RT @AUTOMATONJapan: “2がないのに3を作ってしまった”、おバカなヤギゲー最新作『Goat Simulator 3』🐐
3になって進化した『Goat Simulator 3』はとにかくすべてがクレイジー。ヤギならなにしても許される!やりたい放題!人間社会を潰しちゃおう
#GoatSimulator3 #PR https://t.co/BxFdd0YtgT
Goat Sim 3 is one of the daftest, bonkers, silly, batshit crazy, funniest games I've ever played... And I can't recommend it enough. It's awesome!
Definitely get it if you can.
I just achieved the platinum trophy this morning 🏆😁🐐
#GoatSimulator3 #platinumtrophy #playstation5 #ps5
In #GoatSimulator3 there's one mission that is basically collect all the things scattered around the area and bring them in one place, and it's pretty much the worst part of the game.
Given the nature of the game, I have a feeling that that mission in particular was made to be bad on purpose.
There are some good games I've noticed that have at least one notable bad part in them, so I think the Goat Sim devs took note of that and did what they did.
Take Two have taken down Goat Simulator 3's ad with leaked GTA 6 footage - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/take-two-have-taken-down-goat-simulator-3s-ad-with-leaked-gta-6-footage #CoffeeStainStudios #GoatSimulator3 #OpenWorld #Take-Two #Rockstar #GTA6
#gta6 #rockstar #take #openworld #GoatSimulator3 #coffeestainstudios
Die Entwickler von #GoatSimulator3 haben Inhalte aus dem #GTA6 Leak für humorige Werbung genutzt. Take Two fand das gar nicht lustig und veranlasst die Löschung: https://winfuture.de/news,133646.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia
Bei uns sind die Ziegen los... #GoatSimulator3
Trying to concentrate on work while my 8yo plays #GoatSimulator3 and gives a running commentary as he does so. I can't even put headphones on as I need to listen for the door bell.
A Goat Simulator 3 Discord bot is telling players to play the game via Steam if they want controller support, but it's an Epic exclusive. #GoatSimulator3 https://gamesense.co/game/goat-simulator-3/news/discuss/goat-simulator-3-says-use-steam-for-controller-support/
A Goat Simulator 3 Discord bot is telling players to play the game via Steam if they want controller support, but it's an Epic exclusive. #GoatSimulator3 https://gamesense.co/game/goat-simulator-3/news/discuss/goat-simulator-3-says-use-steam-for-controller-support/
My son and I finally finished all the quests in #GoatSimulator3 yesterday and it felt really good.
More #GoatSimulator3 with my 8yo this morning, having had my usual Saturday morning lie in with a cup of tea.
Planning on buying a #ChristmasTree later, and possibly some new decorations to go on it.
#GoatSimulator3 #christmastree
Fortnite: Goat Simulator 3-Outfit jetzt im Shop verfügbar
#Xbox #InsideXboxDE #TeamXbox #Fortnite #GoatSimulator3 #Repost
#xbox #insidexboxde #TeamXbox #fortnite #GoatSimulator3 #repost