Virginie Joron · @v_joron
11 followers · 1017 posts · Server

Toutes ses phrases posent problème :

Cette dédicace du prix Bill Gates a quel rapport avec ces millions d’européens ?

Quel système de santé ils veulent mettre en place ?

Cette fondation a quelle légitimité ?

La Commission n’a toujours pas de compétence directe en santé.
RT @v_joron: « Honoré d'avoir reçu le prix @gatesfoundation .

Je le dédie aux millions d'Européens qui ont fait preuve de solidarité pendant la…



Last updated 2 years ago

Hermann Tertsch · @hermanntertsch
0 followers · 11943 posts · Server

España, con sus colas del hambre y con muchos de sus ancianos viviendo en condiciones de miseria dona 130 millones a un hombre cuya fortuna personal supera los 115 mil millones de dólares.
Cuando dicen que Sánchez busca trabajo más bien compra doradas jubilaciones con el erario.
RT @sanchezcastejon: Gracias a @BillGates y @melindagates por la invitación para participar en este . La labor que realiza la @gatesfoun…



Last updated 2 years ago🌻 · @aral
25010 followers · 19524 posts · Server

“Billionaire philanthrocapitalism will not save us. The Gates Foundation invited me to speak at their annual event and I could only show up in that space if I challenged it. Here’s some of what I said…” – Mikaela Loach


#institutionalcorruption #billionaires #speakingtruthtopower #Goalkeepers2030

Last updated 2 years ago

Daniel Rodríguez Herrera · @multivac
572 followers · 19888 posts · Server


Gracias a y por la invitación para participar en este . La labor que realiza la para alcanzar los ODS de la es fundamental y por ello España donará 130 M€ durante los próximos tres años a la


#agenda2030 #Goalkeepers2030

Last updated 2 years ago

Virginie Joron · @v_joron
11 followers · 1017 posts · Server

« Honoré d'avoir reçu le prix @gatesfoundation .

Je le dédie aux millions d'Européens qui ont fait preuve de solidarité pendant la pandémie.

Ensemble, nous construisons maintenant des systèmes de santé plus solides dans le monde entier, pour l'avenir. » VDL
RT @vonderleyen: Honoured to have received the @gatesfoundation award.

I dedicate it to the millions of Europeans who showed solidarity during …



Last updated 2 years ago

Nicolás González Casares · @nicogoncas
1 followers · 1865 posts · Server

RT @gatesfoundation: “There is room for progress, if we continue building on the positive steps we have taken.” @sanchezcastejon

Let’s keep the momentum going.



Last updated 2 years ago

European Commission in Cyprus · @EUCYPRUS
17 followers · 3151 posts · Server

«Είναι τιμή μου που λαμβάνω το @gatesfoundation Βραβείο .

Το αφιερώνω στα εκατομμύρια των Ευρωπαίων που έδειξαν αλληλεγγύη κατά τη διάρκεια της πανδημίας.

Mαζί χτίζουμε ισχυρότερα συστήματα υγείας παγκοσμίως, για το μέλλον.»!R4BfYC
RT @vonderleyen: Honoured to have received the @gatesfoundation award.

I dedicate it to the millions of Europeans who showed solidarity during the p…



Last updated 2 years ago

Florian Philippot · @f_philippot
14 followers · 2508 posts · Server

La dingue d’Ursula est fière d’avoir reçu le prix de la Fondation Gates !

On n’est pas étonné : la même caste qui nous pourrit la vie !

Montrez vos SMS avec Pfizer plutôt ! Vite !
RT @vonderleyen: Honoured to have received the @gatesfoundation award.

I dedicate it to the millions of Europeans who showed solidarity during the pandemic.
Together we are now building stronger health systems worldwi…


#UrsulaTaisToi #Goalkeepers2030

Last updated 2 years ago

Unión Europea en Guatemala · @UEGuatemala
12 followers · 3741 posts · Server

"Es un honor haber recibido el premio @gatesfoundation

Lo dedico a los millones de europeos que se solidarizaron durante la pandemia.

Juntos ahora estamos construyendo sistemas de salud más sólidos en todo el mundo, para el futuro."!R4BfYC
RT @vonderleyen: Honoured to have received the @gatesfoundation award.

