A $402K GoFundMe Scam Leads to a Three-Year Prison Term.
https://edition.cnn.com/2023/01/08/us/gofundme-prison-scam-new-jersey-homeless-man/index.html #gofund #scam #onlinescam
Just posting this here as a boost for my friend Sarah, she relies on her powerchair and unfortunately the suspension has gone on it making it unfit for use. She is currently gofunding a new one which wasnt the road she wanted to go down. It would mean a lot if anyone could give her a boost by sharing her link which has more information: https://www.gofundme.com/f/sarah87 :blobcatheart: :blobcatlove: #gofundme #gofund #fundraising #gofundmedonations
#gofundmedonations #fundraising #GoFund #gofundme