@mte90 trovo che questo articolo sia troppo vago. Alla fin fine non si capisce CHI scrive COSA? Queste grosse aziende contribuiscono a QUALI progetti? Ad esempio chi c'è dietro #Gnome43 e chi dietro #kdeplasma5 ? Chi sviluppa #libreoffice ? Cosa significa "grosso progetto"? Non mi sembra che #gimp sia un progetto amatoriale ma non mi risulta che abbia dietro grosse aziende a sostegno.
#Gnome43 #kdeplasma5 #libreoffice #gimp
While using USB storage device on Linux Ubuntu .. what's the difference between "Safety remove", "Eject", and "unmount"
#Linux #linuxkernel #ubuntu #ubuntustudio #ubuntumate #cinnamon #Gnome43
#linux #linuxkernel #ubuntu #ubuntustudio #ubuntumate #cinnamon #Gnome43
@gnome As someone who uses an OLED screen, I find it hard to understand why #Gnome43 does not come with features that would help prevent the top bar from burning-in.
The auto-hide extension does not work correctly on #Wayland and the gradient/transparency extensions do not prevent the text/icons from burning in. It would surely be welcoming to new users if they could prevent their screens from getting damaged.
If anyone is aware of a good solution, please let me know.
Listo, así quedo después de darle algún rato de cariño a mi #DebianTesting.
RT @xtecnomundo
Pues no puedes dejar quieta la mente de un aprendiz linuxero.... #debian11testing con #Gnome43. https://t.co/LZ5oo2BEMG
#debiantesting #debian11testing #Gnome43
Pues no puedes dejar quieta la mente de un aprendiz linuxero.... #debian11testing con #Gnome43.
Etwas Instabil mein installiertes #LibreOffice Mein Bug Tracker "Problemberichterstattung" unter #GNOME43 hat seit langem einen Crash erfassen können. Gleich den Fehler online gemeldet. Mal sehen was die Experten finden.
So gut auch das Passwort Programm #KeePassXC auch ist, aber unter #Fedora37, #GNOME43 und bei meinen 4K Monitor ist das Schriftbild einfach zu klein ☹️ Das nutzen wir hierbei einfach zur Qual. KeePassXC ist ein Qt Programm und ich finde nicht den Schalter um die Schriftgröße zu ändern. Idee?
#Fedora37 #PasswortManager
#OpenSource #Qt #Schriftgröße #Linux
#keepassxc #Fedora37 #Gnome43 #passwortmanager #opensource #qt #schriftgroße #linux
#gnome43 users, if you are noticing a duplicate first key stroke in the launcher, and you have the dash-to-dock extension installed, try going to the extension settings, under appearance and untoggle show overview on startup.
Thanks to @ebassi for bringing the bug to my attention (and to the poster in the issue who found the workaround 👍)
Noticing that with #gnome43 I’m getting an extra copy of the first letter when I use the launcher. So I end up searching for ‘ssoftware’! Didn’t notice it when I first upgraded to #Fedora37?!
Anyone else noticed this?
#gnome #fedora #FedoraSilverblue #silverblue
#Gnome43 #Fedora37 #gnome #fedora #FedoraSilverblue #silverblue
‘Folder Color’ Tool Add Support for Ubuntu 22.10
You’re probably already familiar with Folder Color, a terrifically nifty tool that makes it easy to change the colour of folder icons in Nautilus. Well, I’ve some good news: it recently added support for Ubuntu 22.10 and GNOME 43. This means you can continue to change the colour of any folder in Nautilus, as well as badge folders with a selection of emblems. If you’ve used the tool in earlier versions of Ubuntu and Nautilus nothing has changed: right-click on any folder in the file manager and page into the ‘folder color’ menu, and pick a hue from the list :sys_more_orange:
#News #FolderColor #Gnome43 #Nautilus #Ubuntu22_10
:sys_omgubuntu: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2022/11/folder-color-ubuntu-22-10-gnome-43-support
#news #foldercolor #Gnome43 #Nautilus #Ubuntu22_10
TIL #Gnome43 has Wireguard integration, but no config options in the settings app yet. If you're using wg-quick now, you can import the profile:
```nmcli connection import type wireguard file /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf```
This will give you a neat toggle in the quick settings area. Optionally you can change the name:
```nmcli connection modify "wg0" connection.id "Office"```
‘Compact Quick Settings’ Puts GNOME’s New Menu on a Size Diet
I highlight a new GNOME extension for GNOME 43 that reduces the width of the new Quick Settings Menu. It uses a single column of interactive pods.
#News #Gnome43 #GnomeExtensions #QuickSettings
:sys_omgubuntu: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2022/11/compact-quick-settings-gnome-extension
#news #Gnome43 #GnomeExtensions #QuickSettings
Установила на ноутбуке Fedora 37 с LXQT.
В принципе всё работает, ничего не отваливается и даже anaconda ни разу не упала, хотя и несколько раз подвисала при попытке что-то найти по 4м буквам (на поиске пакета русификации libreoffice). Сразу после установки прилетело обновлений на 600 мб (это в первый-то день релиза!))) - очередная итерация ядра 6.0 (6.0.7 до 6.0.8, ну и всё что с ними связано) и так "по-мелочи".
Перед установкой пробовала потыкать их gnome версию - но не!) местами почему-то всё прям заметно подтормаживало. Музыку и видео в проприетарных форматах воспроизводило ровно до момента нажатия кнопочки (добавить источники ограниченного софта) - после этого - всё, алес капут - ничего не воспроизводит! И да, почему-то в лайв-режиме федора в "настройках" показывает, что установлена неизвестная версия гнома ))).
#lxqt #Gnome43 #Fedora37 #fedora