I dedicate it to the millions of Europeans who showed solidarity du…



Last updated 2 years ago

Jorge Buxadé · @Jorgebuxade
0 followers · 2315 posts · Server

¿Con qué fundamento el autócrata pretende coger 130 millones de euros de los españoles que deberían dedicarse a aliviar la salud de los españoles y contribuir a la mejora del sistema sanitario se entregan a una fundación privada que persigue imponerse a los estados soberanos?
RT @sanchezcastejon: Gracias a @BillGates y @melindagates por la invitación para participar en este . La labor que realiza la @gatesfoundation…



Last updated 2 years ago

Jorge Buxadé · @Jorgebuxade
0 followers · 2315 posts · Server

Pidiendo excusas al maestro Bécquer…

Qué es globalismo?, dices mientras clavas
en mi pupila tu pupila azul.
¿Qué es globalismo? ¿Y tú me lo preguntas?
Globalismo... eres tú.
RT @vonderleyen: Honoured to have received the @gatesfoundation award.

I dedicate it to the millions of Europeans who showed solidarity during the pandemic.
Together we are now building stronger health systems worldwide, for the future.



Last updated 2 years ago

Jorge Buxadé · @Jorgebuxade
0 followers · 2315 posts · Server

130 millones a una fundación privada para implementar la Agenda 2030.

Que nos sigan llamando conspiranoicos, nosotros seguiremos diciendo que ese dinero debería estar aliviando la situación de los trabajadores españoles. Y sabemos que la mayoría social está con nosotros.
RT @sanchezcastejon: Gracias a @BillGates y @melindagates por la invitación para participar en este . La labor que realiza la @gatesfoundation pa…



Last updated 2 years ago

Ursula von der Leyen · @vonderleyen
1159 followers · 708 posts · Server

Honoured to have received the @gatesfoundation award.

I dedicate it to the millions of Europeans who showed solidarity during the pandemic.
Together we are now building stronger health systems worldwide, for the future.!R4BfYC



Last updated 2 years ago

EU-kommissionen · @EC_StockholmRep
22 followers · 1075 posts · Server

RT @vonderleyen: Honoured to have received the @gatesfoundation award.

I dedicate it to the millions of Europeans who showed solidarity during the pandemic.
Together we are now building stronger health systems worldwide, for the future.



Last updated 2 years ago

EC AV Service · @EC_AVService
12 followers · 2243 posts · Server

RT @vonderleyen: Honoured to have received the @gatesfoundation award.

I dedicate it to the millions of Europeans who showed solidarity during the pandemic.
Together we are now building stronger health systems worldwide, for the future.



Last updated 2 years ago

EU-Kommission Wien · @EUKommWien
89 followers · 2203 posts · Server

RT @vonderleyen: Honoured to have received the @gatesfoundation award.

I dedicate it to the millions of Europeans who showed solidarity during the pandemic.
Together we are now building stronger health systems worldwide, for the future.



Last updated 2 years ago

🇪🇺EU at UN-NY · @EUatUN
59 followers · 3054 posts · Server

Accepting her award, @EU_Commission President @vonderleyen urged sharing technology and know-how with the world.

The EU has started to team up with Africa & Latin America to create vaccine manufacturing capacity & the necessary ecosystems in these regions.
RT @vonderleyen: Honoured to have received the @gatesfoundation award.

I dedicate it to the millions of Europeans who showed solidarity during th…



Last updated 2 years ago

Komisja Europejska · @EUinPL
42 followers · 1125 posts · Server

RT @vonderleyen: Honoured to have received the @gatesfoundation award.

I dedicate it to the millions of Europeans who showed solidarity during the pandemic.
Together we are now building stronger health systems worldwide, for the future.



Last updated 2 years ago

EU Commission in Ireland · @eurireland
178 followers · 3050 posts · Server

RT @vonderleyen: Honoured to have received the @gatesfoundation award.

I dedicate it to the millions of Europeans who showed solidarity during the pandemic.
Together we are now building stronger health systems worldwide, for the future.



Last updated 2 years ago