communicating and collaborating. Know other groups/people who would want to join? You can invite/add them to the group once you join. (This is an initial step to help communicate and collaborate — we can build and design other ways to communicate and collaborate as well.)

📌 Join:

This is in the spirit of the People's Agreement of Cochabamba (2010), and building on that, Max Ajl's "A People's Green New Deal". More details on that below.

#international #solidarity #cooperative #coop #agroecology #Demilitarization #transition #decolonize #Community #landback #MutualAid #Watersheds #Organizing #local #labor #workers #climate #climateemergency #GlobalSouth #degrowth #PostGrowth #ClimateCrisis #biodiversity #socialism

Last updated 2 years ago

Voltairine · @Voltairine
94 followers · 88 posts · Server

A few of the things I find frustrating about so-called "campism" or "Third Worldism" as espoused by US/UK Marxist-Leninist(-Maoist) micro-parties:

1) The Third World/Non-Aligned movement(s) was explicitly NOT about defending Stalinism. It was about creating an alternative to US *and* USSR imperialism. Leaders like Mosaddegh (Iran), Castro (Cuba), Nkrumah (Ghana) were not Stalinist drones; they had complex relationships with the Soviets and the West (and China, for that matter). Furthermore, each had *different* relationships with these superpowers and those relationships evolved over time. Take a gander at the *dizzyingly* nuanced analysis of major global issues in this speech by Castro on the Havana Declaration:

Sample quotes:

"We are 95 countries, from every continent, and we represent the immense majority of humankind. We are united by the determination to defend collaboration among our countries, free national and social development, sovereignty, security, equality and free determination. We are associated in the endeavor to change the current system of international relations which are based on injustice, inequality and oppression. We act in international politics as an independent global factor."

"We the Non-Aligned Movement countries insist that it is necessary to eliminate the abysmal inequality that separates the developed countries from the developing countries. We are fighting for that in order to abolish the poverty, hunger, disease and illiteracy that still plague hundreds of millions of human beings. We strive for a new world order, based on justice, equity and peace, that replaces the unjust and unequal system reigning today, in which, as proclaimed in the Declaration of Havana, “wealth continues to be concentrated in the hands of a few powers whose economies, founded on pillaging, are maintained thanks to the exploitation of the workers and the transfer and pillage of natural and other resources of the peoples of Africa, Latin America, Asia and other regions throughout the world”."

"The most reputed economists, both in the West and those subscribing to Marxist concepts, admit that the form in which the international debt system of developing countries functions is completely irrational and that maintaining it threatens to bring on a sudden interruption which would endanger the entire precarious and unstable world economic balance."

2) Opposition to US imperialism doesn't make a leader necessarily good, and it certainly doesn't make them perfect. See for instance: Shining Path, Khmer Rouge, North Korea.

3) It is insulting to the rich intellectual and political histories of Third World/Global South countries to either demonize them or put them on a pedestal. Actual respect for their ideas and histories requires us to learn about them and critically engage them instead of declaring some leader, party, or group a spokesperson for billions of diverse people. As Kimberle Crenshaw, who coined the term intersectionality, reminds us: there are always differences *within* marginalized groups as well as between them. As feminists, ethnic minorities, and anarchists in the Global South have long reminded us, Third World nationalism is at best *complex* and not straightforwardly laudatory.

Some good books to read on these themes: Uma Narayan's Dislocating Cultures, Adom Getachew's Worldmaking After Empire: The Rise and Fall of Self-Determination, Benedict Anderson's Under Three Flags: Anarchism and the Anti-Colonial Imagination, Robin D. G. Kelley's Freedom Dreams, Saba Mahmood's The Politics of Piety. This doesn't even scratch the surface.

4) They're not even fucking Leninists and they certainly don't follow Castro either. Louis Proyect (himself a Leninist/Trotskyist) makes a damning case in this regard:

5) Deifying Third World leaders makes it harder to critically assess their accomplishments and shortcomings. For instance, how often do you hear anyone except liberals talking about how abortion is still illegal in Bolivia? Or about Nkrumahism and misogyny? Or about the trajectory of Indian nationalism, which evolved from promising but problematic into genocidal ethnonationalist authoritarian Hindutva?

6) Having to wade through all the Western ML(M) bullshit makes it harder to form actual relationships of solidarity with comrades in the Global South.

#anarchism #GlobalSouth #tankies #campism #microsect

Last updated 2 years ago

Voltairine · @Voltairine
70 followers · 54 posts · Server

A few of the things I find frustrating about so-called "campism" or "Third Worldism" as espoused by US/UK Marxist-Leninist(-Maoist) micro-parties:

1) The Third World/Non-Aligned movement(s) was explicitly NOT about defending Stalinism. It was about creating an alternative to US *and* USSR imperialism. Leaders like Mossadeq (Iran), Castro (Cuba), Nkrumah (Ghana) were not Stalinist drones; they had complex relationships with the Soviets and the West (and China, for that matter). Furthermore, each had *different* relationships with these superpowers and those relationships evolved over time. Take a gander at the *dizzyingly* nuanced analysis of major global issues in this speech by Castro on the Havana Declaration:

Sample quotes:

"We are 95 countries, from every continent, and we represent the immense majority of humankind. We are united by the determination to defend collaboration among our countries, free national and social development, sovereignty, security, equality and free determination. We are associated in the endeavor to change the current system of international relations which are based on injustice, inequality and oppression. We act in international politics as an independent global factor."

"We the Non-Aligned Movement countries insist that it is necessary to eliminate the abysmal inequality that separates the developed countries from the developing countries. We are fighting for that in order to abolish the poverty, hunger, disease and illiteracy that still plague hundreds of millions of human beings. We strive for a new world order, based on justice, equity and peace, that replaces the unjust and unequal system reigning today, in which, as proclaimed in the Declaration of Havana, “wealth continues to be concentrated in the hands of a few powers whose economies, founded on pillaging, are maintained thanks to the exploitation of the workers and the transfer and pillage of natural and other resources of the peoples of Africa, Latin America, Asia and other regions throughout the world”."

"The most reputed economists, both in the West and those subscribing to Marxist concepts, admit that the form in which the international debt system of developing countries functions is completely irrational and that maintaining it threatens to bring on a sudden interruption which would endanger the entire precarious and unstable world economic balance."

2) Opposition to US imperialism doesn't make a leader necessarily good, and it certainly doesn't make them perfect. See for instance: Shining Path, Khmer Rouge, North Korea.

3) It is insulting to the rich intellectual and political histories of Third World/Global South countries to either demonize them or put them on a pedestal. Actual respect for their ideas and histories requires us to learn about them and critically engage them instead of declaring some leader, party, or group a spokesperson for billions of diverse people. As Kimberle Crenshaw, who coined the term intersectionality, reminds us: there are always differences *within* marginalized groups as well as between them. As feminists, ethnic minorities, and anarchists in the Global South have long reminded us, Third World nationalism is at best *complex* and not straightforwardly laudatory.

Some good books to read on these themes: Uma Narayan's Dislocating Cultures, Adom Getachew's Worldmaking After Empire: The Rise and Fall of Self-Determination, Benedict Anderson's Under Three Flags: Anarchism and the Anti-Colonial Imagination, Robin D. G. Kelley's Freedom Dreams, Saba Mahmood's The Politics of Piety. This doesn't even scratch the surface.

4) They're not even fucking Leninists and they certainly don't follow Castro either. Louis Proyect (himself a Leninist/Trotskyist) makes a damning case in this regard:

5) Deifying Third World leaders makes it harder to critically assess their accomplishments and shortcomings. For instance, how often do you hear anyone except liberals talking about how abortion is still illegal in Bolivia? Or about Nkrumahism and misogyny? Or about the trajectory of Indian nationalism, which evolved from promising but problematic into genocidal ethnonationalist authoritarian Hindutva?

6) Having to wade through all the Western ML(M) bullshit makes it harder to form actual relationships of solidarity with comrades in the Global South.

#anarchism #GlobalSouth #tankies #campism #microsect

Last updated 2 years ago

Ardor · @Ardor
129 followers · 171 posts · Server

RT @DebtforClimate
1/9 As we demand the cancellation of the debt of the by standing in solidarity with the people of the Global South and the movement at .

The 1st week of has ended and we have seen no just results


#DebtForClimate #GlobalSouth #ClimateJustice #cop27 #GlobalDayofAction

Last updated 2 years ago

Marc Botenga · @botengam
15 followers · 517 posts · Server

Listen. Don't lecture. @shada_islam hitting the nail on the head.
👉 "The EU's constant finger-wagging and moralising is becoming unbearably repetitive and self-defeating. Most countries in the Global South view it as Eurocentric and neo-colonial."
RT @shada_islam: My latest column for @euobs 👉👉 should admonish less, and listen more, to the


#EU #GlobalSouth

Last updated 2 years ago